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JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:

AMD has a lot more experience in true integrated graphics than Nvidia.  Look up the leaked benchmarks from the upcoming Carrizo APU.  It's true that it likely will be weaker than the PS4 and maybe even the X1, but it would still be close enough to run modern games.

That's really not the point, the point is what's possible at the latest fab scales, you made a claim that AMD's next APUs for 2016 could perform as well or better than PS4's SOC and run on 15 watts. NVidia's designs of GPU tend to be more efficient than AMD's.

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900