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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothetical: Nintendo Agrees To Support PS4, Sony Agrees To Support HDS

PS4 selling like a beast yet with none of the big hitters uncharted, god of war, gran turismo. Wii u mario kart smash, pizzaface, gonetothemoon 2 chicken belts. Sony doesnt need em. 

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Soundwave said:
small44 said:
Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

I think they'd accept in 5 minutes flat. Why wouldn't they want more exclusives? The deal is nothing but good for them. 

Nintendo is the one that likely is the harder sell on this, not because it makes great sense for the company, but because they are too prideful at times. But I think some harsh realities are dawning on them now too. 

Because if they accept the deal they will support HDS instead if concentrate at ps4 and ps5

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

zorg1000 said:
small44 said:
Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

Yep, just like Nintendo has no problem selling the majority of their ip despite being their lowest selling generation hardware wise.

They will both be fine on their own so really no need for either of them to agree to this.

Nintendo won't be fine if smartphones continue to eat away at the handheld market. I don't really even think we've seen the bottom yet. More and more kids are growing up without a Nintendo handheld. 

Sony's Mr. Yoshida had this to say:

"I think Nintendo and us are pretty much in the same group," Yoshida said. "We need Nintendo to be very successful, to help induct as many consumers who like to play games with controllers, right? With sticks and buttons. Because we believe they are great things."

Iwata also recently stated that while there are differences between Nintendo and Sony/MS, they are in effect in the same group, whereas the "other" types of gaming options are really not. 

Nintendo and Sony really are not enemies anymore. They are fighting a war against non-traditional gaming that is eating away at the industry and has already decimated the Japanese game business and is spreading through the portable industry like a cancer. It's already claimed the Vita, and Nintendo's going to sell 70-80 million fewer handhelds this generation. Can Nintendo afford to lose 30-50 million more consumers next cycle? 

At what point do you say enough is enough?

In my opinion it's time to unify and fight back. 

some years latter, when both nintendo and sony shrink to pretty low levels, i can see they merging, building a single console that runs all games.
The controler could be different

Soundwave said:
Dusk said:

There probably won't be a PS5 anyway due to Sony's super strong push towards online/cloud/streaming gaming on almost everything even Samsung smart TV's. 

Their original deal fell through for many reasons, some of those are still good reasons even today so it likely won't happen. 

Sony has bigger things to worry about, like getting Sony Corp back on its feet than something like this. 

It's still a good deal for them, Yoshida and Hirai would accept fairly quickly. Just because a corporation has other areas of worry doesn't mean they just shut down looking at any deal. Yoshida has even said he admires Nintendo and having a healthy Nintendo is vital to the industry. 

The Playstation business is one of the key pillars that's going to drive Sony back to their feet anyway, anything that strengthens that division is certainly a priority. 

Your point about a healthy business is quite right and that is exactly why I don't think it will happen. One or the other will be undermined which will be bad for the business as a whole. Unfortunately this is the more common case when partnerships like this happen when it isn't from the foundation. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

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Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:
Sony are likely the only console player that can sell over 100m now. Nintendo need sony more than sony need nintendo. I doubt it would ever happen but I'd welcome it.

Nintendo doesn't need Sony at all. In the case of Nintendo ever going third party they'd play Microsoft and Sony out against each other. Nintendo doesn't even need the help of Sony for their handhelds.

The Wii U isn't over 10 million and the 3DS was a massive decline.  If the next handheld declines again they most certainly need help.  

Kerotan said:
Samus Aran said:

Nintendo doesn't need Sony at all. In the case of Nintendo ever going third party they'd play Microsoft and Sony out against each other. Nintendo doesn't even need the help of Sony for their handhelds.

The Wii U isn't over 10 million and the 3DS was a massive decline.  If the next handheld declines again they most certainly need help.  

Exactly. Sony is not Nintendo's enemy any longer. They are just ships passing in the night. Unite and fight. 

Don't wait until your marketshare is down to 30-40 million handhelds Nintendo, that could very well be where we are headed. 

Mobile won't stop until its destroyed the handheld portion of gaming entirely and brought the Japanese industry to its knees, until the business is nothing but hyperviolent shooters on consoles and candy freeware on phones. Even Yoshida at Sony has said he is dismayed by lack of color in home console games and was pleased to see Splatoon at E3. 

Unite and fight. 


Soundwave said:
Kerotan said:

The Wii U isn't over 10 million and the 3DS was a massive decline.  If the next handheld declines again they most certainly need help.  

Exactly. Sony is not Nintendo's enemy any longer. They are just ships passing in the night. Unite and fight. 

Don't wait until your marketshare is down to 30-40 million handhelds Nintendo, that could very well be where we are headed. 

Mobile won't stop until its destroyed the handheld portion of gaming entirely and brought the Japanese industry to its knees, until the business is nothing but hyperviolent shooters on consoles and candy freeware on phones. Even Yoshida at Sony has said he is dismayed by lack of color in home console games and was pleased to see Splatoon at E3. 

Unite and fight. 


And look how bad 3ds total software sales are. Imagine how bad it will be if they decline a lot again. 

What are the total 3DS software sales, anyway?

etking said:
On my opinion, Nintendo and Sony Computer Entertainment will merge anyway sooner or later. The shrinking Japanese market is just not big enough for two console makers.

i think people take the whole shrinking Japanese market thing too far. Even if the market shrinks to a 5M sold consoles per generation market its still not bad at all. That after all is how sales has been in every other tier 2 country in the world so I don't see why itvwoukd be bad for Japan. it just means that they would have to make sure they publish their games internationally and not just locally. life will continue just fine. same money, different approach.