OttoniBastos said: List of consoles + exclusives on top 100: #7 PS4 #15 Xone #27 The Order 1886 #30 Smash Brothers #31 Infamous Second Son #42 MBL 15: The show AE #47 Halo:MCC #51: Bloodborne #53 Mario Kart 8 #61 WiiU #64 PS3 #75 The Order 1886 CE #91 PS4 BF bundle #94 The Last of Us(PS3) Evolve sales are not looking good; PS3 is beasting and it's probably pushing TLOU; The order sales are higher than i thought; Xone dropping a little; Mario kart and smash having good legs as expected; Infamous is high....why? price cut maybe? |
I'm convinced that Evolve wont do that well, it just doesnt seem like a game that should be a full console release... or I havent seen anything to convince me of that. It's a monster L4D, and though L4D had long legs ot was a PC game, Evolve just doesnt seem like a £45 console release game. Perhaps it will perform better on PC.
Ultimately though it depends on how many sales they need to be successful. Perhaps they only need a mill or something to make a profit and so going full price might mean they have to sell less to get to that profit.