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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Order 1886 Review Thread - Meta: 66

kowenicki said:
0815user said:
RolStoppable said:

66 is bad because 75 is accepted as average.

average = median = half of maximum = 50 out of 100

75 =/= 50 =/= average 


accepting something as fact does not necessarily make it true  

nope...  this is basic maths here.

50 is not the average score of all games ever scored.  50 is the median of possible scores before any scores are posted.

Only 12 PS4 games have scored lower than 50.

50 isnt average, its below average.  Indeed there are many more games over 65 than below 65.  So 65 is also below average.

ok, ok... let's wait for the user reviews of metacritic then. with all the zeros and tens incoming it should be pretty clear then where average is.  

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riecsou said:
So this is how the reviews stands after 50 reviews:
The game has
1 90+
12 80+
15 70+
12 60+
6 50+
3 40+
0 30+
1 20+

So 27 of the reviews are 5+ above the current metacritics score. We even have one review that gives the game 20 (I am not even going to get into this one). So with 27 reviews above 70 out of 50, you would expected the metacritics score to be a lot closer to 70, but there is some interesting polarity in the reviews.

I suspect ad revenue prevented it from falling in the 50+ meta...

01001011 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100001

We've got another 40 review.

sales2099 said:
Being real here: Given PS4's defining AAA titles (no ports) so far (Killzone SF, Infamous, Drive Club, LBP 3, and now The Order), I simply don't see PS4's hardware sales as being truly justified. Is it merely riding off the positive brand image of PS3 in the last few years because it certainly isn't selling for the system-defining exclusives imo.

To sound fair and not trolling, this is like 360 hardware sales from the dreaded period of 2011-2013, when 1st party exclusives all but dried up, save for Forza/Gears/Halo, yet 360 still sold at a very decent pace.

They really aren't justified when you focus on exclusives. Because PS4 truly hasn't offered any must haves so far, just as you say.

I see PS4 sales more as a function of people wanting to play good 3rd party games on a new machine (Destiny, Watch Dogs, CoD, FIFA, Madden, Ass. Creed, GTA and many others...)

And the reason why many more bought a PS4 instead of XOne for those multiplats is because MS stumbled out of the gate, made some wrong moves and it took some time to regain goodwill amongst consumers.

But now, after 15 months, I don't see PS4 being able to ride XOne's faults anymore. MS rectified the wrongdoings, dropped the price, and is becoming more of a competitor.

So 2014 exclusives were irrelevant (not that XOne had more or significantly better ones --- a bit better perhaps). But from now on, the exclusives should start to matter. And any powerful and quality title will matter.

The Order was supposed to be the first one --- an exclusive in the period when XOne has none. It was supposed to widen the gap. Sure, first week it might sell well, bundles in Europe will sell decently as well. But this kind of reception can do more damage to PS4 than releasing nothing will damage XOne.

Bloodborne seems like a winner, that game should push PS4, but then there is Until Dawn (which I am very interested in) that I foresee doing worse than The Order. And then an Uncharted/Halo battle, but a battle between two very different target markets.

Basically, what I wanted to say, PS4 is selling due to a mix of multiplats and XOne's mistakes, but if PS4 keeps betting on experiments that keep failing, the advantage will surely fade away.

I hope RAD will be able to learn from the mistakes they made with this game.
I think Jim Sterling summed the game up quite nicely as well:

"I do hope people read what I have to *say* about The Order though. I *love* its setup, and I want its world to continue. But it needs more."

RAD set it up, lets hope (if they get the chance) when a sequel comes they give it more substance.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

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RolStoppable said:
0815user said:

I'm not German but i speak german.  

But it didn't seem like you knew what 08/15 means.

0815 to me means: nothing special or something that is done fast but without care


rccsetzer said:
riecsou said:
So this is how the reviews stands after 50 reviews:
The game has
1 90+
12 80+
15 70+
12 60+
6 50+
3 40+
0 30+
1 20+

So 27 of the reviews are 5+ above the current metacritics score. We even have one review that gives the game 20 (I am not even going to get into this one). So with 27 reviews above 70 out of 50, you would expected the metacritics score to be a lot closer to 70, but there is some interesting polarity in the reviews.

IGN and Gamespot have more weight in the process.

Ok, So IGN reviewed it at 65 and Gamestop at 50. If they were just doing average  the score would have been 67. This game really has mixed reviews.  20 positives, 26 mixed and 4 negatives. 

Knack at 54 on metacritics had 9 postives, 46 mixed, 28 negatives

Ryses at 60 on metacritics had 8 positives 60 mixed  9 negatives

jlmurph2 said:
Ruler said:

PS4 exclusives look better than anything Xbox 1 and PC have in this generation its a fact, i think its very justified since thats why people buy new consoles to get the graphics-update

This post is pretty sad. He addresses the quality of the games and your response is graphics? I hope this is a joke.

So why are you buying a new console? there are tons of better games gameplay-wise in last gen you and me havent probably played yet. If we talk about the next gen first 3 years its about graphics what matters the most. He questioned why people buy ps4s and i gave the answer

jlmurph2 said:
We've got another 40 review.

Which site is this?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
jlmurph2 said:
We've got another 40 review.

Which site is this?

Not sure, I saw another red review and noticed a 3rd 40.