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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 8

5p - RolStoppable
4p - Smeags
3p - AZWification
2p - the-pi-guy
1p - fatslob-:O

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5- fatslob
4- AZwifi
3- the-pi-guy
2- smeags
1- rol

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

5P - Pi Guy
4P - Fatslob
3P - Smeag
2P - AZW
1P - Rol

In the same round as Rol and Smeags? Fuck.....

5p- Rol

4p- Smeags

3p- pi-guy

2p- fatslob

1p- That one guy

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

5p: pi guy
4p: rol
3p: smeags
2p: AZW
1p: FatSlob-:O

easily the hardest round by far, the love i have for these users is almost as much as the love i have for pancakes.

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AZWification said:

In the same round as Rol and Smeags? Fuck.....

5p- Rol

4p- Smeags

3p- pi-guy

2p- fatslob

1p- That one guy

yeah its a tough one for ya. even though i believe you deserve to get through with them :(

Boom, this was an unfortunate round.

5- Smears (Where would we be without the head mod? He's helped me out an awful lot over the past four and a half years, and with things like his comic and the Top 50 thread, that didn't change in 2014)

4- AZWification (Great user who is very active. Always a nice guy to talk to)

3- Rol (A staple of VGC, even if he was a little less active this year)

2-The-Pi-Guy (A fellow Mathematician and Vizioneck member, a great guy who's wanted more on the forums!)

1- Fatslob (Another good user but this is a tough round, sorry)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

5p - AZW (Awesome and active user who I interacted a lot with ever since I joined the site(which was around the same time as him! ^^))
4p - Smeags (I'd say that you're the best mod but Cone and Raven would ban me XD)
3p - Rol (You mean to tell me that I need to give a reason for liking Rol?)
2p - Pi guy (a great user all-round, bonus points for the Bleach avatar!)
1p - fatslob (Also a great user, Only placed so low because there's only 5 places ): )

5p - RolStoppable ( funny person )
4p - AZWification
3p - Smeags
2p - the-pi-guy
1p - fatslob-:O ( never seen you before )

Pocky Lover Boy! 

5 Rol
3 Smeags
2 fat slob
1 the pi guy

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