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VXIII said:
irstupid said:
VXIII said:

You can't speak for The community actually. That cannot be measured. Not that it will make the "opnion" any less narrow and subjective. Considering that your reference is the online gaming community says a lot actually

There are no good foundation to bash a very well made characters design from an objective stand point. He can "brag" all he want for a great technical achievement.

Why can't I reference the gaming world.  I am on this site, i'm on other sites. I've seen reveiwers and gaming sites people talk and see youtube video of people ect.

The most used phrases used when related to Final Fantasy 15 is either graphics, boy band or vaporware.

Who is this person BRAGGING.  I orinally quotes someone talking about it xbox one version needs themt o be muscle headed, goatee guys.  nothing about graphics, or technology.  

you can deny all you want.  The majority of gamers poke fun of this games main casts looks.  The only people who don't are those who have final fantasy avatars of this game or ff7 for years and never change them.  Hardly an unbiased crowd.

You can reference the gaming community all you want, I just said it says a lot about the depth of that opinion.

Give me a prof or a precise measurement that determined your "majority". And again, That doesn't make that opinion any less narrow or subjective. No good foundation to it whatsoever...

Whatever be in denial.  The only way I can PROVE is to quote 1,000's of quote of different people, or 100's of articles off gaming sites.  If you haven't noticed them then I guess you have very selective reading.

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