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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
DexInDaJungle said:

I didn't state that Microsoft forced their hand, I simply asked a question. That's why I added one of those weird symbols at the end.

I'm asking if, with everything Microsoft has done in the last 2 months and the succes they have recieved from it, should Nintendo do the same to try and increase their install base or do they keep the price and risk a decrease in their current baseline which is already pretty low.

Well, Nintendo hasn't really done anything for the last 2 months while the x1 had a price cut so I doubt they will do it based off of Microsoft's price cut. Should they do a price cut? Yes cause its been over a year since the last one. But I still don't think it will be due to Microsoft though but again, I guess we will have to wait and see when they do it

I honestly don't see it happening until E3 or their direct after E3, whenever that will be. So I do agree with you that they won't react to Microsoft but my gut tells me that's the wrong decision. Chances are, they would still be profiting off the Wii U at $250 and with the N3DS coming out in the west, that will surely cover some ground for them.