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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Did Microsoft just force Nintendo's hand?

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Should they reduce the price of the Wii U?

Yes, it's overdue. 220 61.45%
No, it's fine. 97 27.09%
Not sure. 41 11.45%
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
DexInDaJungle said:

I didn't state that Microsoft forced their hand, I simply asked a question. That's why I added one of those weird symbols at the end.

I'm asking if, with everything Microsoft has done in the last 2 months and the succes they have recieved from it, should Nintendo do the same to try and increase their install base or do they keep the price and risk a decrease in their current baseline which is already pretty low.

Well, Nintendo hasn't really done anything for the last 2 months while the x1 had a price cut so I doubt they will do it based off of Microsoft's price cut. Should they do a price cut? Yes cause its been over a year since the last one. But I still don't think it will be due to Microsoft though but again, I guess we will have to wait and see when they do it

I honestly don't see it happening until E3 or their direct after E3, whenever that will be. So I do agree with you that they won't react to Microsoft but my gut tells me that's the wrong decision. Chances are, they would still be profiting off the Wii U at $250 and with the N3DS coming out in the west, that will surely cover some ground for them.

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DexInDaJungle said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well of course its up cause it has more content to offer... Is there any console that goes up YoY with noticablly less content to offer? Games sell hardware so yea... Makes sense that more/bigger games sell more hardware...

But yes, I do understand that Nintendo should react and it makes the wiiU less appealing and etc but that doesn't mean that Microsoft "just" forced Nintendo's hand loll. If Nintendo hasn't reacted yet, that means Nintendo doesn't care. They might react in the future, sure, but saying that "Did Microsoft just force Nintendo's Hand?" is not really true cause Nintendo hasn't done anything

And heck, if there is a price drop, which I am sure there will be sometime this year, one could argue that its cause it was a natural price drop due to production costs being lowered rather than Microsoft forcing Nintendo cause there was no price drop in 2014 so there has to be one in 2015 or else they are just being greedy. But of course, that depends on the time frame of the price drop compared to x1's price drop

So imo, that title is incorrect since Nintendo hasn't reacted at all and I doubt they will do anything until the next Nintendo direct which considering we just had one, it will be a while till the next one

I didn't state that Microsoft forced their hand, I simply asked a question. That's why I added one of those weird symbols at the end.

I'm asking if, with everything Microsoft has done in the last 2 months and the succes they have recieved from it, should Nintendo do the same to try and increase their install base or do they keep the price and risk a decrease in their current baseline which is already pretty low.

You guys are actually just arguing over the verb tense of the title. He's basically saying that your title should say "Will Microsoft's recent moves force Nintendo's hand?" instead of "Did Microsft just force Nintendo's hand?" Technically, he's right, since the past tense would only be be correct if Nintendo had done something, but it's really not worth arguing over. I think people understand what you mean.

DexInDaJungle said:

So you're saying, with Smash and MK already on the console, a price cut and a bigger line-up (in numbers, not hype) wouldn't have any chance of increasing their weekly sales? I disagree with that. I'm not saying they will be selling in the hundred thousands but I think they can get out of their bubble.

MK's been on the console and we've already seen the results from it, and really Smash Wii U never had a chance anyway thanks to the 3DS version. More games don't matter when most of them are niche, though I'll grant that with marketing Splatoon, Xenoblade, n Mario Maker could do stuff, but even then the first of them doesn't release until May, so 2014 all over again. The only thing that could separate this year from the last is the potential price cut which would need to happen asap, but if MK8 couldn't do anything I don't see a price cut helping out the long term either.

armodillo17 said:

You guys are actually just arguing over the verb tense of the title. He's basically saying that your title should say "Will Microsoft's recent moves force Nintendo's hand?" instead of "Did Microsft just force Nintendo's hand?" Technically, he's right, since the past tense would only be be correct if Nintendo had done something, but it's really not worth arguing over. I think people understand what you mean.

Okay I understand what you mean now, English is not my first language. I've studied it a lot and I've been living in America for a while now but I still make mistakes I guess lol

I think 249.99 after Q1

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NobleTeam360 said:
Nintendo can drop the price all they want, people will still buy the PS4 and Xbox One a lot more than the Wii U. Just being honest.


Wii U is already the cheapest console on the market. Price dropping a console that doesn't have the huge demand won't do them much favors. I do however see them at $250 possibly this year. It is Nintendo, so it's hard to predict it.">"><img src="

Forced their hand? Not really; I think they always intended to hold the price til the end of the fiscal year. Iwata promised profits, that's what he's going to deliver. And so long as the Wii U continues to be up YoY, Nintendo probably sees no need to jump the gun. Plus lower the price to $250 alongside a major release like Mario Maker or Splatoon or even Mario Party 10 will be more effective, just as it was when MS did it alongside all their promotional stuff.

I think they have to first finish selling the Wii Us they made when they predicted they would sell 9 millions in 2013.
Once they do that they will have to manufacture new ones, and it may be a cheaper design.

It needs to happen at the same time as something else. A $249 Zelda bundle anyone?

A price drop to 279$ would look nice for future buyers.. absolut.. hope they do it in 2015

I think Nintendo has a "price plan" for the gen.. and MS drop will not chance that much