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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo should publish TimeSplitters 4 for the Wii U

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Is this a good idea?

Yes 44 64.71%
No 14 20.59%
Possibly 10 14.71%

Number of Western franchise IP rescued by Nintendo in the last 15 years = zero.

Number of Nintendo published games made by Western studios not based on one of their Japanese IP = two since 2002.

Geist (flop) and Eternal Darkness (semi-flop). Project: HAMMER (NST) was canned.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Nintendo post Arakawa/Lincoln has a problem trusting Western developers.

Around the Network

Yes, they should have done it years ago. Timesplitters is perfect for their audience and a perfect add on to their library.

Timesplitters was one of my favourite games for Gamecube.
It would fill a much needed hole in the library.


i love time splitters but i dont want it wii u exclusive. I would hate for it to be held back by wii u. Unless its 100% not coming to other systems then, in that case, i would approve.

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion