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Soundwave said:
Dusk said:

There probably won't be a PS5 anyway due to Sony's super strong push towards online/cloud/streaming gaming on almost everything even Samsung smart TV's. 

Their original deal fell through for many reasons, some of those are still good reasons even today so it likely won't happen. 

Sony has bigger things to worry about, like getting Sony Corp back on its feet than something like this. 

It's still a good deal for them, Yoshida and Hirai would accept fairly quickly. Just because a corporation has other areas of worry doesn't mean they just shut down looking at any deal. Yoshida has even said he admires Nintendo and having a healthy Nintendo is vital to the industry. 

The Playstation business is one of the key pillars that's going to drive Sony back to their feet anyway, anything that strengthens that division is certainly a priority. 

Your point about a healthy business is quite right and that is exactly why I don't think it will happen. One or the other will be undermined which will be bad for the business as a whole. Unfortunately this is the more common case when partnerships like this happen when it isn't from the foundation. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.