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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony proves Vita lives on - 16 Vita games announced at PSX

Wright said:

You can think it is pointless if you want, but doesn't make my point any less valid.


"made specifically to artificially reduce the value of a particular piece of hardware."


It's the opposite, actually. Exclusives improve the value of a particular piece of hardware. I don't see anyone running to the store to get a Vita for Shovel Knight. I could see people running to the store to get more Vita-exclusive Uncharted games. You get the difference?

I was talking about the argument and you know it. Like I said, this is apointless.


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Ninsect said:
kupomogli said:
Ninsect said:

Let's just say that Vita's lineup is good news for current owners but it won't get many to buy a Vita for the games. It keeps current owners very happy though

I'm a Vita owner and I'm not happy with the system.

You're hard to please

The list above doesn't even include all the Japanese support PSV is getting

You mean the games we're never going to get.  I'm interested in playing Phantasy Star Nova.  Oh.  Look at this.

I could import it and I might, but it's text heavy enough to be an annoyance.

GribbleGrunger said:

I was talking about the argument and you know it. Like I said, this is apointless.

About what argument?

Nice to see, although I would much prefer games developed specifically for the Vita in mind. Yes I love remote play and the PS One classics(although some classics are conspicuously missing ie Tenchu, Gran Turismo etc) but how about something in the same caliber as Uncharted : GA, Killzone Mercenary and Gravity Rush? Such a powerful handheld with an amazing screen is not being used to its full advantage.

Wright said:

About what argument?

Jesus Christ. Let's stop shall we.


The PS5 Exists. 

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What happened to Gravity Rush 2????

GribbleGrunger said:

Jesus Christ. Let's stop shall we.

If you say so.

Résident Evilation 2 not coming on 3DS but on Vita is unexpected

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


V-r0cK said:
What happened to Gravity Rush 2????

It's being cancelled on the Vita and ported with 50% more content to the PS4.  No word on whether this is true or not, but more than likely it is.

First of all, I'm so grateful to Sony for helping Schafer secure the rights to Grim Fandango and for bringing Day of the Tentacle and Broken Age to PS4. Also, Suikoden II on PS3 is a dream come true.

That said, this line-up is far from impressive. I can play almost all of these games on my PC, my PS4, or, in the case of Shovel Knight, my Wii U. Severed is the big exception. After Guacamelee, I'm excited to see what Drinkbox can do with a dungeon crawler.

As a multi-console owner, though, I'd trade almost all of these Vita titles for Gravity Rush 2 or a new Wipeout game designed from the ground up for the Vita.