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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

irstupid said:
VXIII said:

So, he shouldn't brag about the character design because you don't like them.. subjectively...?


talking about being stereotype.

I'm not talking about my tastes.  Though I do find them dumb.  The community as a whole, websites, users, ect. all over have ben shitting on this "boy band its emo leader" for year.  It's not new.

I was just pointing out its funny he is making fun of the muscle army look when this game has very much contraversial looks for its chraacters.  They are definately not loved by all or very many period.  You probably find as many people that love these looks as you would if they were 4 muscled up army dudes.

Lets not even get into the stereotype of the group as a whole.  Each one fits a total cliche character trope.

Ok, but how often do you actually see a set of characters that look like FFXV's  in a AAA RPG?  Much less any AAA game?  They're all wearing a specific desginer's kind of black.  If I recall correctly from past articles, the family at the top with Noctis's dad runs like the Yakuza or something like a mafia, so that could come into play.  

Even still, it's a fresher change of pace than what we usually see.  I can't remember any AAA game that had characters that looked like this, in this kind of setting.  

Leaving aside what they will all be like in the end, evidence shows so far that they're far from emo.  Noctis just seems to be very sleepy.  He's not brooding, he's just lazy.

I won't give spoilers, but he thanks someone at the end of the demo very politely, so he's not rude or detached from people either.

Lube Me Up

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VXIII said:
irstupid said:
VXIII said:

So, he shouldn't brag about the character design because you don't like them.. subjectively...?


talking about being stereotype.

I'm not talking about my tastes.  Though I do find them dumb.  The community as a whole, websites, users, ect. all over have ben shitting on this "boy band its emo leader" for year.  It's not new.

I was just pointing out its funny he is making fun of the muscle army look when this game has very much contraversial looks for its chraacters.  They are definately not loved by all or very many period.  You probably find as many people that love these looks as you would if they were 4 muscled up army dudes.

You can't speak for The community actually. That cannot be measured. Not that it will make the "opnion" any less narrow and subjective. Considering that your reference is the online gaming community says a lot actually

There are no good foundation to bash a very well made characters design from an objective stand point. He can "brag" all he want for a great technical achievement.

Why can't I reference the gaming world.  I am on this site, i'm on other sites. I've seen reveiwers and gaming sites people talk and see youtube video of people ect.

The most used phrases used when related to Final Fantasy 15 is either graphics, boy band or vaporware.

Who is this person BRAGGING.  I orinally quotes someone talking about it xbox one version needs themt o be muscle headed, goatee guys.  nothing about graphics, or technology.  

you can deny all you want.  The majority of gamers poke fun of this games main casts looks.  The only people who don't are those who have final fantasy avatars of this game or ff7 for years and never change them.  Hardly an unbiased crowd.

I don't think it's a mistake,unless for Sony fanboys.

LMU Uncle Alfred said:
irstupid said:

I'm not talking about my tastes.  Though I do find them dumb.  The community as a whole, websites, users, ect. all over have ben shitting on this "boy band its emo leader" for year.  It's not new.

I was just pointing out its funny he is making fun of the muscle army look when this game has very much contraversial looks for its chraacters.  They are definately not loved by all or very many period.  You probably find as many people that love these looks as you would if they were 4 muscled up army dudes.

Lets not even get into the stereotype of the group as a whole.  Each one fits a total cliche character trope.

Ok, but how often do you actually see a set of characters that look like FFXV's  in a AAA RPG?  Much less any AAA game?  They're all wearing a specific desginer's kind of black.  If I recall correctly from past articles, the family at the top with Noctis's dad runs like the Yakuza or something like a mafia, so that could come into play.  

Even still, it's a fresher change of pace than what we usually see.  I can't remember any AAA game that had characters that looked like this, in this kind of setting.  

Leaving aside what they will all be like in the end, evidence shows so far that they're far from emo.  Noctis just seems to be very sleepy.  He's not brooding, he's just lazy.

I won't give spoilers, but he thanks someone at the end of the demo very politely, so he's not rude or detached from people either.

you know what their look makes me think of more than a boy band.  have you ever read manga?  everyone once in a while a manga will have a color spread before a chapter.  There is a guarantee that at some point it will put the main cast in suits and have them in some gangster/mob look.  Always looks stupid imo.

Or go to deviant art and see people draw fanfiction of their characters in also said same look.

This is what it makes me feel like.  Final fantasy since FF8 has always been pretty much all pretty boys anyway, but they have always had some rediculous outfit that hasl ike 50 peices somehow.  Well this game just makes it feel like the final fantasy cast is cosplaying in a mobster outfit.

irstupid said:
VXIII said:

You can't speak for The community actually. That cannot be measured. Not that it will make the "opnion" any less narrow and subjective. Considering that your reference is the online gaming community says a lot actually

There are no good foundation to bash a very well made characters design from an objective stand point. He can "brag" all he want for a great technical achievement.

Why can't I reference the gaming world.  I am on this site, i'm on other sites. I've seen reveiwers and gaming sites people talk and see youtube video of people ect.

The most used phrases used when related to Final Fantasy 15 is either graphics, boy band or vaporware.

Who is this person BRAGGING.  I orinally quotes someone talking about it xbox one version needs themt o be muscle headed, goatee guys.  nothing about graphics, or technology.  

you can deny all you want.  The majority of gamers poke fun of this games main casts looks.  The only people who don't are those who have final fantasy avatars of this game or ff7 for years and never change them.  Hardly an unbiased crowd.

You can reference the gaming community all you want, I just said it says a lot about the depth of that opinion.

Give me a prof or a precise measurement that determined your "majority". And again, That doesn't make that opinion any less narrow or subjective. No good foundation to it whatsoever...

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VXIII said:
irstupid said:
VXIII said:

You can't speak for The community actually. That cannot be measured. Not that it will make the "opnion" any less narrow and subjective. Considering that your reference is the online gaming community says a lot actually

There are no good foundation to bash a very well made characters design from an objective stand point. He can "brag" all he want for a great technical achievement.

Why can't I reference the gaming world.  I am on this site, i'm on other sites. I've seen reveiwers and gaming sites people talk and see youtube video of people ect.

The most used phrases used when related to Final Fantasy 15 is either graphics, boy band or vaporware.

Who is this person BRAGGING.  I orinally quotes someone talking about it xbox one version needs themt o be muscle headed, goatee guys.  nothing about graphics, or technology.  

you can deny all you want.  The majority of gamers poke fun of this games main casts looks.  The only people who don't are those who have final fantasy avatars of this game or ff7 for years and never change them.  Hardly an unbiased crowd.

You can reference the gaming community all you want, I just said it says a lot about the depth of that opinion.

Give me a prof or a precise measurement that determined your "majority". And again, That doesn't make that opinion any less narrow or subjective. No good foundation to it whatsoever...

Whatever be in denial.  The only way I can PROVE is to quote 1,000's of quote of different people, or 100's of articles off gaming sites.  If you haven't noticed them then I guess you have very selective reading.

User was moderated for this post- Conegamer

irstupid said:
VXIII said:

You can reference the gaming community all you want, I just said it says a lot about the depth of that opinion.

Give me a prof or a precise measurement that determined your "majority". And again, That doesn't make that opinion any less narrow or subjective. No good foundation to it whatsoever...

Whatever be in denial.  The only way I can PROVE is to quote 1,000's of quote of different people, or 100's of articles off gaming sites.  If you haven't noticed them then I guess you have very selective reading.

Give me "100's of articles off gaming sites" and I'll take it as evidence.

Also "That doesn't make that opinion any less narrow or subjective. No good foundation to it whatsoever..."

TiagoCosta said:
oniyide said:
TiagoCosta said:

Ahah I'm going insane. Not the point in question!!


VGC fellow user said this 

«They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. »

This is a lie, false. 

its not a lie but it is something that they will not do NOW. So what if they did it years ago? It didnt really pan out then, so why would they try now? Does MS even have a japanese studio to back them to undertake such a product.

Do they need to own a studio? 

Access games did D4, grounding inc did Crimson dragon, Platinum is making Scalebound, Div8 is doing psycho pass, Moss is doing raiden 5.. 

Do you need more? 

are those JRPGs? im talking strictly JRPGs

Chris Hu said:
celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

I guess you never heard of Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undisovery and MagnaCarta 2 those where only available on the 360

that was on 360...years ago. Would they do those NOW? i think thats the question he is asking

It is very difficult to tell whether the xbox one version will perform, Amazon software aren't very reliable. That said, the xbox one version will depend heavily on American to sell the game this time compare to FF13. Final 13 sold on 360 200k in ROW last gen which I don't see nowhere near that this gen. There should be also a huge decline in Europe considering ps4 has eaten a lot of marketshare from 360 last gen. And xbox has not been dominating US either so it's unclear whether the xbox one has enough JRPG fans for the game. Last gen made more sense due to the fanbase being split between ps3 and 360, not so sure anymore. Anyhow, square need to release the game on xbox one to know if there are enough JRPG fans in the system to keep releasing future FF games. This is a mainline game, it should sell enough, if it don't, it will be very hard to justify spin off release for the console.