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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Forgotten Nintendo Games: Donkey Kong 3

Terrible game imo. I find it boring as hell.

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I have never even heard of this game!

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"Forgotten Nintendo games: Ocarina of Time"

Great game during those time. Love playing this game on my famicom

I almost picked this up as a freebie from Club Nintendo. If they put it on sale again at any point, I'm going to nab it. I am a huge fan of "Donkey Kong".

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That game sucked, so it's no wonder it's forgotten!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Awesome read! The Donkey Kong games are classic. Even if you find them boring by today's standards, you have to play them at least once. I remember DK3 was not my favorite of the bunch, but I never gave it a fair shot, either. Time to revisit it!

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

I knew of this game, but I never played it. It's strange that it's such a departure from it's predecessors. Cool read!

I have the original 1981 Donkey Kong on my Atari 2600 (boxed, with an extremely uncharacteristic box-art), which is, besides hideous graphics, a decent enough port. I like Donkey Kong Jr. best personally, of those original games.

Donkey Kong wasn't completely forgotten after Donkey Kong 3 though, besides the arcade ports to NES, there was also Donkey Kong Jr. Math for NES and a couple of Game & Watches, but I agree those were all just minor spin-offs.

ExplodingBlock said:
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"Forgotten Nintendo games: Ocarina of Time"

Pretty sure you're kidding.

Not so subtle bump.