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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MH4U is the fastest selling MH game ever in the US!

StarOcean said:
While I do like MH, why is it doing so well? The 3 games Ive played of the series seemed to be exactly the same games with identical areas and objectives. Of course, I've only played the PSP games which may be part of the reason (to note: I'm not planning on getting this or any MH game in the future, can't get into it in the way most MH fans do).
Perhaps I misunderstand and MH is similar to the Street Fighter series in the sense they release the game again but with a few added features?

I think a lot of it is growing awareness.  Monster Hunter hasn't exactly been pushed in the west.  So it has had to grow by word of mouth and whatever advertising it does happen to get.  

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sc94597 said:
StarOcean said:
While I do like MH, why is it doing so well? The 3 games Ive played of the series seemed to be exactly the same games with identical areas and objectives. Of course, I've only played the PSP games which may be part of the reason (to note: I'm not planning on getting this or any MH game in the future, can't get into it in the way most MH fans do).
Perhaps I misunderstand and MH is similar to the Street Fighter series in the sense they release the game again but with a few added features?

What were the three games you played in the series? Some of the games are re-releases with additional content pretty much. Others are brand new. Usually if we are talking about the numbered series each number represents an entirely new game, while a G afterwards implies a re-release with extra content.  For example, this game is Monster Hunter 4G (because Monster Hunter 4 already released in Japan.) The third game was a Wii exclusive, called Monster Hunter Tri. However, it's since been ported to many platforms as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, with additional content and more weapon-types. 

I played the 3 PSP ones which probably explains it. Thanks for the clarification!

Great to hear, though I never got into this game :/

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Well deserved, the game is amazing.

One of those series where I want to play, but I know it's going to be too much effort to master it.

Glad it's done well for Ninty though">"><img src="

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Slade6alpha said:
One of those series where I want to play, but I know it's going to be too much effort to master it.

Glad it's done well for Ninty though

MH4U was the first MH game I played, all I did was watch the ProJard beginner to monster hunter series and it was easy to get into.  In fact I'm like 40 hrs into the game and I've only died once, not bad for a newbie. 

Good. Now put it on the Wii U, Capcom.

Monster Hunter is better on a big screen.

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"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
Good. Now put it on the Wii U, Capcom.

Monster Hunter is better on a big screen.

Ive changed my mind. I want it on the Wii U 2.


I want Nintendo to actually make the right device to integrate Handheld Japan with Console America, and I know they can do this. 

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Monster Hunter 5 on Fusion will probably allow you to play on TV so that's coming I guess.

The interesting thing is Nintendo seems to be having some success in a non-mascot/cartoony game field here, which is rare.

One 3DS mideval/fantasy games seem to be doing OK for them ... Fire Emblem was a bigger success than anticipated, the older 3D Zelda games have done great, and now Monster Hunter 4U.

Interesting, it seems like at least in this section of the market they have some sway with older consumers on 3DS, with real appreciable sales figures to back it up with.