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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:

I've enjoyed every single minute of gta and many other games That took a lot longer.  My point is using 37 hours as the reason is not the best.  Like I've played over 200 hours of the last of us and enjoyed every minute of it But time is not the reason it was the greatest game ever made.  

Eh you're just conjecturing things I never said. All I said is that you get a lot out of your money with MM 3D.

Mine was from a single playthrough btw, not 20 lol. 

I was talking about online for the last of us. Over 200 hours online and about 6 offline.  Just seems strange you brought up value for money as why you want it to do well instead yano maybe.... Its an awesome game? 

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1000'th post!

binary solo said:
Samus Aran said:

1 million in sales is more like $30 million in revenue.

It's $60 million in total revenue, with the only significant cut from that being the retailer margin. It would be interesting to see how the risk was shared between Sony and RaD. As a second party there would still be a publishig contract and it could be that Sony takes the majority of the revenue (after retailer margin and distribution costs) until Sony breaks even in its investment, and only then does RaD start to receive a majority of the revenue and Sony just receives the normal platform owner royalties.

What do you reckon the game cost To make? 

bananaking21 said:

1000'th post!

Was it worth the ban for spam?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

1001th is cooler.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

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Conegamer said:
bananaking21 said:

1000'th post!

Was it worth the ban for spam?

Not only was I not 1001th, now I'm going to get banned!  Fail of epic proportion.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:

That would likely mean 1 million first including digital.  That would be awesome.  $60 million in revenue would likely mean the game turns a nice profit meaning the sequel would be likely because much of the costly groundwork would already be done 

1 million in sales is more like $30 million in revenue.

Each game sold usually equates to about $16 per sale as far as i remember an article breaking it down. It might be slightly different based on the fact that Sony own the IP etc.

So 1m is $16m. It's been in development for quite a while, so I suspect at least 1.5m sales to break even.

EDIT ... Actually the figure might have been in £'s, I cannot remember now, it was such a long time ago. Will see if i can find the article.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Conegamer said:
bananaking21 said:

1000'th post!

Was it worth the ban for spam?

you cant ban me!!!! 


some amazon shit!! yeah baby staying on topic talking about amazon shit. 

bananaking21 said:
Conegamer said:

Was it worth the ban for spam?

you cant ban me!!!! 


some amazon shit!! yeah baby staying on topic talking about amazon shit. 

Did I get the 1000th post? 

Kerotan said:
Samus Aran said:

Yeah except I enjoyed every single minute of it and only encountered one single glitch. ;)

And The Order is €59 here. Taxes are higher here, so that money doesn't go into the pocket of RAD. ;)

Never even encountered a gamestop in Europe. No surprise if they price games like that lol.

I've enjoyed every single minute of gta and many other games That took a lot longer.  My point is using 37 hours as the reason is not the best.  Like I've played over 200 hours of the last of us and enjoyed every minute of it But time is not the reason it was the greatest game ever made.  

Heh, I've got over 9600 hours into World of Warcraft, and it's by no means the greatest game ever made.