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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid 3DS accidentally revealed?

I don't think they are outing a game. With the exception of Smash, the other three titles are names of series, not specific games. The Metroid series is already available on 3DS. I do expect a game to come though.

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I was kinda expecting it next year along with a 3D Metroid on Wii U for the 30th anniversary but I'm fine with Metroid coming this year instead

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

If true it's probably saved for an E3 announcement for this fall / holiday, or else 2016.

Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5 Please be a 2D Metroid 5

Could just be a tired employee listing stuff without thinking. I'm dying for a new Metroid game but I need better confirmation before celebrating, which is why I'm gonna file this under "Oops".

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Am i the only one who is kinda meh to metroid :----/ it never clicked fully with me... I actually enjoyed other m more than corruption :---0

Nintendo will make a 2D Metroid, but this is just naming one of their most famous franchises in an ad.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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I would hope this is the case.
Regardless I can't imagine that we'll hear anything until E3 if there is a new Metroid.


none of the listed games are virtual console titles. a 3ds metroid is coming this year, and it's going to be a big deal (possibly their secondary holiday title to complement pokémon z).