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DanneSandin said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo doesn't need third parties anymore. They will be one of the biggest smart device game providers in a year or two, if not no.1 hands down. They also don't have to worry about casuals or kids anymore, their games being on iOS/Android cover that.

They can do whatever they want with NX. It probably being a fusion platform means they don't even need third parties to have a steady release flow of games anymore.

They won't have to do things like make two different versions of Smash Brothers for each device, they'll be able to easily scale up/down a game like that and put it on all their NX devices.

Screw GTA. They don't need it. My guess is they will be even less communicative with third parties now, especially Western ones. It's just never been a good fit between the two, now they can do as they please. 

I actually think too if their movie licensing/TV licensing works out well, they're going to make a ton of money off of it. They're going to become sort of like LEGO, a brand that's become much bigger than just toy blocks, in the same way Nintendo is going to become bigger than just video games. 

Now that they're not walled in only to their own shrinking propietary hardware they can reach far more kids with things like smartphone games and animated movies. 

But that would leave only the Nintendo fans to buy their system, and that's an increasingly smaller and smaller group it seems. And only making ONE version of every game would mean less revenue from that particular franchise. One Mario Kart/gen, one Smash/gen, one 2D Mario/gen. Would the dedicated gaming industry even the worth it to Nintendo in the end?

I agree that Nintendo will, or at least should, become more of... an entertainment conglomerate

Who says they only can make ONE of each IP per generation? They could make Mario Kart 9 and then have Mario Kart 10, two-three years later. Main difference is they'll just work on both home and portable versions. 

Instead of EAD Tokyo having to make a 3D Land and 3D World, maybe they'll simply be able to make one singular "3D World" title and then move on to making say a Mario 64-style game the next time around or even a new IP if they so choose to.