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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:

Granted, maybe each individual company had a larger profit margin back then, like Materia-Blade said. But the business as a whole is making A LOT more money. And why don't you go ahead and adress all my other rebuttals? Gaming is more respected now, we have far more genres now, we have story driven games now, more choices. From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. Except for certain DLC-practices, glitch-fests and things like that.... But the industry is thriving on a whole new level compared to the Nintendo dominated days.

More revenue doesn't mean much or anything when it doesn't lead to more profits.

I don't have much to rebute when you already do it yourself. "Everything is better now, except this and that which is much worse than in the past", yeah...

Plus it's pretty easy to make the case that all the things that made gaming more respected have to be credited to Nintendo and, to a lesser extent, companies that make smartphone games. Because the image of gaming that PlayStation populated is one of going through a city and mowing down hookers; this didn't really change on the PS and Xbox side of gaming since then, because developers (first and third parties alike) doubled down on that kind of software output; it's an image of immaturity.

By the way, what is your overall argument anyway? Is it about what is better for gamers or what is better for the industry? Because it should be pretty obvious that these two things are very different.

Today's industry is a more open place and it's easier for more people to make and earn money from making games. Just take a look at the indie scene. That scene wasn't of Nintendo's making, and considering how harsh they treated 3rd parties for a long time, it probably wouldn't have been a scene at all if Nintendo had been left to dominate the industry.

I did say CERTAIN DLC practices. DLC in and of itself is not a bad thing. It means that people can enjoy their games for a bit longer than what would have been possible before. Nintendo is doing DLC so right, right now. But so has Ubisoft with the release Blood Dragon for Far Cry 3, or Sony with the DLC for The Last of Us. Let's not pretend that every piece of DLC is shit. And glitch-fests wouldn't be a thing if we as costumers didn't buy those shitty products. If people didn't buy Ass Creed EVERY year, they wouldn't put them out every year, unfinished.

What did Nintendo do to make gaming more respectful? I'm genuinly curious now. I agree that games have gotten more bloody and immature since the end of Nintendo's dominance. BUT, let's not kid ourselves that Nintendo stood for any sort of mature image. Their games are called kiddie, and not unfairly so. Doesn't mean they're immature, but they do promote games as something fun. What has happened, especially the last few years, is that games have started to take themselves seriously, they've started to ask serious questions. Spec Ops the Line is one great example. Or the Walking Dead. Those games are asking questions about ourselves. And there are other games that's very different from Nintendo's design philosophy, like Journey. Nintendo is all anout game play, and that's great. That's why I play those games. But they don't ask any questions at all.  What does it mean to follow orders? What would you do to survive a catastrophe?

Games are JUST becoming mature, contrary to popular belief that "M for Mature" stand for adult and mature games. And Nintendo have had NOTHING to do with that development withing the gaming industry.

My argument is that being a gamer now is better than it was 20 years ago. You have more options. More choices. And that's always good. When Nintendo dominated you had ONE console (later you had TWO consoles), and Nintendo had ABSOLUTE control of what was put on that console. It is HIGHLY doubtful that gaming would have gotten as big as it is today if Nintendo had continued to dominate.

You seem to think that 3rd parties are dominating nowadays, but you're wrong. You wanna know who's the boss? We are. We tell developers what we want by buying certain products. Why do you think Madden and Ass Creed and Cod are annual frnachises? Because WE said so.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Man, we're derailing this thread aren't we? =/ Is it ok if we continue? I guess some of the posts loosely ties in with the subject :P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:

Today's industry is a more open place and it's easier for more people to make and earn money from making games. Just take a look at the indie scene. That scene wasn't of Nintendo's making, and considering how harsh they treated 3rd parties for a long time, it probably wouldn't have been a scene at all if Nintendo had been left to dominate the industry.

I did say CERTAIN DLC practices. DLC in and of itself is not a bad thing. It means that people can enjoy their games for a bit longer than what would have been possible before. Nintendo is doing DLC so right, right now. But so has Ubisoft with the release Blood Dragon for Far Cry 3, or Sony with the DLC for The Last of Us. Let's not pretend that every piece of DLC is shit. And glitch-fests wouldn't be a thing if we as costumers didn't buy those shitty products. If people didn't buy Ass Creed EVERY year, they wouldn't put them out every year, unfinished.

What did Nintendo do to make gaming more respectful? I'm genuinly curious now. I agree that games have gotten more bloody and immature since the end of Nintendo's dominance. BUT, let's not kid ourselves that Nintendo stood for any sort of mature image. Their games are called kiddie, and not unfairly so. Doesn't mean they're immature, but they do promote games as something fun. What has happened, especially the last few years, is that games have started to take themselves seriously, they've started to ask serious questions. Spec Ops the Line is one great example. Or the Walking Dead. Those games are asking questions about ourselves. And there are other games that's very different from Nintendo's design philosophy, like Journey. Nintendo is all anout game play, and that's great. That's why I play those games. But they don't ask any questions at all.  What does it mean to follow orders? What would you do to survive a catastrophe?

Games are JUST becoming mature, contrary to popular belief that "M for Mature" stand for adult and mature games. And Nintendo have had NOTHING to do with that development withing the gaming industry.

My argument is that being a gamer now is better than it was 20 years ago. You have more options. More choices. And that's always good. When Nintendo dominated you had ONE console (later you had TWO consoles), and Nintendo had ABSOLUTE control of what was put on that console. It is HIGHLY doubtful that gaming would have gotten as big as it is today if Nintendo had continued to dominate.

You seem to think that 3rd parties are dominating nowadays, but you're wrong. You wanna know who's the boss? We are. We tell developers what we want by buying certain products. Why do you think Madden and Ass Creed and Cod are annual frnachises? Because WE said so.

The indie scene originated on the PC, so it would have definitely existed, and regardless of what Nintendo did. Heck, back during the days of Nintendomination, a thing like Shareware existed on the PC. That's where indies made their name long before what you know today as the indie scene. You portray history as if Nintendomination was a bad thing, but that's clearly not the case. Nintendo never had all-encompassing control over gaming because the PC always existed side by side.

It's clear that "everything is better now" is simply not true. I have no interest to go into semantics of things that are besides the point.

Nintendo made the Wii. Wii Sports basically single-handedly changed the public image of gaming for the better, but for some reason you think that immature hardcore gamers decide the actual image of gaming. They don't, hence why I mentioned that gaming's image was one of killing hookers. Wii Fit is another major title with a huge impact. It doesn't get much more mature than taking care of your body and keeping yourself fit in order to prevent/reduce illnesses and diseases.

I don't see the games you mentioned lighting up the sales charts, so they aren't changing anything. That's probably because they are trying to mimic other entertainment media and the problem here is that other media do the same things better. But whatever the reasons may be, these games aren't selling at a level where anybody could claim that they are changing the image of gaming.

Well, your argument is wrong because of what I already pointed out in the first paragraph. Additionally, of course the Nintendo of the '80s couldn't have the same reach as gaming has today because it didn't have the benefit of building on a large existing market, falling costs for massproduction, other advances in technology that simply did not exist back then and benefits that concern the average level of wealth in individual countries.

I don't know where you took away the thing about me thinking that third parties dominate, but it honestly doesn't matter. What I want to address is the other part of your final paragraph and you are right about that. Ultimately it's consumers who shape the market and what that means for Nintendo is that there is no demand for stinking third party multiplatform games. And this ties back into my initial post in this thread. At the point where I entered the discussion, it was about whether or not Nintendo should adjust to what third parties expect from a console manufacturer. So are we in agreement now?

But indie wouldn't be as big as it is without XBox and Playstation - and of course Nintendo. But would indies be as big as they are on consoles now if Nintendo had continued to dominate?

And you make it out to be as if everything WAS better in the Nintendo days, which it clearly wasn't. Nintendo is perhaps THE single most important gaming company that ever existed, at least from the 3rd gen onwards, and they did what they had to do back in the days. But that policy of theirs were also restricting the industry, which was needed in the 80's, and it's a good thing PS came around and shock things up.

Where did I say that hardcore gamers decide the image of gaming? I don't think I did. Media and the general public decides the image of gaming. As they did with GamerGate last year. And that "Wii image" is long since dead by now. The image of gaming now is either that of mobile gaming or hooker killing, so there's a case to be made that Nintendo's "Wii image" didn't have any long lasting effects. And that's because gamers, as a whole, enjoy killing hookers more than to work on their bodies.

No, they don't light up the charts, and that's because killing hookers is more fun than to make tough desicions and examine humanity from your own actions. And these games are NOT mimicing other media. They're telling the stories through your actions. They're not long cut scenes with a few gameplay elements thrown in there inbetween the cut scenes (as in MGS). They're leading the way for telling stories that's unique for gaming. YOUR actions, YOUR consequenses. But they're the beginning of what games CAN be, how games CAN tell compelling stores without extended use of cut scenes.

But honestly, even if Nintendo had continued to be the top dog, it's very unlikely that gaming would be as big as it is today. What PlayStation did was attract older gamers, those that felt that Nintendo didn't really offer them anything more. That's also one of the reasons why Sega did so well with the Genesis; they were the more "mature" option that had blooooooood in Mortal Kombat. Even with new technology, Nintendo haven't reallt diversified all that much when it comes to Ratings; they're still still family friendly company and refuses to let go of that pure white image. This image (and adhering games) would surely restrict the growth of the market if Nintendo dominated compared to the land scape of today.

My bad, I think it might have been Khan that made the argument that this is the epoch of 3rd parties calling the shots... Yes, there is no demand for "stinking" 3rd parties among NINTENDO FANS. But EVERYONE else seem to enjoy them. So I think you have to ask yourself; do you want Nintendo to cater only to the fans and accept a small (or declining) revenue from dedicated gaming, or should they do something about all of this and try to get 3rd parties AND all the other gamers onboard as well? Everyone keeps telling us Nintendo fans how WELL Nintendo would do as a 3rd party developer; how they would sell millions upon millions of their games. Well, I think we quite easily can turn that argument around; imagine how many CONSOLE Nintendo would sell if they had the same srtaing point as PlayStation or Xbox - that is to say, a powerful console, proper 3rd party support, a more diversed line up of games and an image of being for EVERY gamer (aka loosing that "kiddie" image). They'd sell bangbusters and probably sell more than the PS2, AND they'd sell more copies of their own games.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
Materia-Blade said:

I think you misread. I said third parties KNOW their games DO SELL on nintendo systems.

Did takken release simultaneously with others?

Re 4 was a last gen port, it sold uber numbers on wii.

Rayman legends released on ps4 5 months after the other versions. It only outsold the other versions due to installed base. check the sales and you can see ubisoft has no room for complains about rayman sales on wii u.

"BUT, they're not making games for everyone." actually, games for everyone is exactly what nintendo does.

"If Nintendo wants 3rd party support and "general" gamers, they need to create the right enviroment for them."

They always do. even the weirdest case (the wii) had it and thirds wasted the opportunity. I'm not talking about porting all ps360 multiplats but third parties could simply use their know how from gamecube development to at least try and do something. Take 2 would have sold millions of GTA copies if they ported the ps2 games, and square enix could have portedsome ps and ps2 FF. that's without mentioning original games.

Lol! Yes, I misread!

Dangit! Tekken released two months after, BUT with additional content. And looking at Rayman on PS4, releasing afterwards doesn't neccesserily mean less sales.

PS4's instal base was 5.9m at the time of Rayman's release, not a HUGE number. Wii U at the same period had 5.8m.

RE4 was a port on BOTH PS2 and Wii, and it still sold better on PS2.

No, their games are RATED E for everyone, but they're not making a wide range of games. They're all mostly E, maybe a few Teen rated games here and there. How many Mature games do they release a year? When I said that they don't offer something to everyone I meant to say that they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly. Being diversive doesn't only mean you make a lot of different genre, it also means you make games for different age groups as well.

Yes, I agree that 3rd parties could and should have supported Wii a lot more. The last gen porting of GTA was a great example! BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port? No. But the truth is that RE4 did quite well, so GTA probably would have to. But that's what I'm talking about, had Nintendo lead the way and created these kind of games themselves maybe 3rd parties would have tried to release more mature games on the console. But let's not forget the mature games 3rd party publishers actually released; No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better.

Like I've said again and again, Nintendo needs to lead the way for 3rd parties if those games are to sell well on Nintendo consoles. Nintendo needs to try and get other gamers other than Nintendo fans to buy their consoles. I think they made the right call launching the Wii with the "darkest" Zelda with it. They need to do it again. I'm not talking about making a Mature Zelda. No. Make another Teen Zelda (note that I'm talking about Ratings here) and launch it with the next home console, or have it ready for the 2nd holiday. That's a great start. Make a sequel to Eternal Darkness and a "darker" Metroid, a la Prime, and maybe a few new IP's. Support 3rd party developers in making more "adult" games for their console. Make sure to have Bayo 3 ready within the first year. That's the kind of things that'll drive gamers to Nintendo, and not only the good old faithfuls. Nintendo cannot survive on the fans alone.

Ps4's base quickly grew, and rayman is the kind of game that sells with time. notice how it took a long time to pass wii u's version.

Re 4 was a moderately recent port on ps2, wich had a huge installed base. It is the most natural thing in the world to outsell the wii version, where it was a very late last gen port and still sold a lot.

"they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly."

that sounds very contradictory. forget ratings and 'mature". nintendo makes games of many genrer and most of them requires actual thinking to beat, more than most "mature" games out there.

"BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port?"

This stigma only "exists" due to haters. The wii was selling lot's of hardware and software from all kinds of genres but thirds wasted the opportunity. also, take two ported Bully, a game as "politically wrong" as GTA and it sold a lot on wii. imagine what GTA would do. I'm talking about this to show that even when nintendo get's a big installed base, thirds find an excuse to ignore it, meaning there are behind the scenes problems.

"No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better." Those games aren't really amazing, they sold for their quality.

For your last paragraph: As explained before, it doesn't matter if nintendo atracts the gamers or not, the 3rd parties tend to simply insult the gamers by ignoring the system. Getting a bigger installed base off the bat is helpfull to give the 3rds less of an excuse to ignore the system, but is no miracle.

Nintendo doesn't need third parties anymore. They will be one of the biggest smart device game providers in a year or two, if not no.1 hands down. They also don't have to worry about casuals or kids anymore, their games being on iOS/Android cover that.

They can do whatever they want with NX. It probably being a fusion platform means they don't even need third parties to have a steady release flow of games anymore.

They won't have to do things like make two different versions of Smash Brothers for each device, they'll be able to easily scale up/down a game like that and put it on all their NX devices.

Screw GTA. They don't need it. My guess is they will be even less communicative with third parties now, especially Western ones. It's just never been a good fit between the two, now they can do as they please. 

I actually think too if their movie licensing/TV licensing works out well, they're going to make a ton of money off of it. They're going to become sort of like LEGO, a brand that's become much bigger than just toy blocks, in the same way Nintendo is going to become bigger than just video games. 

Now that they're not walled in only to their own shrinking propietary hardware they can reach far more kids with things like smartphone games and animated movies. 

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Amagaaawd, why do I even bother... Sooner or later the answers gets sooo long it takes forever to read them all AND answer them all as best as possible :P be patient guys, if I only answer one today, I'll come back at a later point ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

With the mobile endeavor, I'm wondering if Ninty will finally make the switch to a capacitive touch screen, mainly to allow for ports (especially if they create big hits). I was suspecting they would before the announcement, but this almost seals it for me.

I suspect NX will be a core focused system with the most 1st/2nd party support of all time, but will give those Ninty mobile fans what they like as well. The touchscreen will be less of a focus on NX and probably marks Ninty's return to a single screen. Dual screen experience will be exclusive to Fusion, which will be not much more than what Wii U gamepad offers (map, inventory, apps etc).

With all these standard, off the shelf parts it leaves Ninty room to gamble on another gimmick or even give us more power than most would expect.

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:

But indie wouldn't be as big as it is without XBox and Playstation - and of course Nintendo. But would indies be as big as they are on consoles now if Nintendo had continued to dominate?

And you make it out to be as if everything WAS better in the Nintendo days, which it clearly wasn't. Nintendo is perhaps THE single most important gaming company that ever existed, at least from the 3rd gen onwards, and they did what they had to do back in the days. But that policy of theirs were also restricting the industry, which was needed in the 80's, and it's a good thing PS came around and shock things up.

Where did I say that hardcore gamers decide the image of gaming? I don't think I did. Media and the general public decides the image of gaming. As they did with GamerGate last year. And that "Wii image" is long since dead by now. The image of gaming now is either that of mobile gaming or hooker killing, so there's a case to be made that Nintendo's "Wii image" didn't have any long lasting effects. And that's because gamers, as a whole, enjoy killing hookers more than to work on their bodies.

No, they don't light up the charts, and that's because killing hookers is more fun than to make tough desicions and examine humanity from your own actions. And these games are NOT mimicing other media. They're telling the stories through your actions. They're not long cut scenes with a few gameplay elements thrown in there inbetween the cut scenes (as in MGS). They're leading the way for telling stories that's unique for gaming. YOUR actions, YOUR consequenses. But they're the beginning of what games CAN be, how games CAN tell compelling stores without extended use of cut scenes.

But honestly, even if Nintendo had continued to be the top dog, it's very unlikely that gaming would be as big as it is today. What PlayStation did was attract older gamers, those that felt that Nintendo didn't really offer them anything more. That's also one of the reasons why Sega did so well with the Genesis; they were the more "mature" option that had blooooooood in Mortal Kombat. Even with new technology, Nintendo haven't reallt diversified all that much when it comes to Ratings; they're still still family friendly company and refuses to let go of that pure white image. This image (and adhering games) would surely restrict the growth of the market if Nintendo dominated compared to the land scape of today.

My bad, I think it might have been Khan that made the argument that this is the epoch of 3rd parties calling the shots... Yes, there is no demand for "stinking" 3rd parties among NINTENDO FANS. But EVERYONE else seem to enjoy them. So I think you have to ask yourself; do you want Nintendo to cater only to the fans and accept a small (or declining) revenue from dedicated gaming, or should they do something about all of this and try to get 3rd parties AND all the other gamers onboard as well? Everyone keeps telling us Nintendo fans how WELL Nintendo would do as a 3rd party developer; how they would sell millions upon millions of their games. Well, I think we quite easily can turn that argument around; imagine how many CONSOLE Nintendo would sell if they had the same srtaing point as PlayStation or Xbox - that is to say, a powerful console, proper 3rd party support, a more diversed line up of games and an image of being for EVERY gamer (aka loosing that "kiddie" image). They'd sell bangbusters and probably sell more than the PS2, AND they'd sell more copies of their own games.

Indies would be even bigger on PC and the same reasoning applies for those gamers who seek "mature" content. PC gaming would have been more popular, because if you didn't notice, the primary thing that PlayStation and Xbox do is draw games from the PC on their own machines. So in an alternate reality, the content wouldn't change, merely it's location. And with the location being changed to an open platform instead of the closed environments of PS and Xbox, that sort of gaming would most likely be better. Things like mods, lack of payments for online multiplayer; that's pretty basic stuff to highlight a couple of clear advantages.

I think there's an argument to be made that there's a limit to how big PC can get, since it's more expansive with a PC compared to a console, and it needs a lot more maintance, or that's how it's seen anyways, and it's also a common conception that it's simply easier to get a console; you have all you need to start gaming right away. Well.... up until this gen that is :/ But yes, PC would be bigger, but HOW much bigger? The "casual" (hardcore) gamers would probably not bother. And let's remember that it wasn't until quite recently PC got a control method OTHER than keyboard/mouse (a widespread one at least). And if this hypothesis of yours holds true, the PC scene must have been pretty big right before PS1 launched, since that's where most "mature" games would have been and therefore that crowed as well. Did PC rival console gaming in 1994-95?

You did indeed imply that hardcore gamers determine the image and you did so by bringing up that Nintendo games are called kiddie. That's straight from the playbook of hardcore gamers. As for the Wii, it lacked a lasting effect because Nintendo stopped continuing it. Not only did they prematurely reduce and stop Wii support, they also shelved the philosophy that gave birth to the Wii. The Wii U doesn't do more than carrying on the name, but it's pretty easy to see through the facade when one takes a litte bit of time to examine the console (no motion controller, no new IPs to draw in new crowds, high price).

I also said that doesn't mean they're immature, and that Nintendo promote their games as something FUN, further implying that this is part of their "kiddie" image. And maybe kiddie is the wrong word altogether; family friendly would be a better word(s). But family friendly, something that can be enjoyed by EVERYONE, is often seen as a bit... kiddie. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Frozen, Big Hero 6 - all movies and characters that can be enjoyed by everyone, but are mostly seen as "kiddie", or made for kids at the very least. And the same thing goes for Nintendo and their games. No none gaming adult would call Super Mario for an adult piece of entertainment, but that doesn't mean they think it can't be ENJOYED by adults.

As for the key point (final paragraph), there's no demand from other gamers to play multiplatform games on a Nintendo console either. Because, you see, what they really want is that Nintendo games are brought to PS and Xbox. I will tell you how things would play out if Nintendo launched a powerful console, proper third party support, a more diverse lineup (I am assuming you mean Nintendo themselves making some M-rated games here, because proper third party support would otherwise already cover diversity and make this redundant as a separate point) and an image of being for every gamer.

1. Sony and Microsoft would launch the same PR as always, refer to Nintendo as inferior, point to some colorful games and call it the same Nintendo as always. Impressionable gamers gobble it up as always, so Nintendo's image is instantly kiddie again and the console becomes a no-buy. Truth through repetition does the rest. I mean, come on. After over 20 years you must have noticed the pattern that Nintendo's unfavorable image in gamer circles doesn't come from Nintendo's software output, but Nintendo's competitors. During the Wii era Nintendo got branded with a casual image, because kiddie simply doesn't work when it's well-known that adults are buying the system in droves. The entire point of slapping such an image on Nintendo is to make them an inferior option.

2. With this image being established before the launch of the system, initial sales are also sluggish due to a high price (you wanted the system to be powerful, after all). As a result of underperforming hardware sales, software sells below expectations as well. Since Nintendo fans will gravitate towards Nintendo games (the best titles on the system) and third party exclusives (if any are available), and since other gamers won't buy the system to begin with (see point 1), multiplatform games will be hit the hardest. Kiss proper third party support goodbye, because Nintendo won't be given any room for error; third parties don't have that patience.

3. Not much left for the console at this point, so Nintendo has a failure on their hands and needs to try to salvage the situation somehow. In the middle of this, DanneSandin will tell me that a powerful console with proper third party support and a good image could actually work, so we go back to point 1 and the cycle repeats.

I think a lot of that can be avoided if Nintendo successfully advertise their "mature" games, and does so heavily, and even launches a counter-smearing campaign. They don't have to smear Sony or MS, but rather counter the "kiddie"-campaign launched by them with even MORE "mature" games in the pipe line.

Now the only option to break this cycle is not acceptance of ever-declining revenue for Nintendo. What can also be done is redefining what it means to be a video game console. While Sony and Microsoft will still launch a smear campaign against Nintendo, it won't matter because PS and Xbox do not work as substitute for the Nintendo system. And while other gamers still won't buy such a Nintendo system for multiplatform games (because there won't be many to begin with), they might just buy it because it is different from everything else. Lastly, there's the added effect that people who aren't interested in PS and Xbox will buy the Nintendo system precisely because it isn't like PS and Xbox. In the sum this means that Nintendo fans will buy earlier (system is affordable due to ignoring stinking third parties), more other gamers will buy (view the system as a supplement to their PS and/or Xbox), and people who are currently not invested into the console market will buy. Result: Growth for Nintendo as a manufacturer of dedicated video game hardware.

Can you please explain to me how this should be done? How do you redefine what a console is? If you're gonna make something "different" that means it has a new controller or someother gimmick attached to it. And what people would prefer Nintendo over PS or XB, except Nintendo fans? The casuals? I think they're pretty content with mobile gaming. And if this were true, Wii U would have sold better, no matter if it has "Wii" or not. Maybe those people would just buy a PC instead? And we see right now that Nintendo fans aren't buying earlier than others; Wii U wasn't front loaded all that much. And if people aren't interested in console gaming, why would they buy Nintendo's console? Redefining what it means to be a console. So you think Nintendo should re-create a new Wii every generation? How easy do you think that is?

And in case you didn't notice, neither Sony or Microsoft ever managed to get all gamers onboard either. It's a feat that cannot be accomplished.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

Lol! Yes, I misread!

Dangit! Tekken released two months after, BUT with additional content. And looking at Rayman on PS4, releasing afterwards doesn't neccesserily mean less sales.

PS4's instal base was 5.9m at the time of Rayman's release, not a HUGE number. Wii U at the same period had 5.8m.

RE4 was a port on BOTH PS2 and Wii, and it still sold better on PS2.

No, their games are RATED E for everyone, but they're not making a wide range of games. They're all mostly E, maybe a few Teen rated games here and there. How many Mature games do they release a year? When I said that they don't offer something to everyone I meant to say that they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly. Being diversive doesn't only mean you make a lot of different genre, it also means you make games for different age groups as well.

Yes, I agree that 3rd parties could and should have supported Wii a lot more. The last gen porting of GTA was a great example! BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port? No. But the truth is that RE4 did quite well, so GTA probably would have to. But that's what I'm talking about, had Nintendo lead the way and created these kind of games themselves maybe 3rd parties would have tried to release more mature games on the console. But let's not forget the mature games 3rd party publishers actually released; No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better.

Like I've said again and again, Nintendo needs to lead the way for 3rd parties if those games are to sell well on Nintendo consoles. Nintendo needs to try and get other gamers other than Nintendo fans to buy their consoles. I think they made the right call launching the Wii with the "darkest" Zelda with it. They need to do it again. I'm not talking about making a Mature Zelda. No. Make another Teen Zelda (note that I'm talking about Ratings here) and launch it with the next home console, or have it ready for the 2nd holiday. That's a great start. Make a sequel to Eternal Darkness and a "darker" Metroid, a la Prime, and maybe a few new IP's. Support 3rd party developers in making more "adult" games for their console. Make sure to have Bayo 3 ready within the first year. That's the kind of things that'll drive gamers to Nintendo, and not only the good old faithfuls. Nintendo cannot survive on the fans alone.

Ps4's base quickly grew, and rayman is the kind of game that sells with time. notice how it took a long time to pass wii u's version.

Re 4 was a moderately recent port on ps2, wich had a huge installed base. It is the most natural thing in the world to outsell the wii version, where it was a very late last gen port and still sold a lot.

Yes, but one of the points I made was that it doesn't really matter if a port is late; it can still sell quite well. And ports on Wii U don't.

"they're not widely diversive. Yes, they're making games over a wide section of genres, but they all tend to be rated quite similarly."

that sounds very contradictory. forget ratings and 'mature". nintendo makes games of many genrer and most of them requires actual thinking to beat, more than most "mature" games out there.

Mmmm yes, I tried to explain it in a none-contradictive way, but I'll try it again. They make games for a lot of genres, and are diversive in that respect. But most of their games tend to be rated E through Teen, with only a few Teen games every year. A lot of gamers today want "mature" titles, which Nintendo doesn't have many of at all. Sony on the other hand have offering from E to M... that's the kind of diversivity I meant. Candy Crush Saga also requires thinking... Just saying.

"BUT, you gotta remember the stigma of the Wii; it was a console for casuals. For soccer moms and grandma's. Does that sound like a healthy enviroment for a GTA port?"

This stigma only "exists" due to haters. The wii was selling lot's of hardware and software from all kinds of genres but thirds wasted the opportunity. also, take two ported Bully, a game as "politically wrong" as GTA and it sold a lot on wii. imagine what GTA would do. I'm talking about this to show that even when nintendo get's a big installed base, thirds find an excuse to ignore it, meaning there are behind the scenes problems.

I wouldn't call 500k a lot. The best selling "mature" 3rd party games are the 53rd best selling game on Wii; CoD3 with 2.23m, then at nr 56 Monster Hunter Tri (published by Nintendo) with 2.21m sold and RE4 at 57 with 2.21m units sold. I wouldn't describe that as stellar, and I understand if 3rd parties didn't bother with more mature games if that's all the sales they could get out of 100m+ Wii's.

"No More Heroes and Red Steel. Neither franchises sold very well. They did respectful numbers, but considering the instal base they could have done much better." Those games aren't really amazing, they sold for their quality.

Red Steel 2 got 80 at metacritic. Is that BAD? No More Heroes 1 and to got 83 and 84, respectively. They sold for their quality?

For your last paragraph: As explained before, it doesn't matter if nintendo atracts the gamers or not, the 3rd parties tend to simply insult the gamers by ignoring the system. Getting a bigger installed base off the bat is helpfull to give the 3rds less of an excuse to ignore the system, but is no miracle.

If Nintendo attracted more none-Nintendo gamers to their systems, 3rd parties would notice that their games sold better on said system, leading to more effort and ports.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Soundwave said:

Nintendo doesn't need third parties anymore. They will be one of the biggest smart device game providers in a year or two, if not no.1 hands down. They also don't have to worry about casuals or kids anymore, their games being on iOS/Android cover that.

They can do whatever they want with NX. It probably being a fusion platform means they don't even need third parties to have a steady release flow of games anymore.

They won't have to do things like make two different versions of Smash Brothers for each device, they'll be able to easily scale up/down a game like that and put it on all their NX devices.

Screw GTA. They don't need it. My guess is they will be even less communicative with third parties now, especially Western ones. It's just never been a good fit between the two, now they can do as they please. 

I actually think too if their movie licensing/TV licensing works out well, they're going to make a ton of money off of it. They're going to become sort of like LEGO, a brand that's become much bigger than just toy blocks, in the same way Nintendo is going to become bigger than just video games. 

Now that they're not walled in only to their own shrinking propietary hardware they can reach far more kids with things like smartphone games and animated movies. 

But that would leave only the Nintendo fans to buy their system, and that's an increasingly smaller and smaller group it seems. And only making ONE version of every game would mean less revenue from that particular franchise. One Mario Kart/gen, one Smash/gen, one 2D Mario/gen. Would the dedicated gaming industry even the worth it to Nintendo in the end?

I agree that Nintendo will, or at least should, become more of... an entertainment conglomerate

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.