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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothetical: Nintendo Agrees To Support PS4, Sony Agrees To Support HDS

Just going by title of the thread...that wouldn't even be a fair trade

Sony doesn't even like to support their own handheld. Why would they want to support someone elses lol



Also Sony wouldnt need Nintendo for their console atm due to strong third party support they all ready have

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

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Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:

The Wii U isn't over 10 million and the 3DS was a massive decline.  If the next handheld declines again they most certainly need help.  

And by the end of the gen, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was the only one of the big three to have made profit. Sony and Microsoft have lost more money than they made by going into the gaming industry. Nintendo always wins.

Look at the companies current states.  The value of nintendo has declined a lot whereas sony have had a massive rebound.  Ps4 is going to be a gold mine for the next 8 years whereas nintendo face massive losses if they don't stop the big decline with their next consoles. 

Soundwave said:
Intrinsic said:

i think people take the whole shrinking Japanese market thing too far. Even if the market shrinks to a 5M sold consoles per generation market its still not bad at all. That after all is how sales has been in every other tier 2 country in the world so I don't see why itvwoukd be bad for Japan. it just means that they would have to make sure they publish their games internationally and not just locally. life will continue just fine. same money, different approach. 

5M consoles sold in Japan?

Say hello to Monster Hunter 6 and Dragon Quest XII ... for iPhone 8. Hope you like touch controls. 

so let me understand something... are you trying to tell say that if the PS4 only manages 5M console sales in Japan then all the major Japanese games will go to mobile? And this is because those major games from nap publishers only sell well in Japan right? 

Kerotan said:
Samus Aran said:

And by the end of the gen, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was the only one of the big three to have made profit. Sony and Microsoft have lost more money than they made by going into the gaming industry. Nintendo always wins.

Look at the companies current states.  The value of nintendo has declined a lot whereas sony have had a massive rebound.  Ps4 is going to be a gold mine for the next 8 years whereas nintendo face massive losses if they don't stop the big decline with their next consoles. 

Sony is still a much bigger mess than Nintendo if you look at the whole companies.
Nintendo isn't facing massive losses.

Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:

Look at the companies current states.  The value of nintendo has declined a lot whereas sony have had a massive rebound.  Ps4 is going to be a gold mine for the next 8 years whereas nintendo face massive losses if they don't stop the big decline with their next consoles. 

Sony is still a much bigger mess than Nintendo if you look at the whole companies.
Nintendo isn't facing massive losses.

Read my post again.  I said if the big decline continues they are in big trouble because they're creeking as it is. 

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RolStoppable said:
Kerotan said:

Look at the companies current states.  The value of nintendo has declined a lot whereas sony have had a massive rebound.  Ps4 is going to be a gold mine for the next 8 years whereas nintendo face massive losses if they don't stop the big decline with their next consoles. 

Man, the big decline will be stopped because they can't go all that much lower anymore.

Are sure about that? Seems like the line keeps getting drawn and smartphones continue to eat audience regardless. 

The 3DS started from "well it's gonna sell 150 million, Nintendo's got this". 

That then became "well, maybe 120 million, the launch was slow".

That then became "well ok, they get to 100 million, even the GBA would've hit 100 million with a full 5+ years"

Then that became "well 85+ million for sure, no way it doesn't outsell the PSP, Pokemon will cause sales to skyrocket!"

And now we're down to "maybe they can hit 75 million if this 3DS revision takes off". 

Maybe there is a bottom and this just magically ceases to be a problem for Nintendo next-generation, but its very possible that mobile gaming is a cancer that isn't going to stop until it carves the handheld business into something unsustainable. 

The problem is these smart devices are getting kids to think of portable gaming as something that should be free or $1 at most. You have a whole generation of kids thinking that's how things should be. That's a problem. 

Between the 3DS and Vita, there's going to be about 140-150 million fewer handhelds sold this cycle. Whereas smart phone sales and adoption is accelerating. If it chips away another say 30 million even next cycle, Nintendo is getting into a danger zone.

To tell the truth, I'd kind of welcome that.

Need something off Play-Asia?

I am a superfan of both, and i love the idea *__________________________*

Soundwave said:

Maybe there is a bottom and this just magically ceases to be a problem for Nintendo next-generation, but its very possible that mobile gaming is a cancer that isn't going to stop until it carves the handheld business into something unsustainable. 

The problem is these smart devices are getting kids to think of portable gaming as something that should be free or $1 at most. You have a whole generation of kids thinking that's how things should be. That's a problem. 

Between the 3DS and Vita, there's going to be about 140-150 million fewer handhelds sold this cycle. Whereas smart phone sales and adoption is accelerating. If it chips away another say 30 million even next cycle, Nintendo is getting into a danger zone.

If it comes to the handheld business been unsustainable then it's in Nintendo's best interests to start selling hardware at a profit. The red ocean route might not be a bad idea come to think of it since Nintendo practically has a monopoly on dedicated gaming handhelds. Nintendo should do what Apple does and that's depending on their loyal customer base much like how Sony went through the bad times with the PS3 ... 

That line of thought really might be dangerous when it comes to gaming but that only shows that they value gaming very little since so pandering to them was a lost cause from the start ...

They definitely might be getting into the danger zone with a further decline like that but it doesn't have be that way as long as they sell their hardware at a profit and there will always be an audience for dedicated gaming handhelds since control schemes are the biggest differentiator ...

KyleeStrutt said:

Why don't just call the thread "Nintendo should go third party" then?

That's pretty much what you're asking, after agreeing that Sony's IPs would do nothing to help the HDS to sell.

This can work in many ways.

"Microsoft Agrees to Support PS4, Sony Agrees to Support Windows"

"Samsung agrees to Support iDevices, Apple agrees to support Smart TV"

"Facebook agrees to support Google+, Google agrees to support Oculus Rift"

He reminds me of a young Bobby kotick, someone who sees one weak end and one strong end of something and must merge them together to create a monopoly for maximum profits, and profit is the only thing driving any decision with Bobby and it's mostly what Soundwave is driving home with every "nintendo is weak must go mobile/third party" or anyone he thinks is weak, he also doesn't seem to see how problematic monopolies can be for the whole world, monopolies are never a good thing.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"