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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA Heists March 10th! PC version delayed.

Kerotan said:
poklane said:
Please let Heists live up to the hype!!!
I'm also really hoping that the truck with the big machine gun in the back will be available in Free Roam, should be some good fun! I also really like the balaclava with hoodie, definitely wearing that!

And the chopper with the mini gun.  It could be like battlefield haha. 

The real big thing could be the Aircraft Carrier. Imagine that being in Free-Roam, it would kinda be like a second military base.

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I can't wait for this to be released. And I love the wetsuit and the pants with a harness. This'll lead to exciting stealth missions.

I wonder where the aircraft carrier will be placed. My money's on west of Fort Zancudo.

poklane said:
Kerotan said:
poklane said:
Please let Heists live up to the hype!!!
I'm also really hoping that the truck with the big machine gun in the back will be available in Free Roam, should be some good fun! I also really like the balaclava with hoodie, definitely wearing that!

And the chopper with the mini gun.  It could be like battlefield haha. 

The real big thing could be the Aircraft Carrier. Imagine that being in Free-Roam, it would kinda be like a second military base.

Yeah.  They should make the titans so you can walk around inside and drive vehicles in. Maybe they're saving all this for gta 6. 

I'm not going to be one of those people who go with ye old waiting phrases, for me it just means waiting for the game to go to a much cheaper price ebcause the more I wait and if the game turns out to be unoptimised like with GTA IV then I'll just wait for a steam sale and mods that fix what was broken, needless to say if it turns out the delays were all for nothing then R* won't hear the end of it from PC gamers, especially since they have been waiting this long and the HD versions are already on the current gen systems so really this is all or nothing for R*, all I can say is it better be damn well worth it and be above the console versions (4K textures being for one).


Edit: Ok just like with the last news they promised there would be nore more type of delays and then a few days later there was a delay, now they say this:

"Our apologies to PC gamers worldwide who have been counting down the days until the launch of the game, but a bit more time is needed to ensure that the game is as polished as possible, and to make certain that both Heists and the GTA Online experience are ready to roll out on day one for PC," Rockstar writes. "As a gesture of thanks for your understanding, we will grant anyone who has pre-ordered the game an additional $200,000 in-game cash for use in GTA Online."

I take issue with the "to make certain that both Heists and the GTA Online experience are ready to roll out on day one for PC" because I know it;s not going to be like that day 1, it's not going to be cystal clear perfection and loads of games have promised to be up and polished for day 1 and failed, R* failed with GTA IV PC and Hiests in general, they are just using this as a means of a false promise, one which I'm not taking at all because I know it's going to be bullshit.

Also they are giving people who pre-order money, as if there hasn't been an issue with how bad pre-ordering is, what about those that buy it day 1 and expect it to work?, where's their reward without having to buy into something that might not work so early?, I'm here waiting like everyone else, what do I get?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
slab_of_bacon said:

Is there no online multi-player for the PC version?



I don't even know the guy and it's obvious most of his buddies game on the ps4.  All over the world the ps4 is becoming the console of choice and it's pretty much guaranteed that the majority of his gta friends are not gonna be on pc. 


And after reading below I'm correct.  

That right there is right, but it still doesnt make it the device of choice for everyone. Is it really hard to assume that people can have friends who play online on PC and PS4?? I mean steam with an active user base of over a 120 million users with up to 10 million being on time at any one time i think the chances of someone having friends online on steam are much higher then the chances of them having them on PS4 going by user base alone. But it would be easy to think everyone just games on PS4 on such a console centric forum such as this..

do you really think there are 120 million activily playing games like GTA on steam? It's just common sense really. Most gamers game on consoles when it comes to these typs of games. If it was something like H1Z1 then sure I'd expect there is a higher chance he has friends who will play that with him on PC then wiat for a PS4 version. Almost everyone has played GTA 5 and it's been on consoles. You can go on about 120 million all you like but at the end of the day a fraction of the GTA player base will be on PC. I just thought it highly unlikely his gaming friends would be within that small fraction. And I was right. 

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zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
zero129 said:

That right there is right, but it still doesnt make it the device of choice for everyone. Is it really hard to assume that people can have friends who play online on PC and PS4?? I mean steam with an active user base of over a 120 million users with up to 10 million being on time at any one time i think the chances of someone having friends online on steam are much higher then the chances of them having them on PS4 going by user base alone. But it would be easy to think everyone just games on PS4 on such a console centric forum such as this..

do you really think there are 120 million activily playing games like GTA on steam? It's just common sense really. Most gamers game on consoles when it comes to these typs of games. If it was something like H1Z1 then sure I'd expect there is a higher chance he has friends who will play that with him on PC then wiat for a PS4 version. Almost everyone has played GTA 5 and it's been on consoles. You can go on about 120 million all you like but at the end of the day a fraction of the GTA player base will be on PC. I just thought it highly unlikely his gaming friends would be within that small fraction. And I was right. 

Where did i say that the is 120 million users playing GTA on steam?, i said is it hard to assume that people can have friends who game on there PC's too?.

And its hard to tell how big GTA is on PC since we never get Digital sales and that includes the hugest amount of sales on PC for all you know it could very well sell better then the PS4 version .

You mentioned 120 million like its somewhat relevant.  Out of about 60 MILLION GTA 5 will sell very little will be on PC. It's common sense really. They make better revenue by having most of the sales on console too. 20 months after release the ps3 version is still selling for €39 euro in Gamestop.  


To directly answer you, it's not hard to believe he has friends who game on pc because I do too including myself.  But it's 10 times easier to believe that his gta playing buddies are on console not pc. As I've said. I was proven right. 

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
zero129 said:
Kerotan said:

do you really think there are 120 million activily playing games like GTA on steam? It's just common sense really. Most gamers game on consoles when it comes to these typs of games. If it was something like H1Z1 then sure I'd expect there is a higher chance he has friends who will play that with him on PC then wiat for a PS4 version. Almost everyone has played GTA 5 and it's been on consoles. You can go on about 120 million all you like but at the end of the day a fraction of the GTA player base will be on PC. I just thought it highly unlikely his gaming friends would be within that small fraction. And I was right. 

Where did i say that the is 120 million users playing GTA on steam?, i said is it hard to assume that people can have friends who game on there PC's too?.

And its hard to tell how big GTA is on PC since we never get Digital sales and that includes the hugest amount of sales on PC for all you know it could very well sell better then the PS4 version .

You mentioned 120 million like its somewhat relevant.  Out of about 60 MILLION GTA 5 will sell very little will be on PC. It's common sense really. They make better revenue by having most of the sales on console too. 20 months after release the ps3 version is still selling for €39 euro in Gamestop.  


To directly answer you, it's not hard to believe he has friends who game on pc because I do too including myself.  But it's 10 times easier to believe that his gta playing buddies are on console not pc. As I've said. I was proven right. 

Exactly how is a user base of a 120 million not relevant? in fact i think its very much relevant more so then you making random assumtions about sales of GTA on PC when truth is you or me dont have a clue what GTA sells on PC. But go to stream and GTA4 is still pretty costly unless its on sale, GTA5 costs more on PC then it does on Consoles and is releasing very late after the console versions yet its still in the Steam Top sellers constintly so its selling very well even without going on sale and once it does go on sale expect to see it in the steam top sellers for years after just like GTA4 constintly was for ages.

Now yes you did make an assumtion that his friends would be playing GTA5 on the PS4 and not on PC and you where right, But then thats not a very hard guess to make since its not yet released on the PC .out of my friends I know 4 friends who own a PS4 and 2 who owns an X1 that also play games on PC and even they plan on buying the game on PC Again once it releases for the better graphics and mods once they start being released,

Now Unless you can show me sales figures for GTA series on PC to show that GTA only sells very little on PC. Like i said i see GTA5 PC sales topping the PS4 version sales as even 5% of 120 million is a lot .

It's irrelevant because you release a game like call of duty or gta on consoles and it's sales will dwarf the pc version.  Seen somebody earlier say some random wii u game made more on it than pc.  Compare all console centric games and you see why this 120m user base is utterly irrelevant.  It's like if they released world of warcraft on ps4. It would matter if it had 120 million active users because it's a pc centric game and will make the lions share of its money over there.  

The only imbetweener in this debate is former pc only games like far cry and battlefield now make most of their revenue on consoles.  Again tthe 120m number proving irrelevant.  

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
zero129 said:

Where did i say that the is 120 million users playing GTA on steam?, i said is it hard to assume that people can have friends who game on there PC's too?.

And its hard to tell how big GTA is on PC since we never get Digital sales and that includes the hugest amount of sales on PC for all you know it could very well sell better then the PS4 version .

You mentioned 120 million like its somewhat relevant.  Out of about 60 MILLION GTA 5 will sell very little will be on PC. It's common sense really. They make better revenue by having most of the sales on console too. 20 months after release the ps3 version is still selling for €39 euro in Gamestop.  


To directly answer you, it's not hard to believe he has friends who game on pc because I do too including myself.  But it's 10 times easier to believe that his gta playing buddies are on console not pc. As I've said. I was proven right. 

Exactly how is a user base of a 120 million not relevant? in fact i think its very much relevant more so then you making random assumtions about sales of GTA on PC when truth is you or me dont have a clue what GTA sells on PC. But go to stream and GTA4 is still pretty costly unless its on sale, GTA5 costs more on PC then it does on Consoles and is releasing very late after the console versions yet its still in the Steam Top sellers constintly so its selling very well even without going on sale and once it does go on sale expect to see it in the steam top sellers for years after just like GTA4 constintly was for ages.

Now yes you did make an assumtion that his friends would be playing GTA5 on the PS4 and not on PC and you where right, But then thats not a very hard guess to make since its not yet released on the PC .out of my friends I know 4 friends who own a PS4 and 2 who owns an X1 that also play games on PC and even they plan on buying the game on PC Again once it releases for the better graphics and mods once they start being released,

Now Unless you can show me sales figures for GTA series on PC to show that GTA only sells very little on PC. Like i said i see GTA5 PC sales topping the PS4 version sales as even 5% of 120 million is a lot .

It's irrelevant because you release a game like call of duty or gta on consoles and it's sales will dwarf the pc version.  Seen somebody earlier say some random wii u game made more on it than pc.  Compare all console centric games and you see why this 120m user base is utterly irrelevant.  It's like if they released world of warcraft on ps4. It would matter if it had 120 million active users because it's a pc centric game and will make the lions share of its money over there.  

The only imbetweener in this debate is former pc only games like far cry and battlefield now make most of their revenue on consoles.  Again tthe 120m number proving irrelevant.  

Like i said GTAIV has sold great on PC going by how many times it made it into the steam top sellers list and how well it still seems to sell when its on sale id imagine it has sold a lot and has been selling great in its later years as the steam user base has grown, Now this isnt bad for a game that was once again ported late to PC and was very very badly optimised and at the time of GTA4's release steam had no where near the user base it has now hell, hell just before xmas it was on like 80 million and now within like 2-3 months its over 120 million active users!, so steam has been growing at a huge rate. Its like comparing the sales of GTA5 on x1+PS4 to x360+PS3  and saying that GTA sells like shit on PS4+X1 as most of the userbase is on the older gen consoles.

And this is what your doing your comparing a time when it was harder to get into PC gaming, your comparing a time when the PS3 and X360 could offer better graphics then a lot of people could offered on a PC, your comparing a time when steam had no where near the user base it has now and your also failing to see how many console gamers have been making the switch over to PC thanks to steam making it easier then ever for console gamers to join PC gaming and thanks to it being cheaper then ever to get a PC that can out perform both consoles and your failing to see how a protentel market of over a 120 million users is relevent.

Now im not saying such  a game sells better on PC then consoles (But i do still think GTA5 on PC could outsell the PS4 version ) what im saying is your really trying to downplay how big PC gaming is becoming and your really downplaying how many console gamers are seeing much more value in getting a gaming PC then a console and how many of them are doing just that. For the time being with Console Centric games that get late ports to PC yes the console versions will sell better but trust me things have been changing for PC gaming and console style games have been getting much better sales on PC lately thanks to so many console gamers making the switch.

I'm basing it off common sense and facts.  Ubisoft release their games on pc at the same time.  Yet the vast majority of their revenue comes from consoles with ps4 leading the way.  Same with EA.  You're blindly following these steam user numbers like they mean something.  Most steam users play different types of games to the ones we play on consoles.  series like gta know their big money maker is on console.  hence why they keep giving that platform the cold shoulder.  Similar to other publishers releasing games with crazy pc optimisation.  Pc players are way down their list of concern. It's all about the console master money race. 

Okay I've had about enough of this dicussion, it;s been clear to me for quite some time now that the last few "informative" threads and questions have so far been nothing but a farce in order to gain data to downplay PC as a platform.

I don't know why some people can't see it but I can see it as clear as day, when someone who has no intention of PC gaming enters a PC thread and asks for "informative" data it;s only going to serve as a means to downplay, why the hell would someone who's never going to be a aprt of interact with PC want data on them?.

All I can say is I'm getting real tired of this bullshit and the act of someone trying so hard to hide the snide.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:

I'm basing it off common sense and facts.  Ubisoft release their games on pc at the same time.  Yet the vast majority of their revenue comes from consoles with ps4 leading the way.  Same with EA.  You're blindly following these steam user numbers like they mean something.  Most steam users play different types of games to the ones we play on consoles.  series like gta know their big money maker is on console.  hence why they keep giving that platform the cold shoulder.  Similar to other publishers releasing games with crazy pc optimisation.  Pc players are way down their list of concern. It's all about the console master money race. 

Care to show me them facts? cos its not common sense, if it was you would look at the market not from a console gamers point of view with rose tinted glasses on and instead look at the bigger picture here that a lot of console gamers fail to realize when they say things such as you been saying and thats that the PC market has been changing and evolving a lot over the last few years more so within the last 2 years then ever imo

And i already said some of the reasons i think why but ill put some more here.

Back when GTA IV was released, Steam didng have a user base of over a 120 million it was no where near that!, (Now think about this even if over 50% of them users had a 2nd account that they use and log into every single month thats still a user base of 60 million gamers).

GTAIV has been selling very good on steam the last few years as the steam user base has grown so has GTA series sales , or do you not believe this to be so? .

Its more cheaper and easier then ever to get a good gaming PC and with the costs coming down every month its becoming cheaper and cheaper to out perform the PS4 and the X1 and if the rumors about DX12 are true this will become even cheaper again.

Valve has made the PC gaming experence very console like and in doing so has opened up the gates to console only gamers thanks to things like Big picture mode, Auto updating and patching of your games, having all your games and friends in one place with archivments etc etc.

And thanks to both of the above more and more console only gamers are now making the switch to PC as their first gaming device or as a 2nd gaming device to complement one of their consoles.

This can be seen with how devs that only mostly worked on console only games are now making the switch to also developing for PC where as before they never would of but Valve has showed them PC gaming is huge.

But console gamers will try to downplay all this by saying the same old storys from years ago and say how games dont sell on PC etc etc...

And yes id imagine the Vast amount of UBISofts rev would come from consoles after all they may release their games at the same time on PC but do you think PC gamers are just going to go rushing out to buy their games when they are highly un optimised have game braking bugs and is running on a shitty service such as Uplay??.

When devs do good jobs on PC they get the praise and sales they deserve. When they dont they get put to the trash bin what can i say PC gamers isnt as easy to buy crap as a lot of console only gamers seem to be..

And also PC games has great legs and doesnt be as front loaded as console games.

But if you want to stay in denial and keep jumping into threads giving your sly japs to PC gamers, work away but i think you will evently be in for a huge shock.

just as PS3 gamers here was when FFvs13 got renamed to FF15 and went multi plat but i wasnt since i said it here all along how it would go multi plat and get renamed to ff15, hell if you feel like it you might even be able to find my posts to see just how right i was .

PC gaming is only going to grow and grow "Welcome to the future" of gaming .

I'm not reading all that.  Way too long. I got as far as rose tinted glasses.  You might wanna consider if you're wearing them and not me.  As for the facts all you need to find then is Google Ubisoft or ea financials. Read them and you may realise like me, that consoles are the real money maker for the type of games were talking about.