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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Quarter results are here! 7.08M 3DS and 3.03M Wii U shipped! Wii U 9.2M total shipped! 5.7 amiibos shipped!$250 million net income! 3DS projections lowered!

Did they win or lose money?

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Around the Network
Metallox said:
Did they win or lose money?

they made almost twice what they made last quarter (i think $130m vs. around $250m usd). whether that was again because of the exchange rate isn't yet clear...

GAF thread for those interested.

Seems to have good formatting.

So the overall tracking of Wii U is almost spot on, nice. And of course profits. I wonder if Wii U price cut will come to try and drive sales to come as close to the 3.6mil mark by the end of March or if they will hold off.

Metallox said:
Did they win or lose money?

Operating income is on the plus, so unless they have special spends, it should be profit.

Around the Network
Nuvendil said:
So the overall tracking of Wii U is almost spot on, nice. And of course profits. I wonder if Wii U price cut will come to try and drive sales to come as close to the 3.6mil mark by the end of March or if they will hold off.

I think they'll hold off until Splatoon and try to sell it as a part of a $50 price dropped bunduru.

...At least, I hopuru they doduru.

i dont think we'd see a Wii U price drop till holiday 2015 tbh

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

PwerlvlAmy said:
i dont think we'd see a Wii U price drop till holiday 2015 tbh

Price drop it in Oct with Zelda U coming the next month = Up YoY :0

cycycychris said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
i dont think we'd see a Wii U price drop till holiday 2015 tbh

I'm think a price cut will come when splatoon releases, along with a bundle. Especially if they think that they might miss there projections.

Splatoon bundle with squid amiibos

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Welfare said:
3DS once again over tracked.

Wii U seems to better tracked compared to last quarter.

We already knew that(from the LTD sales leaks of NPD..:P

It's only overtracked in one place!In the usa,by 200k or 300k...And that isn't so bad!