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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony uses Super Smash Bros. 4 art to celebrate 20 years of PlayStation.

baloofarsan said:
HollyGamer said:
Euphoria14 said:
HollyGamer said:
Well if Nintendo is not offended by the picture, why the fans trying to make like a war and blame SONY? It's a click bait article .

That's because finding the most pointless things to bitch and complain about is the entire point when it comes to visiting gaming related forums.

It's almost like visiting the Yahoo sports comment sections.

Yup the sad truth about some of the bad side of Journalism.

Someone cared enough to remove the picture.

Great, then everything is settled.

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The Fury said:
XanderXT said:
The Fury said:

I took a look at the article, one of the Animaniacs are there as well. Guess they didn't draw that either. They should be sued for all the money they made for 20 years.


Wakko. Just next to Tomba... Wakko isn't their character, so WB should sue.


... it's a joke. Who cares.

EDIT: Infact did a little google search. If you search Megaman currently, the 2nd image that appears is the one used, a huge PNG image with a transparent background. Perfect for putting in the image. I'm not surprised it was used.

Animaniac picture also removed!

Croc is also removed.

...and a picture above mr Buzz is also gone.

...and something has been removed from Big Daddys (Bioshock) shoulder (right side). Probably Braid.

Around the Network
Euphoria14 said:
Samus Aran said:
Serious_frusting said:
Excuse sony for having characters that have been on the playstation platforman for over the last 20 years.

The version of characters does not really matter. If anything people need to stop whining and open up to the fact that sony is thr market leader and is showing people characters that they may not have ever seen.

Yeah, like Travis Touchdown.

Sorry, this whole pic is very lazy and some very doubtful game characters on there! 

No More Heroes WAS on PS3, so what's your point?

The picture is only meant to show characters from various titles that appeared on Playstation over the course of the last 20 years, whether they be huge franchises or not.

Talk about people making a big issue out of a total non-issue.

Yeah, a remake of a franchise that was made on Wii because of the controller. Travis shouldn't be there and I spotted more out of place characters. They should've just stuck with their iconic cast like FF (has a big history on PS consoles), Crash, Spyro, Sackboy, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Okami and many more. 

I don't mind that Mega Man is on there, but at least make sure you don't use his model from Super Smash Bros. lol... People would bitch about Nintendo if they released a similar picture with their cast and also showed someone like Crash Bandicoot. 

This is like a find five faults game.
Image from Nintendolife.
Sony site.

Weak form from Sony but Smash is still leagues better than Sony's attempt at Smash Bros.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

...and something has been removed from the right corner. Above Meile (Valiant Hearts)

AZWification said:
Gilgamesh said:

Big deal they copied out Megan man to put in their pic who cares? Megan mans not a Nintendo exclusive character.

Who is this Megan Man that you keep talking about, sir?