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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rubang's Reviews #1: If you don't like Brawl you're not a real gamer!

The Ghost of RubangB said:

You wouldn't know art if it crawled up your ass, died, and blamed Wii Fit. SSBB is the best game ever made, period. Did you even read my review, or just skim it, old man?

You, my Sir, and I use that tern lightly, are more than seriously pissing me off. You're making a good case for water-boarding. So let me put it this way, in a non-vulgar way, since I refuse to rise to your pejorative and delusional level of seriously twisted reality:

You can take your 6th grade homework assignment "Write a review on a Video Game", fold it five ways, wrap it up in duct tape and hide it somewhere in a place where the sun don't shine.

Have fun with the waggling version of SSM1.5, or as it's being called NerfLee1.5, wavebird not included. With games like this selling on the Wii 3rd party developers are screwed more ways than Jennifer Jason Leigh got screwed in "Last Exit Brooklyn". What incentive going forth do they have for putting their AAA teams working on titles for the Wii if stuff like this can sell. This is just a bunch of Fanboy wanking... quick cash in and more shovelware to come. Baaaah, I'm done with this. Have fun with your fanhawk fapping.

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@ Fkusumot

So full of win. Too bad you aren't serious.

For me, if Brawl is more fun than Melee was, these 2 games are going to be the 2nd and 3rd funnest games ever. But that's just my opinion.

And how can you compare them? SMG is the best platformer ever, and perhaps the best single-player experience ever, while Brawl is the best "un-realistic" fighter, and ranks up at the top of multi-player games.

How can you compare a single-player 20 hour game, with a 150 hour multi-player game?

On-topic: I liked the review. You wrote what you meant, not what is politically correct or some bullshit like most reviewers do. And perhaps the very best, you didn't give it a score.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

That's exactly how you compare them. One's a puny 20 hours that you play alone, finishing the whole game in a day or two, and the other one is 150+ hours of fun with all your friends and an endless stream of new stages as you play online forever.

One's a puny 20 hours that you play alone, finishing the whole game in a day or two.

That's totally wrong. I've played SMG for weeks, due to replaying it and so. I also didn't play it alone, but with my friend. I can guarantee (well not actually) you that most have played it with a friend/family, and for more than a week.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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dannyphantom105 said:

I see both of your points of view. I kind of agree that they didnt do much original stuff for brawl. The general mechanics are the same and a lot of the music and everything is still the same, with minorly upgraded graphics.

however, i do think that brawl is very fun and great with friends.

its kinda like halo 3 to me. they just took what worked and re used it,

with some upgraded graphics and new characters. its stilll one of the wiis best games,

but definitely not game of the forever.

Yeah, SSBB is the next Halo3. Whooopeeee dee freakin' dooo. Maybe the Wii will even get a sustainable hardware bump out of it.

So the Wii is something that gathers dust until there's a party. Well, good luck to you on that.

Pfft, why the hell don't Nintendo just give out a European release date for Brawl already! It's driving me f*cking MAD! I don't care if it comes out in a month or next christmas, just tell me WHEN so I can look forward to that!!

Also, whoever said Link's Awakening's a bad game I refuse to take seriously. It's my favourite 2D Zelda.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
Pfft, why the hell don't Nintendo just give out a European release date for Brawl already! It's driving me f*cking MAD! I don't care if it comes out in a month or next christmas, just tell me WHEN so I can look forward to that!!

Also, whoever said Link's Awakening's a bad game I refuse to take seriously. It's my favourite 2D Zelda.

 RolStoppable said it was a bad game because it was on the GameBoy.

Rolstoppable? Then he's a bad person because he's human. See? That makes no sense either :p.

And fkusumot is just mean.  

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I wasn't actually calling you a bad person. Just making a point. Don't worry, anyone who likes Kim Possible must be a really nice person.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046