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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)

Several months from now we may look back on this deal and say, "Sony dodged a bullet and got out just in time." Imagine if MSFT announces at a future conference that with WIN 10 all PC games will be playable on XB1 and somehow all these games were available on XB1 anyway.

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I wonder what will be sold next

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Ka-pi96 said:
DolPhanTendo said:
I find this article completely hilarious. With all these game journalists saying Nintendo needs to go third party, they can't make consoles, blah, blah , blah. Sony the massive console pusher are the one s going third party, ha ha Classic. NINTENDO KNOWS BEST!!!

Not even close. Sony aren't changing anything. They just sold a studio that was separate from PlayStation and was never really a 1st party studio in the first place.

Not firsty party but has the name Sony Online Entertainment? Also selling off one of your studios is technically letting your first party games go third party am i Mistaken?

JayWood2010 said:
Nem said:

They were, they most certainly arent. Do i need to point to world of warcraft? Theres many other MMO's making more money than their biggest one. 

"A Leader" not "The Leader"

Thats what i mean. Its PR talk. Theres no such thing as several leaders of the same race. Theres only one. If you call the first ten the leaders when theres a market of 10 providers, they are all leaders. Its bla bla talk.

true_fan said:
Imagine if MSFT announces at a future conference that with WIN 10 all PC games will be playable on XB1 and somehow all these games were available on XB1 anyway.

And then you wake up from your dream and join us back in the real world where nothing like that will ever happen. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Around the Network
Roma said:
I wonder what will be sold next

Weren't there rumors about the mobile division?

DolPhanTendo said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Not even close. Sony aren't changing anything. They just sold a studio that was separate from PlayStation and was never really a 1st party studio in the first place.

Not firsty party but has the name Sony Online Entertainment? Also selling off one of your studios is technically letting your first party games go third party am i Mistaken?

They develop PC games mostly. They've made more games that are Windows exclusive than they've made games that sometime in their lifespan made it to PS consoles. SOE have basically been thirdparty all the time.

Fusioncode said:
true_fan said:
Imagine if MSFT announces at a future conference that with WIN 10 all PC games will be playable on XB1 and somehow all these games were available on XB1 anyway.

And then you wake up from your dream and join us back in the real world where nothing like that will ever happen. 

Man you really need a life outside of video games, you take this stuff waaaaaaayyy to seriously. If you actually payed attention you would learn that MSFT is heading towards build once play anywhere. This cannot be so easily dimissed.

Interesting move. But if SOE was not making Sony any profits then it's probably better to sell it off.

Shifting its development focus solely to PS4 and Vita is probably on balance better than retaining developers in this already multiplatform (PC) part of their gaming business.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Good for XOne i think.

EQ Next is kind the next big thing in MMORPG, now that Archeage came and went niche.