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We're not really damage controlling, though. Some of us are just not that interested on most of SOE's games. The only one I'm particularly interested in is Everquest Next, but it's not even close to be in beta. Also, your Bungie example is not similar enough to SOE considering Bungie was not owned by Microsoft in the first place. The Halo IP is owned by Microsoft. SOE, on the other hand, was owned by Sony. See, when we say irrelevant, we weren't saying SOE has no place in the gaming market. It's irrelevent in terms of what Sony Computer Entertainment is striving for. So.... yeah, I don't know why you're getting such a rise from some of our comments.

As for your post counting, it was just silly altogether. Not sure how counting posts proves your point of people "damage controlling" and your insistent defense just makes me even more baffled.

EDIT: I should also note that we aren't disagreeing with your points. This is great for both SOE and Sony. SOE gets to be on its own while Sony gets to consolidate its focus on Playstation. Everybody wins