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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How much are you willing to pay for a digital game?


How much money are you willing to pay por a digital game?

1 11 6.92%
2 1 0.63%
5 4 2.52%
10 13 8.18%
15 17 10.69%
20 32 20.13%
30 45 28.30%
50 25 15.72%
100 2 1.26%
All of the money. 9 5.66%

Well, digital media is slowly becoming the prominent form of distribution in gaming. The big majority of PC sales are digital thanks to Steam and other serices, mobile and tablet are fully digital (duh) and consoles are going slowly towards the digital. They need better prices and stronger online networks to handle it, but they are making progress.

However, a digital game doesn't have the same value than a phisical copy. With that said, hoy much morney are you willing to spend on a digital game? How much would be the limit that would make you buy the phisical copy instead of a digital one?

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£15 for a digital game. If I'm gonna spend anything over that I want to get a physical copy.


$20 since I usually just buy older PC games or indies.

People need to learn that value is absolutely subjective. I don't have shelfspace anymore which makes digital games more valuable to my situation.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Il buy physical until it becomes unavailable. At that time, $50? Id like to see figures on how much it costs a to make a physical game.

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I buy all my games digitally and there's a cost to that. So how much? More than I'd pay for retail.

5$. Why even bother with anything else? When Steam offers them at that price point eventually. Digital has no value to me. Since I can't have it in my hands.

For a new AAA game I'm willing to pay €50, which is €10-€20 less than a new AAA game on disc.

I buy digital games quite often but only if the price is on sale. I'd never buy full price on digital because then it compensates buying physical so I can probably sell it later if I want.

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...

I buy all of my AAA games for $5 (or less) on Steam. It doesn't matter what it is, the Ultimate GOTY Edition with 5 Expansions is still only worth $5 and not a penny more.