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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For better or worse, Uncharted is a blatant copy of Tomb Raider.

d21lewis said:
The Fury said:
Yeah, pull the other one. Next you'll be telling me Saints Row is a copy of GTA or Forza is a copy of Gran Turismo.

Forza and Gran Turismo both rip off Mario Kart 64.  Select a vehicle and drive around?  Sound familiar?


And Saints Row and GTA are both rip offs of Mario Kart 64.  Drive a vehicle and cause mischief?  Sound familar?


I rest my case.

Since mario kart wasnt the first videogame made where you got to play in a car...  By your logic mario kart then copies off other games.  We could go on and on. It is just postmodernism.  We are beyond something completely unique.  Every game is just an evolution of what has come before and it is unlikely to change at all. 

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This is a very insightful thread, d21! I've never looked at the situation from this angle!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I have been reviewing all of the evidence presented in the OP and the other posts...

I think that there might be a sliver of truth to it. Both of the games have something similar in nature about them.

I will study the situation for another few weeks and get back to you.

It is near the end of the end....

d21lewis said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
It's been known for years since the game was created that it was supposed to be the male version of Tomb Raider.

It makes me laugh when people say Tomb Raider copied Uncharted when the series has been around way longer xD

having said that though, just because Uncharted is the male version of Tomb Raider,it doesnt make them bad games

And that's pretty much how I see things, too.  I don't know when things changed but, when I was younger, I WANTED more games to be like the games I loved.  When I became a fan of Double Dragon, I loved playing games like Renegade, Streets of Rage, or Final Fight.  When I liked Gradius, games like Axelay, Mag Max, and Thunderforce were welcome in my library.  I used to go from Mario Kart 64 to Crash Team Racing without a second thought.  Nowadays, people see two games of a similar genre and suddenly "Game X makes Game Y look like total shit!"

Why is everybody so threatened these days?  

For everybody that somehow couldn't tell, this wasn't a serious thread (but as the saying goes, "a lot of truth is said in jest".).  I can't wait to play both Tomb Raider and Uncharted in the near future.  The more the merrier, I say.

Yeah, just like Halo copied Metroid, but made it suitable for dumb people.

I kid, I kid! 


PwerlvlAmy said:
d21lewis said:

And that's pretty much how I see things, too.  I don't know when things changed but, when I was younger, I WANTED more games to be like the games I loved.  When I became a fan of Double Dragon, I loved playing games like Renegade, Streets of Rage, or Final Fight.  When I liked Gradius, games like Axelay, Mag Max, and Thunderforce were welcome in my library.  I used to go from Mario Kart 64 to Crash Team Racing without a second thought.  Nowadays, people see two games of a similar genre and suddenly "Game X makes Game Y look like total shit!"

Why is everybody so threatened these days?  

For everybody that somehow couldn't tell, this wasn't a serious thread (but as the saying goes, "a lot of truth is said in jest".).  I can't wait to play both Tomb Raider and Uncharted in the near future.  The more the merrier, I say.

People are threatened now a days because they feel too much brand or fan loyalty towards something. They feel if they defend their favorite brand or favorite game hard enough,it somehow fills this void or they'll get cookies from the brand or game they're defending.


All Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo fans do this. Everyone has done this at least once in their gaming life,however some people can never stop doing it.


I like both Tomb Raider(have since it was created) and Uncharted(to an extent). I like the Tomb Raider franchise more than Uncharted,but I won't call the games bad because of that, you know?

Good post. It's quite sad

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Learning from other games only moves the industry forward in terms of quality of games

even though i know this is mostly satire

d21lewis said:
The Fury said:
Yeah, pull the other one. Next you'll be telling me Saints Row is a copy of GTA or Forza is a copy of Gran Turismo.

Forza and Gran Turismo both rip off Mario Kart 64.  Select a vehicle and drive around?  Sound familiar?


And Saints Row and GTA are both rip offs of Mario Kart 64.  Drive a vehicle and cause mischief?  Sound familar?


I rest my case.

Thread should've ended after this.

I fucking knew it. Nothing naughty dog makes is original. Crash is the same as gears of War :p

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Sooner or later will find out they're actually cousins.

Some how I think this is all linked to how we have been growing our potatoes. Just saying.