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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA Heists March 10th! PC version delayed.

Chazore said:
Okay I've had about enough of this dicussion, it;s been clear to me for quite some time now that the last few "informative" threads and questions have so far been nothing but a farce in order to gain data to downplay PC as a platform.

I don't know why some people can't see it but I can see it as clear as day, when someone who has no intention of PC gaming enters a PC thread and asks for "informative" data it;s only going to serve as a means to downplay, why the hell would someone who's never going to be a aprt of interact with PC want data on them?.

All I can say is I'm getting real tired of this bullshit and the act of someone trying so hard to hide the snide.

If these discussions annoy you so much then stop posting in them. The thread is mainly about the consoles getting the eagerly anticipated heists and secondly about the pc getting yet another delay.  The only reason it's incorporated into this thread is because the article includes.  If you think mentioning the delay in the piece was snide then take it up with that website not me.  I'm not being snide, biased or a fanboy.  I'm being very genuine I'll have you know. 

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Kerotan said:

If these discussions annoy you so much then stop posting in them. The thread is mainly about the consoles getting the eagerly anticipated heists and secondly about the pc getting yet another delay.  The only reason it's incorporated into this thread is because the article includes.  If you think mentioning the delay in the piece was snide then take it up with that website not me.  I'm not being snide, biased or a fanboy.  I'm being very genuine I'll have you know. 

You sure were super "genuine" with your debate with Zero...

"I'm not reading that" then why did you quote him if you weren't, stop moving your own damn posts, you're hardly genuine, you're hardly "intrigued" by PC related topics, you're just another person who wants to start pointless shitty debates on purpose in relation to PC, all you've been doing so far is downplaying PC, the other thread you were in was just gathering data so you could back yourself up to downplay, that's snide unto itself, if you don't care so much about PC why don't you stay within your own space of topic dicussion?, you don't like PC at all, you'll make the boldest of claims claiming you do but it;s so damn clear that you don't, you play the littlest fiddle like you have some sort of care, you'll even play the "what are you on about", "I never said that", "I don't know what you;re talking about" cards that you always play because you're just doing it on purpose to annoy others when you know you've fucked up.

Stop trying, just stop, you don't play PC games, you play PS4, you don't own an XB1, you hardly like Xbox games, I've hardly seen you praise anyone else apart from Sony the most, just stop trying to hide the fact you love Sony and wish to find any trick in the book to downplay anyone else.

I'm not tired of the dicussions, I'm tired of you spewing shit and trying to defend it or playing up like you don't know what's going on, it will always be such a disgusting behaviour that people exhibit when they pretend to know they don't know what's going on, as if they think they didn't do anything wrong, completely obvlious to their own surroundings or what they do or say.

Don't bother posting to my wall either I'm not going through that crap again.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:
zero129 said:

Care to show me them facts? cos its not common sense, if it was you would look at the market not from a console gamers point of view with rose tinted glasses on and instead look at the bigger picture here that a lot of console gamers fail to realize when they say things such as you been saying and thats that the PC market has been changing and evolving a lot over the last few years more so within the last 2 years then ever imo

And i already said some of the reasons i think why but ill put some more here.

Back when GTA IV was released, Steam didng have a user base of over a 120 million it was no where near that!, (Now think about this even if over 50% of them users had a 2nd account that they use and log into every single month thats still a user base of 60 million gamers).

GTAIV has been selling very good on steam the last few years as the steam user base has grown so has GTA series sales , or do you not believe this to be so? .

Its more cheaper and easier then ever to get a good gaming PC and with the costs coming down every month its becoming cheaper and cheaper to out perform the PS4 and the X1 and if the rumors about DX12 are true this will become even cheaper again.

Valve has made the PC gaming experence very console like and in doing so has opened up the gates to console only gamers thanks to things like Big picture mode, Auto updating and patching of your games, having all your games and friends in one place with archivments etc etc.

And thanks to both of the above more and more console only gamers are now making the switch to PC as their first gaming device or as a 2nd gaming device to complement one of their consoles.

This can be seen with how devs that only mostly worked on console only games are now making the switch to also developing for PC where as before they never would of but Valve has showed them PC gaming is huge.

But console gamers will try to downplay all this by saying the same old storys from years ago and say how games dont sell on PC etc etc...

And yes id imagine the Vast amount of UBISofts rev would come from consoles after all they may release their games at the same time on PC but do you think PC gamers are just going to go rushing out to buy their games when they are highly un optimised have game braking bugs and is running on a shitty service such as Uplay??.

When devs do good jobs on PC they get the praise and sales they deserve. When they dont they get put to the trash bin what can i say PC gamers isnt as easy to buy crap as a lot of console only gamers seem to be..

And also PC games has great legs and doesnt be as front loaded as console games.

But if you want to stay in denial and keep jumping into threads giving your sly japs to PC gamers, work away but i think you will evently be in for a huge shock.

just as PS3 gamers here was when FFvs13 got renamed to FF15 and went multi plat but i wasnt since i said it here all along how it would go multi plat and get renamed to ff15, hell if you feel like it you might even be able to find my posts to see just how right i was .

PC gaming is only going to grow and grow "Welcome to the future" of gaming .

I'm not reading all that.  Way too long. I got as far as rose tinted glasses.  You might wanna consider if you're wearing them and not me.  As for the facts all you need to find then is Google Ubisoft or ea financials. Read them and you may realise like me, that consoles are the real money maker for the type of games were talking about. 

In other words "I have no good reply that i can give to all that so once again ill just say about 2 companys that doesnt take a lot of things into account"..

Thats fine we will leave it at that peope are clearly starting to see though your agenda of downplaying everytime the is something about PC like you have this god awful fear of it but its ok thats just cos deep inside you know its the future ...

I'm not reading an overly long and complicated post because you are going in circles.  Just do yourself a favour and look up the big publishers financial reports.  Unless it's a pc only game or very pc centric the lions share of their revenue is on consoles.  Hence why they support them the best. 

Chazore said:
Kerotan said:

If these discussions annoy you so much then stop posting in them. The thread is mainly about the consoles getting the eagerly anticipated heists and secondly about the pc getting yet another delay.  The only reason it's incorporated into this thread is because the article includes.  If you think mentioning the delay in the piece was snide then take it up with that website not me.  I'm not being snide, biased or a fanboy.  I'm being very genuine I'll have you know. 

You sure were super "genuine" with your debate with Zero...

"I'm not reading that" then why did you quote him if you weren't, stop moving your own damn posts, you're hardly genuine, you're hardly "intrigued" by PC related topics, you're just another person who wants to start pointless shitty debates on purpose in relation to PC, all you've been doing so far is downplaying PC, the other thread you were in was just gathering data so you could back yourself up to downplay, that's snide unto itself, if you don't care so much about PC why don't you stay within your own space of topic dicussion?, you don't like PC at all, you'll make the boldest of claims claiming you do but it;s so damn clear that you don't, you play the littlest fiddle like you have some sort of care, you'll even play the "what are you on about", "I never said that", "I don't know what you;re talking about" cards that you always play because you're just doing it on purpose to annoy others when you know you've fucked up.

Stop trying, just stop, you don't play PC games, you play PS4, you don't own an XB1, you hardly like Xbox games, I've hardly seen you praise anyone else apart from Sony the most, just stop trying to hide the fact you love Sony and wish to find any trick in the book to downplay anyone else.

I'm not tired of the dicussions, I'm tired of you spewing shit and trying to defend it or playing up like you don't know what's going on, it will always be such a disgusting behaviour that people exhibit when they pretend to know they don't know what's going on, as if they think they didn't do anything wrong, completely obvlious to their own surroundings or what they do or say.

Don't bother posting to my wall either I'm not going through that crap again.

Really informative post right there that does everything to prove me wrong.  You see im the only genuine one here.  I've read the financial reports and i know consoles are the real money maker.  It doesn't matter where my allegiances lie,  it doesn't change the facts.  And no amount of attacks on my character will change them either.  Try debating with facts in future instead of resorting to personal insults.  have a nice day. 

Kerotan said:

Really informative post right there that does everything to prove me wrong.  You see im the only genuine one here.  I've read the financial reports and i know consoles are the real money maker.  It doesn't matter where my allegiances lie,  it doesn't change the facts.  And no amount of attacks on my character will change them either.  Try debating with facts in future instead of resorting to personal insults.  have a nice day. 

And yet Zero and others have thrown fatcs that you continue to ignore, you clearly said above to him "I'm not going to read that", you proper up front admitted you lost that debate, stop moving the god damn goal posts.


yes it does matter where your allegiances lie because it determines what you're doing, you think allegianceshave nothing to do with anything at all, like ever but they do, why do you think allegiances are even a thing?.

"nd no amount of attacks on my character will change them either." what bloody attacks are you even on about?, you're not roleplaying as anyone, you think when someone debates with you and shares other facts or diagrees with you is some form of "attack"?.

"ry debating with facts in future instead of resorting to personal insults.  have a nice day. "

Except I don't need to, Zero and others in the past have already provided facts, ones that you deny, you deny Steam numbers even being a thing, you move the goal posts time and time again to suit your own bloody needs and you have such gall to tell me to have a nice day, you don't mean squat about "Nice" and you know it.

The last word is going to happen, if you want me to "have a nice day" you'll adhere to your own rules you just gave, wanna stop moving the goal post and stick with it this time?, or are you going to fail that too?, the answer is to stop if you want to play with your last word, if you don't you'll just prove my point that you don't want me to have a nice day, that you want to continue shit stirring.

You wanted to play checkmate at the end you have it but you have to adhere to it or admit fault, quote me again in the topic and you're simply moving the goal post.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Okay this thread has kind of run it's course and now it's starting to become something rather worrying so I'm going to lock this before it gets worse. Let's just drop this, calm down and take a breather for now.