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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If Nintendo partnered with Disney what Disney IP would you like to see get the Nintendo touch?

I was just running through a list of Disney IP and had forgotten about The Rescuers. Loved that movie as a child (right so like last year) and the general plot seems adaptable to a game.

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Disney can go burn in hell.

Wii U + PS4 


The Shaggy D.A.

No Disney IP screams "gameplay mechanic" to me but it is a rather fun question.

"How about a game that combines point and click adventure with dating sim mechanics for Mary Poppins?" <- This is my mind drawing a blank. <

A Mario-ish Epic Mickey reboot would be cool, perhaps using the same engine? And a open-world Pirates of the Carribean game would be awesome.

I'm now filled with determination.

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There isn't really much of a benefit to Nintendo from such a partnership, but Disney could make billions.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Quite frankly, I would not want to see Nintendo and Disney partner up.

Epic Mickey COULD have been genuinely epic, and amazing, had it actually tried to live up to it's original premise of painting and erasing the world you were in. Instead, what you were presented with, is a generic, very limited game world wherein you use a token paint brush to shoot "paint" and "thinner" at certain objects to remove them or fill them in. Very uninspired, very unoriginal, and very disappointing. That said, it WAS still a pretty decent game, and a modest hit for Wii. But, the fact that it COULD have been so much more than it was, and then seeing what it turned out to be, was pretty underwhelming.

DevilRising said:
Quite frankly, I would not want to see Nintendo and Disney partner up.

Epic Mickey COULD have been genuinely epic, and amazing, had it actually tried to live up to it's original premise of painting and erasing the world you were in. Instead, what you were presented with, is a generic, very limited game world wherein you use a token paint brush to shoot "paint" and "thinner" at certain objects to remove them or fill them in. Very uninspired, very unoriginal, and very disappointing. That said, it WAS still a pretty decent game, and a modest hit for Wii. But, the fact that it COULD have been so much more than it was, and then seeing what it turned out to be, was pretty underwhelming.

Admit it you just don't want to see it happen becuae then you'd have to update your avatar ;)

Like I said on the other thread about that "analyst" suggesting that Disney should buy Nintendo, let Disney make park attractions based on Nintendo IPs & Pixar make good movies of Mario, Metroid, Starfox, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc, movies in which Nintendo obviously has their artistic contibution & word to say! That should make a great source of income for Nintendo, while giving its IPs greater recognition & awarness!

Then throw some IPs Nintendo's way, Marvel comes to mind though the best would that Disney should make it mandatory that any of its IP developped by 3rd parties should come to Nintendo consoles, Nintendo has enough work on their hands making its IPs & developping new ones.

The best for the end: "force" EA to release the Star Wars games on Nintendo's consoles... just to see the face of Peter Moore :O

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Game_God said:

Like I said on the other thread about that "analyst" suggesting that Disney should buy Nintendo, let Disney make park attractions based on Nintendo IPs & Pixar make good movies of Mario, Metroid, Starfox, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc, movies in which Nintendo obviously has their artistic contibution & word to say! That should make a great source of income for Nintendo, while giving its IPs greater recognition & awarness!

Then throw some IPs Nintendo's way, Marvel comes to mind though the best would that Disney should make it mandatory that any of its IP developped by 3rd parties should come to Nintendo consoles, Nintendo has enough work on their hands making its IPs & developping new ones.

The best for the end: "force" EA to release the Star Wars games on Nintendo's consoles... just to see the face of Peter Moore :O

Yeah already told you I loved the last line in the other thread.  I specifically chose partnership over acquisition though for my thread.  In general though I like the way you think.  I do agree Nintendo couldn't handle too many of Disney's IP at a time and still keep up with their own. I'd like to see maybe one good IP use per year (i.e. unlike the licencing cash grabs Disney currently brokers when it comes to games)