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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony Q3 FY15 Results - Beats Market Expectations & 6.4 Million Shipped PS4's

ethomaz said:
kitler53 said:
nearly 1.5M ps4s on shelves. the fad is real.

Nobody wants to buy one

They preffer to buy Sony stocks as show by 12%+

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
AlexJones said:
kitler53 said:
nearly 1.5M ps4s on shelves. the fad is real.

What does that say about the Xbone, since we all know that MS overshipped? 3m Xbones unsold is a possibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Xbone is NOT past 10m sold-through.

did you see their holiday numbers? or completely miss that? They set a record for most consoles sold on Black Friday. 

Sharpryno said:
AlexJones said:

What does that say about the Xbone, since we all know that MS overshipped? 3m Xbones unsold is a possibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Xbone is NOT past 10m sold-through.

did you see their holiday numbers? or completely miss that? They set a record for most consoles sold on Black Friday. 

Not sure what that has to do with anything. Considering PS4 sold more than xbone in every single country in FY 2014 and SONY never overshipped according to gaf insiders, they still ended up with 1.5m units unsold.

kowenicki said:
ICStats said:
Acevil said:

and about $230 million profit for gaming.

Operating income in gaming is 53.7 Billion Yen, $457 Million.

Where did you see $230 Million?  Did they release net profits separately?

No.  its $230m for the quarter.

You might want to check the slide you think is one quarter...  thats for 3 quarters.

$230m isnt that impressive considering the size of the sales of hardware/software and PSN uptake.  Decent but not amazing.

Ah nvm, I didn't know if they were talking about the quarter or Q1~Q3.

My 8th gen collection

19'9 mill, shipped...., very close of what Wii did in the same timeframe (20'17 mill shipped). PS4 lost the advantage and probably will lose more than Wii during 2015, but PS4 is still selling historically well, and software sales will probably be even better than Wii softaware in 2008.

PS4 should ship around 18-20mill during 2015 with ease....

PS3, on the other hand, is dying quicker than I tought, but Sony is going for the profit against the number of sales..., so good for them I guess if they still make profits from PS3.

PSV... well, is doing enough. With luck maybe it can reach 15m lifetime...

Around the Network
ethomaz said:

Dr.Vita said:

Nice! Hope you have fun with.

Destiny Remote Play runs amazing good (way better than I expected)... so I'm having a lot of fun.

Speaking about Remote Play, if you have the slim, you should definitely check this out:

AlexJones said:
kitler53 said:
nearly 1.5M ps4s on shelves. the fad is real.

What does that say about the Xbone, since we all know that MS overshipped? 3m Xbones unsold is a possibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Xbone is NOT past 10m sold-through.


what stuff do u smoke. share with me pls


lol'd again
and sony is not at 18.5m sold through, because they lie about theire numbers...



kowenicki said:
Financial are decent, as I said they would be.

BUT, they really need to ditch mobile before it becomes the new "TV unit"

PS4 excellent shipment numbers and, as i said, PS3 is dying quickly. Handhelds are a bust.

That's up in the air for two reasons.

1) The TV Unit made money for the last 3 quarters. Specifically in their 4K line. Plus, they have a new "in store" Best Buy parternship coming.

2) Their Mobile division is still going to be downsized. But their did better with thier z line this quater after expanding US coverage with Verizion. Before all they  had was T-Mobile. They should try and offer A&T and Sprint carrier plans.

AlexJones said:
kitler53 said:
nearly 1.5M ps4s on shelves. the fad is real.

What does that say about the Xbone, since we all know that MS overshipped? 3m Xbones unsold is a possibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Xbone is NOT past 10m sold-through.

well i read it on the internet so it must be true..

So correct me if I'm wrong, but Sony is not making very much profit off each PS4.

If they profited $230 million in gaming, and you factor in the profit from PSVita/PS3/PS4 and other stuff (online) it's really not that much. Let's say it was only the PS4 that they were selling and it did 6.4 million, that's only about a $36 profit off each PS4, yet surely by now they're making a decent profit off the PS3. So if your now counting everything else gaming that profit number has to be really low. 

Either they're not profiting much or a good chunk of they're money is going somewhere in gaming, maybe making game, R&D??