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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

I don't think mass user base is really the no.1 priority anymore for NX.

With smartphone apps they have access to the wide gaming market and can rest easy that the broad kids market is being exposed to Nintendo IP at a young age. It will also be a big revenue stream for them.

The focus on NX from Nintendo's POV now likely is to make it as profitable as possible.

Even if they only get say 70-80 million users (assuming it is a fusion platform) ... that's still a very workable base that you can make a lot of money from.

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DanneSandin said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo doesn't need third parties anymore. They will be one of the biggest smart device game providers in a year or two, if not no.1 hands down. They also don't have to worry about casuals or kids anymore, their games being on iOS/Android cover that.

They can do whatever they want with NX. It probably being a fusion platform means they don't even need third parties to have a steady release flow of games anymore.

They won't have to do things like make two different versions of Smash Brothers for each device, they'll be able to easily scale up/down a game like that and put it on all their NX devices.

Screw GTA. They don't need it. My guess is they will be even less communicative with third parties now, especially Western ones. It's just never been a good fit between the two, now they can do as they please. 

I actually think too if their movie licensing/TV licensing works out well, they're going to make a ton of money off of it. They're going to become sort of like LEGO, a brand that's become much bigger than just toy blocks, in the same way Nintendo is going to become bigger than just video games. 

Now that they're not walled in only to their own shrinking propietary hardware they can reach far more kids with things like smartphone games and animated movies. 

But that would leave only the Nintendo fans to buy their system, and that's an increasingly smaller and smaller group it seems. And only making ONE version of every game would mean less revenue from that particular franchise. One Mario Kart/gen, one Smash/gen, one 2D Mario/gen. Would the dedicated gaming industry even the worth it to Nintendo in the end?

I agree that Nintendo will, or at least should, become more of... an entertainment conglomerate

Who says they only can make ONE of each IP per generation? They could make Mario Kart 9 and then have Mario Kart 10, two-three years later. Main difference is they'll just work on both home and portable versions. 

Instead of EAD Tokyo having to make a 3D Land and 3D World, maybe they'll simply be able to make one singular "3D World" title and then move on to making say a Mario 64-style game the next time around or even a new IP if they so choose to. 

DanneSandin said:
Materia-Blade said:

Ps4's base quickly grew, and rayman is the kind of game that sells with time. notice how it took a long time to pass wii u's version.

Re 4 was a moderately recent port on ps2, wich had a huge installed base. It is the most natural thing in the world to outsell the wii version, where it was a very late last gen port and still sold a lot.

Yes, but one of the points I made was that it doesn't really matter if a port is late; it can still sell quite well. And ports on Wii U don't.

"they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly."

that sounds very contradictory. forget ratings and 'mature". nintendo makes games of many genrer and most of them requires actual thinking to beat, more than most "mature" games out there.

Mmmm yes, I tried to explain it in a none-contradictive way, but I'll try it again. They make games for a lot of genres, and are diversive in that respect. But most of their games tend to be rated E through Teen, with only a few Teen games every year. A lot of gamers today want "mature" titles, which Nintendo doesn't have many of at all. Sony on the other hand have offering from E to M... that's the kind of diversivity I meant. Candy Crush Saga also requires thinking... Just saying.

"BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port?"

This stigma only "exists" due to haters. The wii was selling lot's of hardware and software from all kinds of genres but thirds wasted the opportunity. also, take two ported Bully, a game as "politically wrong" as GTA and it sold a lot on wii. imagine what GTA would do. I'm talking about this to show that even when nintendo get's a big installed base, thirds find an excuse to ignore it, meaning there are behind the scenes problems.

I wouldn't call 500k a lot. The best selling "mature" 3rd party games are the 53rd best selling game on Wii; CoD3 with 2.23m, then at nr 56 Monster Hunter Tri (published by Nintendo) with 2.21m sold and RE4 at 57 with 2.21m units sold. I wouldn't describe that as stellar, and I understand if 3rd parties didn't bother with more mature games if that's all the sales they could get out of 100m+ Wii's.

"No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better." Those games aren't really amazing, they sold for their quality.

Red Steel 2 got 80 at metacritic. Is that BAD? No More Heroes 1 and to got 83 and 84, respectively. They sold for their quality?

For your last paragraph: As explained before, it doesn't matter if nintendo atracts the gamers or not, the 3rd parties tend to simply insult the gamers by ignoring the system. Getting a bigger installed base off the bat is helpfull to give the 3rds less of an excuse to ignore the system, but is no miracle.

If Nintendo attracted more none-Nintendo gamers to their systems, 3rd parties would notice that their games sold better on said system, leading to more effort and ports.

"Yes, but one of the points I made was that it doesn't really matter if a port is late; it can still sell quite well. And ports on Wii U don't."

The cases where late ports sell a lot are very specific.

"I wouldn't call 500k a lot. The best selling "mature" 3rd party games are the 53rd best selling game on Wii; CoD3 with 2.23m, then at nr 56 Monster Hunter Tri (published by Nintendo) with 2.21m sold and RE4 at 57 with 2.21m units sold. I wouldn't describe that as stellar, and I understand if 3rd parties didn't bother with more mature games if that's all the sales they could get out of 100m+ Wii's."

First, it wasn't 100m wii's, those sales were pretty much done when the installed base was much smaller than that and those are great numbers. are you trying to dismiss multimillion sellers as bad sellers?

"If Nintendo attracted more none-Nintendo gamers to their systems, 3rd parties would notice that their games sold better on said system, leading to more effort and ports."

3rd parties don't have to notice something they always knew. they don't release the games for BS reasons.

RolStoppable said:

Nintendo made the Wii. Wii Sports basically single-handedly changed the public image of gaming for the better, but for some reason you think that immature hardcore gamers decide the actual image of gaming. They don't, hence why I mentioned that gaming's image was one of killing hookers. Wii Fit is another major title with a huge impact. It doesn't get much more mature than taking care of your body and keeping yourself fit in order to prevent/reduce illnesses and diseases.

Materia-Blade said:
Blob said:

No need to be rude when he is 100% correct. I buy my third party games elsewhere because they are better elsewhere.

There is a very limited number of gamers who only own nintendo systems. 

They aren't better per se. They ARE elsewhere. Let 3rd parties treat the nintendo fanbase with respect and see what happens.

They are better elsewhere and Nintendo makes it impossible for their versions to be on par with competition. You can live in your dreamworld, but it won't change this basic fact.

Let Nintendo treat the 3rd parties with respect and see what happens.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

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There's a fundamental issue with Nintendo and third parties too is that the demographic for third parties games simply doesn't suit the types of games Nintendo floods their platforms with.

Going from the cheery, happy world of Mario into running over prostitutes and shooting cops in GTA just doesn't go together.

Yes, sure, Nintendo tries maybe once or twice a generation to throw at a violent title of their own, but like Bayonetta 2 they usually end up with mediocre/lukewarm sales at best.

Most of the big gun third party IP that even Nintendo fans clamour for (c'mon Ubi Soft give us Watch Dogs, not some stupid Rabbids party game!) simply doesn't fit the demographic of the console.

Sony and MS' who make games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Halo, Forza, etc. themselves fit the demographics of the types of games third parties go after. They market during the NBA Finals and FIFA World Cup and NFL football games. Nintendo markets on Nickeldeon during cartoon blocks. If you're making a game like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty, it's fairly obvious which platform is going to be your bread & butter. 

Nintendo will always have problems with third parties. Games like LEGO, Mickey Mouse, Just Dance, are the types of third party games that perform better and that's why third parties stick with that. It's more logical sense to them and the numbers are there to back it up.

The top selling Wii third party games are things like Just Dance, Zumba Fitness, Michael Jackson: The Experience, Deca Sports, Carnival Games, Sonic Colors, various LEGO games, etc. Even once in a blue moon when a more violent third party game sells OK on a Nintendo platform, like say Resident Evil 4, it usually ends up selling even better on either the Playstation and/or XBox, so again, third parties don't really swoon if maybe one of their games does OK. 

Its not QoL.

QoL is a non-gaming platform for some sort of sleeping / health thing.

NX is the next gaming platform. More than likely a crossover / hybrid device including portable/home console system.

Doubt this E3 will state anything. Next spring there will be info leading to that E3 blowout.

superchunk said:
Its not QoL.

QoL is a non-gaming platform for some sort of sleeping / health thing.

NX is the next gaming platform. More than likely a crossover / hybrid device including portable/home console system.

Doubt this E3 will state anything. Next spring there will be info leading to that E3 blowout.

It's going to be a fun E3 for Iwata and Reggie. 

Now here is the demo for Zelda U? Questions?

Reporter: Can you tell more about the NX? 

Now we will show you Amiibo functionality for Splatoon ...

Reporter: What about the NX? Is it a console or a handheld? 

Please enjoy this demonstration of Mario Maker.

Reporter: Could Mario Maker be on NX? When will you release NX? 


Talk about having a giant elephant in the room. 

Soundwave said:

It's going to be a fun E3 for Iwata and Reggie. 

Now here is the demo for Zelda U? Questions?

Reporter: Can you tell more about the NX? 

Now we will show you Amiibo functionality for Splatoon ...

Reporter: What about the NX? Is it a console or a handheld? 

Please enjoy this demonstration of Mario Maker.

Reporter: Could Mario Maker be on NX? When will you release NX? 


Talk about having a giant elephant in the room. 

1) rest of year games for 3DS and ZeldaU... zeldaU alone wins E3.
2) QoL discussions as that has been going on a lot longer than NX and is definitely ready to be shown off.
3) Other 3rd party / indie games plus new features / apps for both current consoles.
4) New loyalty program that replaces Club Nintendo

That right there is a lot of stuff for a quality E3.

NX won't be shown in 2015.

superchunk said:
Soundwave said:

It's going to be a fun E3 for Iwata and Reggie. 

Now here is the demo for Zelda U? Questions?

Reporter: Can you tell more about the NX? 

Now we will show you Amiibo functionality for Splatoon ...

Reporter: What about the NX? Is it a console or a handheld? 

Please enjoy this demonstration of Mario Maker.

Reporter: Could Mario Maker be on NX? When will you release NX? 


Talk about having a giant elephant in the room. 

1) rest of year games for 3DS and ZeldaU... zeldaU alone wins E3.
2) QoL discussions as that has been going on a lot longer than NX and is definitely ready to be shown off.
3) Other 3rd party / indie games plus new features / apps for both current consoles.
4) New loyalty program that replaces Club Nintendo

That right there is a lot of stuff for a quality E3.

NX won't be shown in 2015.

Nintendo "won" E3 last year too. And then proceeded to come in a distant third in fall sales. 

So "winning" E3 is something that gets a niche sliver of certain fanbases excited, it's not really that big of a deal. 

I was just speaking more about the press coverage, now that they've name dropped NX, they're going to be hounded by the press for details on that constantly. 

It's like telling a kid he can eat anything he wants ... anything ... so long as it isn't pizza. The first thing he/she is going to ask for is pizza, even if they were perfectly content with hamburgers or hot dogs just 10 minutes prior, lol.