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OttoniBastos said:

After read this any doubt i had about the metascore of this game is gonne.

And the reason is pretty clear,RAD is trying to pretend that this game is something it isn't.

They're trying to make the game look like Uncharted but everytime they show something,the game looks more and more like Heavy Rain.

And that is not a problem as long as RAD come and say to us: "It's an interactive movie!"

Reviewers will trash this game cause they will play expecting a TLOU/Uncharted kind of game and will end with a QTE/cutscenes fest.

That's not true at all. The game is nothing like Heavy rain. You shouldn't listen to trolls. It is indeed like Uncharted/TLOU.

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DerNebel said:
binary solo said:

Well if all that is true then it's pretty disappointing. But don't forget you are supposedly able to speed run through all of the God of War games in about 3 or 4 hours, but I've never been able to get through a God of War game in less than 12. On my first run through. So if the major criticism is length then I will probably ignore that. If the other major criticisim is more cutscenes than gameplay, well that will only be bad if the voice acting is bad and the story is lame. Otherwise I'll be OK with a lot of cut scenes for a first play through. But it does reduce replayability.

But in all of that greyed out text you don't mention people crapping on the gameplay, aside from that there isn't much of it. So has there been any word on whether the gameplay is good?

What I've read is that the gameplay is solid, but not mindblowing or perfect.

Well that's good enough for me. Solid gameplay + 10-12 hours (for me almost certainly) + decent story + great visuals + decent voice acting = worth playing for me.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Roronaa_chan said:
OttoniBastos said:

After read this any doubt i had about the metascore of this game is gonne.

And the reason is pretty clear,RAD is trying to pretend that this game is something it isn't.

They're trying to make the game look like Uncharted but everytime they show something,the game looks more and more like Heavy Rain.

And that is not a problem as long as RAD come and say to us: "It's an interactive movie!"

Reviewers will trash this game cause they will play expecting a TLOU/Uncharted kind of game and will end with a QTE/cutscenes fest.

That's not true at all. The game is nothing like Heavy rain. You shouldn't listen to trolls. It is indeed like Uncharted/TLOU.

I hope so.I do think this franchise has potential.

So after all the good comments of those past few days, some people decided to come out and troll the game big time.
I don't remember seeing such hate dedication toward a game ever. I feel like pre-ordering the game just because of all that Negative-Campaign. Smh

The Order is at 12 Hourly right now

And climbing fast yearly.


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1) PS4: #11
2) PS3 TV: #22
3) XBO AC: #25
4) 3DS XL: #53
5) WiiU 3DW: #75
6) PSV TV: #90
7) PS3: #91

1) Zelda MM 3D: #4
2) Far Cry 4 PS4: #5
3) Far Cry 4 XBO #7
4) The Order 86: #12
5) CoD XBO: #15
6) Middle Heart PS4: #17
7) GTA V XBO: #19
8) MH 4: #21
9) Far Cry 4 PC: #23
10) GTA V PS4: #27

At least the PS3 is back down to 220... That's gotta count for something...

BraLoD said:

I wonder if Bloodborne will suffer all this nonsense hate as well.

Of course, it will. Its an exclusive remember.

BraLoD said:

I wonder if Bloodborne will suffer all this nonsense hate as well.

The Order is suffering one of the worse attempts of downplay ever.
The amount of nonsense hate Sony exclusive games are getting is simply insane.
They even tried to take down The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 as well, the last one will still be getting it turn of nonsense hate when we are close to its release.
The reason is the wars of course, people that used to spend a whole gen feeling like champions because of the USA domination now seems to be terrible affected by the PS4 success, they can't stand it, they need to downplay it and do the possible to take it down with all they can.
After watching such compromisse with this "cause" with one of the best games we EVER had, it's expected to this to be happening, the human being don't fail to impress me in all possible bad ways.

I hope if the game is good people who played it try to do a good world to mouth so it won't end like this sick people want it to happen, the damage was already done and will just get worse this following days, but I hope it can get controlled based on the game quality, as with happened with DriveClub.

And I still see people wonder why this gen have no new stuff and is a 7th gen 2.0...
There are games comming, good games, but our putrid internet (and out of it as well) envyronment is making sure you won't heard of them or at leats will hear only terrible stuff, and that'll only make new stuff happen less and less.

I don't think this has as much to do with it being a Sony exclusive as it does with people having become cynics.  Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Aliens Colonial Marines, Rome Total War 2, Assassin's Creed Unity, Sims 4, Sim City The Crew and now Evolve.  The overhype, under deliver pattern has become very common starting late 2013 and continuing through 2014 and now into 2015.  So yeah, people are cynical.  My only issue is the game has shown nothing that sells it for me.  For the longest time, every gameplay vid sent different signals.  It's a gorgeous game with a unique look.  I would love for it to be great, I'm just keeping my expectations in check.  But this isn't a heavy hitting developer and this is their biggest project and they are under a lot of pressure to produce a beautiful showpiece from all sides.  While you can complain about the cynics, don't just act like these devs are above reproach and the game will be awesome "cause  easons." Reasonable expectations is they key to avoiding burns and getting more pleasant surprises.

The order doing good