DigitalDevilSummoner said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
LOL The DMC syndrome. Bad story, charismatic yet mysterious chracter. There isnt much left to say. Good talk.
No offence but DMC and Bayonetta's stories are leagues ahead of GoW. They are not great but they are original and they work great with the games.
GoW story wise is a joke. Kratos is the single most retarded hero I've seen in some time. Dark Souls does a better job at delivering a proper myth. The first flame is the fire prometheus brought to the humans. The everlasting dragons are the Titans Zeus defeated. Lake Ash is Gaia, mother of the Titans. GoW, is a sad excuse for the use of Greek mythology.
S.T.A.G.E. said:
God of War is the total package in a hack n slash/action game.
Press square for revenge.
To your first response:
I've played DMC. It survived solely off of the gameplay and a charismatic character (same for bayonetta). The game had a decent backstory, but the had no proper story arch for the game (itself) outside of motivation.
Do not compare god of War to Dark Souls. Dark Souls is an ARPG based upon survival. God of War, DMC, Bayonetta are on the same branch of the action genre. Dark Souls is not akin nor does it play like typical hack n slash action games. They are meterbased arcade style hack n slash games that allow for outrageous combos and you are rewarded for filling up meter. You can also mix and match your combos (more in God of War than the others) but in the others you have auto lock features and other things to have a combo with more possible depth. As the game progresses so does your comboing abilities.
To your second response:
As I told someone before, God of Wars story is not the greatest, but it works equally amongst the production value and gameplay. Greek mythology isnt about having likable characters (this isnt a disney movie), its about telling a story. Not one part outdoes the other. God of War was influenced by DMC and Rygar and Bayonetta took notes from God of War by implementing their mini-game system in their game as well. Unlike DMC, God of War in the main series did not have an ebb and flow of quality. It remained consistent. The only questionable games were the side quests or what others call fillers. DMC had an ebb and flow of quality in the main franchise. The first game was great, then the second game sucked, then the third game was great and then the fourth game was passable. There is a reason why Capcom called for a reboot.
God of War is responsible for relevance of story to the story arch of hack n slash game. Games like Star Wars the Force Unleashed. Decent story right? Thank God of War. How about Dantes Inferno. Decent story right? Thank God of War. Dantes Inferno was basically a reskinned God of War with a Christian theme.
God of War had one thread connecting three games. Every game started off storywise where the last game left off. No hack N slash has ever done that.