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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)

A company with so many hits and blockbusters that it had to be sold.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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VitroBahllee said:
small44 said:

The article said that SOE is a leader in MMO why Sony accept to sell it?

Why does a junkie sell their valuable jewlery to droll on their own lap in an alley? They have no options.

drug addiction is not a joke. 


This isn't just news that slides under the carpet. O.O
This is fucking crazy.

Kerotan said:
VitroBahllee said:

Why does a junkie sell their valuable jewlery to droll on their own lap in an alley? They have no options.

drug addiction is not a joke. 

Hey I am sorry about what happened with your Mom, but it's been fifteen years. Stop taking it out on me. I did the best I could for you, and you have NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS LIKE living with her! She's your mother, but she was my WIFE, and it was hard finding balance after she cratered out like that.

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Kerotan said:
Seece said:
Kerotan said:
Big news Seece! Any idea how much they went for?

No idea, would love to know tho.

same. wanna have a wild guess? 

mine would be 200M but I honestly have zero idea. 

Not really, wouldn't know where to begin. Surely it'd have to have been worthwhile for Sony to sell it tho. That said they have been selling off whatever they can in recent years to prop up their financials (selling off buildings ect) didn't think they'd start with gaming tho :/


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Nice for Xbox gamers !

I don't really care tbh, not a huge fan of online games.

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

Great news for everybody. Expanding the MMO subscriber base is always a good thing.
One thing I don't like is the new name. Daybreak? It just sounds very weak.

SOE has always been a weird independent entity within Sony that wasn't connected directly to SCE as far as I could tell. Always had it's own booth at E3 and other events, its own PR, everything separate. I guess in that context it's not the most surprising thing.


Doesn't SOE own Planetside 2 as well, chance of that coming to XBO as well then?

Burek said:

One thing I don't like is the new name. Daybreak? It just sounds very weak.

Fits their pedigree.