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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii games now available on Wii U according to direct? Get hypoed!!!! Winter Drought has ended baby! Everything is in Jan-Feb! Tingle!!!!!!!!!


Will Tingle be the best DLC Hyrule Warriors has to offer?

Hell Yes Ryguy you Bitch! 23 27.06%
Nah dog ( Watch what you call me^^^ !!) 4 4.71%
No 11 12.94%
Just Yes 4 4.71%
See results 18 21.18%
Yes 2 2.35%
Better than kissing Reggi... 13 15.29%
Other post below 1 1.18%
Maybe, depends on what his powers are 5 5.88%
I am number 10 :3 :3 :3 4 4.71%
spemanig said:
Nogamez said:

Thats alot of hype people have just to own a game.digitally rather then physically. Peoples shelves must really be full.....

Or people don't have shelves to fill because every other form of media has already gone digital so no one needs them anymore.

By media going digitally i.presume you mean subscriptions.or illegally downloading? No thanks ill stick to physical copies

Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dude...the 3DS pretty much shat all over the Wii U's year in the first quarter alone. Its like the exact opposite of Sony with the Vita vs the PS4. Makes me wonder why they even support their weakest platforms.

Unless I'm mistaken, Nintendo handhelds have made them more money than any Playstation platform, that's why.

Einsam_Delphin said:
Nogamez said:
spemanig said:
Nogamez said:
Wait whats all the fuss? a second hand copy of smg2 is so cheap. If i cant play with gamepad and have to dig out wiimotes whats the point of porting wii games? Someone explain

...The superiority of owning games digitally? Not wasting space on physical disks? Convenience?

Thats alot of hype people have just to own a game.digitally rather then physically. Peoples shelves must really be full.....

Pretty sure Prime Trilogy is almost as rare as Xenoblade.

Ahh ok that i can understand. Just smg2 is like 10 a penny at gameshops in uk

Nogamez said:

Ahh ok that i can understand. Just smg2 is like 10 a penny at gameshops in uk

Every copy I've seen for SMG2 here was at least €20.

So, I'm happy, sort of.

Nogamez said:

By media going digitally i.presume you mean subscriptions.or illegally downloading? No thanks ill stick to physical copies

That's fine. People still collect CDs, Blu-rays, DVDs, VHSs, cassettes, and other antiquated forms of media.

I personally have a record player and LPs of new and old songs for that old-timey sound. I like the novelty. I mean, it can easily be replicated on any modern day laptop or smart phone, but it doesn't look as cool and vintage that way. And of course, I still have those songs on my iPhone for the other 99% of the time I'll be listening to them.

Around the Network
Samus Aran said:

Unless I'm mistaken, Nintendo handhelds have made them more money than any Playstation platform, that's why.

I think he was asking why they are supporting the Wii U. Weaker in revenue, not specs.

spemanig said:
Nogamez said:

By media going digitally i.presume you mean subscriptions.or illegally downloading? No thanks ill stick to physical copies

That's fine. People still collect CDs, Blu-rays, DVDs, VHSs, cassettes, and other antiquated forms of media.

I personally have a record player and LPs of new and old songs for that old-timey sound. I like the novelty. I mean, it can easily be replicated on any modern day laptop or smart phone, but it doesn't look as cool and vintage that way. And of course, I still have those songs on my iPhone for the other 99% of the time I'll be listening to them.

Ha well music and film i download or stream but for some reason i prefer to buy a game physically. Dont know why

This would have been a great feature near launch but late is better then never.

Now we need to get prices. All of these games should be $20, but its nintendo so.....

So, I already own Galaxy 2, but I bought it cheap (half of it with Network Premium money) from the Russian eShop to try it out.

It's some kind of quick boot for the vWii mode, I could continue my savegame from the Disk version.

No miiverse

CladInShadows said:
jigokutamago said:
Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please Xenoblade please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty much this. I don't want to have to get a New 3DS or resort to piracy and emulation to play the game (though I will if I have to).

You'll be a criminal. Ewww.



Anyway, you people are never pleased. These games the eShop are "worthless" for some of you... LOL.

I guess I'll need to buy an external hard drive, because my Wii U has few space available and the games are coming. Punch Out for 10 sounds like a GREAT deal.