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The Ghost of RubangB said:

You wouldn't know art if it crawled up your ass, died, and blamed Wii Fit. SSBB is the best game ever made, period. Did you even read my review, or just skim it, old man?

You, my Sir, and I use that tern lightly, are more than seriously pissing me off. You're making a good case for water-boarding. So let me put it this way, in a non-vulgar way, since I refuse to rise to your pejorative and delusional level of seriously twisted reality:

You can take your 6th grade homework assignment "Write a review on a Video Game", fold it five ways, wrap it up in duct tape and hide it somewhere in a place where the sun don't shine.

Have fun with the waggling version of SSM1.5, or as it's being called NerfLee1.5, wavebird not included. With games like this selling on the Wii 3rd party developers are screwed more ways than Jennifer Jason Leigh got screwed in "Last Exit Brooklyn". What incentive going forth do they have for putting their AAA teams working on titles for the Wii if stuff like this can sell. This is just a bunch of Fanboy wanking... quick cash in and more shovelware to come. Baaaah, I'm done with this. Have fun with your fanhawk fapping.