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zorg1000 said:
small44 said:
Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

Yep, just like Nintendo has no problem selling the majority of their ip despite being their lowest selling generation hardware wise.

They will both be fine on their own so really no need for either of them to agree to this.

Nintendo won't be fine if smartphones continue to eat away at the handheld market. I don't really even think we've seen the bottom yet. More and more kids are growing up without a Nintendo handheld. 

Sony's Mr. Yoshida had this to say:

"I think Nintendo and us are pretty much in the same group," Yoshida said. "We need Nintendo to be very successful, to help induct as many consumers who like to play games with controllers, right? With sticks and buttons. Because we believe they are great things."

Iwata also recently stated that while there are differences between Nintendo and Sony/MS, they are in effect in the same group, whereas the "other" types of gaming options are really not. 

Nintendo and Sony really are not enemies anymore. They are fighting a war against non-traditional gaming that is eating away at the industry and has already decimated the Japanese game business and is spreading through the portable industry like a cancer. It's already claimed the Vita, and Nintendo's going to sell 70-80 million fewer handhelds this generation. Can Nintendo afford to lose 30-50 million more consumers next cycle? 

At what point do you say enough is enough?

In my opinion it's time to unify and fight back.