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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

The way I see it Nintendo can do as they please with NX. It will be a wacky platform probably with a bunch of crazy accessories on the console side like this patent Nintendo filed:

These are 3D glasses that can also create smells and blow wind/air to the users face, lol.

Smartphone revenue will be huge for Nintendo, they can now do as they please with NX.

They no longer have to cater to casuals/kids per se either because iOS/Android can fill that void even better than the Wii/DS did, but they don't have to grovel to third parties/dudebros players either. They can make something "Nintendo wacky" and so long as it doesn't lose them money, they'll be fine.

So from a business POV the smartphone thing is a monstrous game changer. 

NX is the first Nintendo platform that doesn't neccessarily have to carry Nintendo all by itself on its shoulders and be all things to all people either. It can just be one part of their business, next to smart device games, Quality of Life devices, and use of Nintendo IP in movie franchises and TV series'. As such I think Nintendo will be emboldened to take some chances/risks with the hardware design that they wouldn't otherwise. 

In 3-4 years Nintendo may very well have four profitable divisions rather than just being a gaming company that goes up and down based on however their current console and handheld is doing.

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DanneSandin said:
Materia-Blade said:

No, they won't. Paying for what should be free is a terrible business decision.

Nothing is free. What Nintendo needs to do now is to gain back the trust of both 3rd parties and gamers alike, but for differnt kind of reasons. 3rd parties must feel like their games can sell on Nintendo consoles, and gamers have to feel that there are games on Nintendo consoles for THEM. These two peoblems goes hand in hand.

This isn't about trust. third parties do not think their games don't sell on nintendo consoles.

I'm also sure that GAMERS still trust nintendo due to their software quality.

DanneSandin said:
RolStoppable said:

Nintendo's times of dominance mark the most profitable eras in video game history and at the end of they day, profitability is the only measure that matters of the ones you mentioned. Therefore the way to go for Nintendo is to not listen to third parties.

Im talking INDUSTRY epoch, not Nintendo epoch. Nowadays gaming is bigger than movies and music combined. They werent back then.  Owadays there are far mpre options for people to choose from; both regarding consoles and sw. There are mlre genres now. There are more consoles. Everything is better in todays industry than they were in 1990

Only as a whole due to many companies joining the gaming business. money wise for each individual company, it's not as profitable as before.

Captain_Tom said:
JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:
DanneSandin said:

I imagen the NX will be BOTH a handheld and a home console; they will have certain shared features and compatabilities, maybe even some games. Releasing a new home console next year would mean that PS5 and XB2 would be severaly mpre powerful than Nintendos next effort. And we all saw how bad that went down this gen. 

AMD's 2016 APU's look to perform about as well or better than a PS4 while only consuming 15 watts
.  They could make it so it consumes 5w and works as a handheld while mobile, and then when you plug it into a wall all of your games go from 30 FPS to 60 FPS and at 1080p instead of 720p or something.  That would be sweet...

Do you have a source for that claim I've bolded?

It doesn't seem very likely, given that AMD are apparently moving down to 16nm in 2016. At 20nm Nvidia claims their Tegra X1 can produce 400GFlops of compute performance at 10 watts, even though 16nm is about 25% more efficient than the 20nm process Nvidia uses for their SOC and current parts, it's not going to allow for a drop that steep.

Tegra X1 scaled up to 5X could produce around the same performance as PS4's SOC at 50watts, Nvidia tends to be more efficient in their architecture than AMD, so comparing as like for like as possible maybe AMD can get their Zen APUs down to about 40 watts and that's assuming they have a really good efficient chip design for their next gen SOCs.

A 15 Watt SOC, with the same performance as PS4 is a few years away after 2016.

AMD has a lot more experience in true integrated graphics than Nvidia.  Look up the leaked benchmarks from the upcoming Carrizo APU.  It's true that it likely will be weaker than the PS4 and maybe even the X1, but it would still be close enough to run modern games.

That's really not the point, the point is what's possible at the latest fab scales, you made a claim that AMD's next APUs for 2016 could perform as well or better than PS4's SOC and run on 15 watts. NVidia's designs of GPU tend to be more efficient than AMD's.

A 15 watt APU isn't going to beat PS4's SOC or even come close to matching it for performance.


Carizzo is a 28nm APU, with 512 Stream Processors or 8 Compute units, 2-4 Excavator CPU cores the desktop varient uses about 35 watts, which means efficiencies have been made, but they're not sufficient to put a 16nm SOC, with PS4 level specs, at that level of power consumption. A SOC, with 8 excavator CPU cores and 16CUs would run at around 1.7TFlops for 70 watts, PS4 is close to 2TFlops (taking it's CPU and GPU performance into consideration), so it's within spitting distance.

The 35 watt chip is less than half of the performance of PS4's SOC, CPU wise it may be better, but the graphics side is substantially weaker. Powerful enough to run modern games at HD resolutions at 30FPS, with low graphical settings, but those games wouldn't look great, I doubt Nintendo could be shooting for that low a level of performance, not in 2016/2017, not even if they launched this year.

Considering that Excavator is an evolution of current AMD architecture and they've managed to get some pretty decent efficiency improvements with slight tweaks to their current designs, on the same manufacturing process, a full, brand new process and brand new architecture design could yield bigger gains than I thought previously, but still not 15 watts for a SOC with PS4 levels of performance at 16nm. Maybe around 35 watts for PS4 levels of performance.

Mr Khan said:
The trouble is that what third parties want is diametrically opposed to Nintendo's strategy. They would have to make a console which is loss-leading, or terribly expensive.

And that's ignoring the problem that third parties have with Nintendo's very philosophy. Nintendo rebuilt the game industry by having manufacturer-led platforms to guarantee quality and drive sales from exclusive killer apps. The PlayStation epoch, that developers enjoy, homogenizes and standardizes and lets the third parties lead the way generally.

More like it gets out of  the third parties' way.  There is nothing wrong with making it easy for third parties to succeed.  TLoU is selling just fine.

Around the Network
JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:

AMD has a lot more experience in true integrated graphics than Nvidia.  Look up the leaked benchmarks from the upcoming Carrizo APU.  It's true that it likely will be weaker than the PS4 and maybe even the X1, but it would still be close enough to run modern games.

That's really not the point, the point is what's possible at the latest fab scales, you made a claim that AMD's next APUs for 2016 could perform as well or better than PS4's SOC and run on 15 watts. NVidia's designs of GPU tend to be more efficient than AMD's.

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900

Captain_Tom said:
JustBeingReal said:

That's really not the point, the point is what's possible at the latest fab scales, you made a claim that AMD's next APUs for 2016 could perform as well or better than PS4's SOC and run on 15 watts. NVidia's designs of GPU tend to be more efficient than AMD's.

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900

Based on the most important factor when it comes to efficiency, namely performance per watt.

GTX 900 should be compared to R9 200, they're both 28nm parts, yet NVidia's tech performs vastly better for the same or even lower levels of energy.

GTX 980 runs on like 165 watts, yet it vastly outperforms an R9 290x, meaning it's absolutely the more efficient card.


As things stand right now NVidia are far ahead, they release actual hardware revisions more often than AMD, they will be releasing a completely architecture next year in Pascal.


The only thing AMD has on Nvidia is cost, but they don't have a card on the market that will compare to the performance per watt of Nvidia's offerings, it's just a fact.

Mr Khan said:

And that's ignoring the problem that third parties have with Nintendo's very philosophy. Nintendo rebuilt the game industry by having manufacturer-led platforms to guarantee quality and drive sales from exclusive killer apps. The PlayStation epoch, that developers enjoy, homogenizes and standardizes and lets the third parties lead the way generally.

Beautifully put. The 3rd and 4th gens were the era of first parties calling the shots, from the 5th gen on, third parties called the shots, wth the exception of the Wii. Frankly, I prefer the dictatorship of first parties to third parties, if SNES/Wii are what happen when manufacturers call the shots, and PS4/Xbone are what happen when the third parties have the power.

Captain_Tom said:
Mr Khan said:
The trouble is that what third parties want is diametrically opposed to Nintendo's strategy. They would have to make a console which is loss-leading, or terribly expensive.

And that's ignoring the problem that third parties have with Nintendo's very philosophy. Nintendo rebuilt the game industry by having manufacturer-led platforms to guarantee quality and drive sales from exclusive killer apps. The PlayStation epoch, that developers enjoy, homogenizes and standardizes and lets the third parties lead the way generally.

More like it gets out of  the third parties' way.  There is nothing wrong with making it easy for third parties to succeed.  TLoU is selling just fine.

This doesn't mean that first parties can't prosper, just that the consoles aren't led necessarily by their efforts.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900

Based on the most important factor when it comes to efficiency, namely performance per watt.

So did you even look at what I said?  That is what I am talking about too, and Nvidia has been WAY behind for a long time.  Maxwell is the only efficient design I have seen them create, and it is competing with 2 year old cards lol