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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - POTENTIAL MEGATON: Xenoblade Chronicles X to run at 60fps?!?!

Materia-Blade said:
GTAexpert said:
Samus Aran said:

What about those who compared XBX with GoW III or UCIII though? ;o

That's not hilarious?

Its not hilarious because I proved that there are mid-gen PS games with better character models than XCX. Try proving otherwise.

Check the last page for the proving otherwise part.

Those seem fake to me because some of them looked way better when I played them on PS3 and anyways you haven't proved otherwise for the games whose pics I posted.

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Materia-Blade said:
GTAexpert said:
Samus Aran said:

What about those who compared XBX with GoW III or UCIII though? ;o

That's not hilarious?

Its not hilarious because I proved that there are mid-gen PS games with better character models than XCX. Try proving otherwise.

Check the last page for the proving otherwise part.


-User was booted to Hades for not taking a hint-


Materia-Blade said:
DerNebel said:
Materia-Blade said:

Can't see it. Resident evil 5 was the closest one.

The difference here is that you just went out of your way to look for horrible screenshots for the games I posted (aside from Beyond which I can't believe you're trying to pass off as worse than XCX) to proof your point, while comparing them to screenshots that Nintendo uses to market the game with, I hope you realize where the problem with that method lies.

On nintendo, what you see is what you get. The other pictures show the real graphics of ps360 titles, if you find them horrible then it proves my point.

I doesn't, not in the slightest, you can find horrible screenshots of every game out there and it doesn't prove anything. You're just displaying some huge hypocrisy here, you don't want to use cutscene characters for the games I named but clearly compare them to cutscene characters for XCX.

And finally it should be noted that I'm not only about the character models, but the characters as a whole that also includes face models and animations, both areas where XCX is pretty subpar as well.

TiagoCosta said:
The only thing XCX is missing are good character models, mainly faces.

Everything else looks amazing, but those faces.

Its like a super-model astro-physicist with a ten-foot nose who has four noble prizes. Your mind goes right for the nose.

Wallpos said:
fluky-nintendy said:
I don't even think it's locked 30. Also it still looks rough around the edges, but also better than the last gameplay footage they showed on E3 I think.

100% agree. I noticed screen tearing too, framerate is not stable, very noticeable with far camera orbitting. Just like Shining Resonance, it's probably self suggestion. It did happen to me, i saw Shining Resonance footage on youtube, it has 60fps version, so i thought it was 60fps.. lol

If someone say it's 60fps he must be blinded by his fanboism.. 720P 30FPS MAX. "Wow supposedly weak Wii U has the best graphics out of three, it must be M$ and $ony conspiracy" ah, that classic Wii U fans justification. LMAO

Did you register to post precious gems such as this? 

Fact of the matter is that the Wii U first party titles have been more impressive than anything we saw on the more powerful hardware. Graphic design is playing a bigger role now than raw power. Its not like the noticeable difference the Wii had to the PS3 and 360. I'm afraid results outweight theory. 60 fps or not, its an impressive looking game and probably a very good one to boot. But, most if not all first party games have been at 60fps on the Wii U. No hardware will ever convince me that particle effects and volumetric whatevers are more important than 60fps gameplay. The real next-gen games are the ones improving graphics and running at 60fps.

And to anyone saying the faces look bad, lets look at the faces of the recent Dragon age inquisition. Now those are horrible faces... and i'm a fan of the series.

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There are way, waaaaay worse characters out there than XCX...


Monolith GODS!!!

Panama said:
sc94597 said:
Panama said:
TiagoCosta said:
The only thing XCX is missing are good character models, mainly faces.

Everything else looks amazing, but those faces.

They wouldn't look out of place on the PS2. They are really damn ugly.

Please google

The character models in the Xenosaga games were fine. They atleast adhered to the basics of facial anatomy.

Right because when I look at this I think they look so much more human-like than Xenoblade X.





Also you guys must remember that this game lets you customize your character. Therefore it won't have the specialized art direction that a game like Final Fantasy will have (characters are specifically made by the developer to look a specific way.) Usually games that have customization also have pretty ugly character models (look at Skyrim vs. The Witcher 2, in example.)

KylieDog said:

This looks better.

Only if you're talking about the art of the faces. It is quite obvious that the characters in Xenoblade X have many, many more polygons and higher resolution textures.