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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)


We're not really damage controlling, though. Some of us are just not that interested on most of SOE's games. The only one I'm particularly interested in is Everquest Next, but it's not even close to be in beta. Also, your Bungie example is not similar enough to SOE considering Bungie was not owned by Microsoft in the first place. The Halo IP is owned by Microsoft. SOE, on the other hand, was owned by Sony. See, when we say irrelevant, we weren't saying SOE has no place in the gaming market. It's irrelevent in terms of what Sony Computer Entertainment is striving for. So.... yeah, I don't know why you're getting such a rise from some of our comments.

As for your post counting, it was just silly altogether. Not sure how counting posts proves your point of people "damage controlling" and your insistent defense just makes me even more baffled.

EDIT: I should also note that we aren't disagreeing with your points. This is great for both SOE and Sony. SOE gets to be on its own while Sony gets to consolidate its focus on Playstation. Everybody wins

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B-but the blu-ray royalties! They would make Sony rich!

Aura7541 said:


As for your post counting, it was just silly altogether. Not sure how counting posts proves your point of people "damage controlling" and your insistent defense just makes me even more baffled.

Nobody is "counting posts". You clearly misunderstood the post I made, idk what you are going on about.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Aura7541 said:


As for your post counting, it was just silly altogether. Not sure how counting posts proves your point of people "damage controlling" and your insistent defense just makes me even more baffled.

Nobody is "counting posts". You clearly misunderstood the post I made, idk what you are going on about.

Then word your comments better next time.

Wow this is huge for Sony. H1Z1 is exploding in popularity on twitch. a third of my steam online friend list has been playing it. Furthermore Everquest Next is currently looking like the next big MMO now that Archeage flopped. I do feel this will be much better for Daybreak though.

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Aura7541 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Nobody is "counting posts". You clearly misunderstood the post I made, idk what you are going on about.

Then word your comments better next time.

I can't help people making illogical/unrational connections from simple posts, sorry. I'm going to drop this now.

LudicrousSpeed said:

I can't help people making illogical/unrational connections from simple posts, sorry. I'm going to drop this now.

Woah, calm down man.... I was just making a simple suggestion. Doesn't hurt to be a bit more cautious on what you're typing, no?

Torillian said:
SOE has always been a weird independent entity within Sony that wasn't connected directly to SCE as far as I could tell. Always had it's own booth at E3 and other events, its own PR, everything separate. I guess in that context it's not the most surprising thing.

Isn't that how most of Sony operates though? I know most of their ventures act independently of the other branches. and that is why we have funky situations like the Intview being released on XBL but not PSN 

generic-user-1 said:
Kerotan said:

it is big news because sony are selling something that will make them a lot of money. it's big news for sony. it's pretty irrelevant as far as playstation is concered. it will still get the pc ports years after they come out on pc. That's not going to change. 

Microsofts YouTube policy was a step in the wrong direction. It's not really a big deal because Halo has become irrelivant with most youtubers anyway. Especially compared to the hay day of 2007/2008/2009. I work in the industry and it has fallen big time. That move will do little to encourage a much needed revival. 

I'm sure planetside 2 will be great but only on pc. it should be good on ps4 but it will be a lot less than the pc version and coming a lot later. it's not gonna move consoles. It's big news potentially for xbox if they get the ports. And when i say xbox i mean the current fanbase. this ain't gonna move many xboxs for MS. I'm sure they would miss out on a ton of subs but the price they are selling this for would cover those subs and then some. Otherwise they would keep it and take all the subs instead. 

w8 wat? why are you guys talking like planetside 2 is a new game that has to prove itself? its out for over 2 years... its great game, the best fps sony ever did. and it will not come to the xbone in the near future, they needed 2 years to port it to the ps4...

no i'm not. i'm basically agreeing with you. it is a PC game first and for most and is getting a late port to the PS4. It's not damaging news to the PS4 in any significant way. It's kinda obvious though. Sony wouldn't sell it if it was. 

LudicrousSpeed said:

This is going to be my last post in the thread on this "is it a big deal" narrative because it's just petty what some are saying. The problem with the post you made here and posts others like Kerotan or Roronaaaaa are making is that you're making them entirely from a defensive, almost damage controlling point of view, as if this represents an attack on Sony or something. This can be a big deal to many people and the industry in general, and also be a wise move by Sony. It doesn't have to be "irrelevant" or "not a big deal" or "LOL shouldve sold them sooner!!". Using the same logic you guys are using, Microsoft splitting with Bungie was irrelevant, and not a big deal. I mean, another capable company is making Halo now, and Bungie has moved on to Destiny, which is also on MS platforms. So who cares, right?

But it was a big deal because it gave Bungie freedom and allowed many others to experience their games. Anyone who is either a fan of Daybreak games or was looking forward to playing one or more of them on PC or PS4, can now look forward to possibly playing an even better game than they'd have gotten otherwise. And any Xbone owner who maybe thought H1Z1 or Planetside 2 look cool, well hey maybe now they'll get a chance to play them. And with that increased revenue, perhaps the PC and PS4 versions of those games are even better as more money is pumped into them? And who knows what other projects this increased revenue will bring them.

And of course that is not even touching the fact that it has to be a big deal to Daybreak themselves to move to another publisher who surely has more money than Sony does.

Regarding the bolded, silly goose, if I were counting posts then I wouldn't have been wondering how many it took. Hope that helps.

I find it funny you are calling people silly for not reading your posts correctly. You've not exactly read what I'm saying correctly thus why you have made a counter defensive post to me. You are making the wrong assumption completely. I was responding to sales who went AWOL with his Sony baiting posts and you've taken what I've said to him as if I've not addressed the big picture. 

Sales was playing the wole this is a big blow for the PS4 agenda. I pointed out why this is not a blow to the PS4. Thus it's irrelivant. You shouldn't shoot first and ask questions later. I've said it's a big deal potentially for gamers on the xbox but not so much for microsoft. They will get an increase in sales revenue but it's not going to move xboxs for them. Just like it won't move any PS4's. 

My points are fair and balanced but you are nit picking one aspect of them and twisting my words. Silly goose! 

LudicrousSpeed said:
Kerotan said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

"irrelevant" LOL

I wonder how many posts it took on page one for that narrative to start.

Anyways, it's funny to me. Hope that helps.

yeah it's pretty irrelevant to it's consoles. unless you though planetside 2, H1Z1, DC universe etc were all going to shift ps4's in relevant numbers? all focused mainly on pc and releasing there first. who bought the ps4 for warframe? a shit load will play them because they are free but very few will buy a ps4 for them. 

anyway if you find that funny, that's cool. i wish i had a sense of humour as good as that. 

If it's so irrelevant, why was your first reply telling Seece it's "big news"? If they are irrelevant, then it's not big news.

Planetside 2 has gotten a lot of talk on here. And plenty here were looking forward to H1Z1. DC Universe sucks. You don't have to shift tons of consoles for something to be big news. I mean, aren't you the guy who like a week ago was trying to say Microsoft's YouTube policies were a big deal? And yet Sony selling off SOE is not a big deal? LOL give me a break.

So if Planetside 2 turns out to be amazing, it's not a big deal that Xbox One owners could play the game as well? Same with H1Z1. And what if EQ Next is phenomenal. Sony will be missing out on tons of revenue from subscriptions. It's a big move. And depending on what they produce in the future, could be huge.

Yes indeed. I bet Sony could've made tons of revenue from subscriptions from SOE's free to play games. /s