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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware 22nd of November 2014

CGI-Quality said:
Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:


You're kidding right? Critics are less critical for PS4 games... If Nintendo ever released a broken game like Assassins Creed: Unity or Driveclub it would get destroyed by these critics. It wouldn't come close to 74%.

And the reason Driveclub scores so low is because the game is broken, not because of XBOX fanboys. Though I will admit that this does happen for other games, but I didn't cite those. 

No one can know who's actually voting in the userscore, but one thing's for sure - due to that, it can't be used as any realistic measure of player satisfaction. 

In a lot of cases this is true, but I think the user score for Nintendo games is pretty accurate. 

Around the Network
Samus Aran said:
Kerotan said:
Samus Aran said:
Teeqoz said:
Samus Aran said:

Driveclub doesn't work properly (5.5 user score on metacritic lol) and Knack is crap. 

I'll specify: good IP! 

The fact that you used Metacritic userscore to support your argument pretty much discredits everything you say.

The fact that you think Driveclub isn't a broken mess descredits everything you say.


Look at user scores of NIntendo games, they're almost always the same as the critic score. So are you saying the critic score also holds no value? 

that's because every PS exclusive on Metacritic has a load of Xbox fanboys giving it a zero user score and every Xbox exclusive has PS fanboys giving it a load of zero scores. 

Look at all the hyped up exclusives and look at all the zero ratings. Wii doesn't get that because that console is utterly irrelivant to the average fanboy. And I believe the same happens with reiews. Critics are less critical of Wii games compared to PS4/X1. 

You're kidding right? Critics are less critical for PS4 games... If Nintendo ever released a broken game like Assassins Creed: Unity or Driveclub it would get destroyed by these critics. It wouldn't come close to 74%.

And the reason Driveclub scores so low is because the game is broken, not because of XBOX fanboys. Though I will admit that this does happen for other games, but I didn't cite those. 

NO YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT. Because I clearly said "PS exclusive on Metacritic" and "Xbox exclusive".  AC is not an exclusive. Driveclub works online now and has worked perfectly offline since release. The score it go was fair but if you read some of the user critics it's obvious it's mainly fanboys. Half the game is online so the least it can lose for broken online is 5 points in a fair user review. It's a 4/5 game offline so now way can those zero scores be considered legit and a fair reflection on the game. 

And all those zeroes drag it's average down a lot. 

biglittlesps said:

If you think Sonic IP is a crap then why did Nintendo allowed this crap? Most claim Nintendo exclusives as Nintendo seal of quality which is trustable but why this exclusive is crap? What happened to Nintendo seal?

Nintendo has no control over what crappy games Sega makes. Only Nintendo exclusives made by Nintendo have that seal of quality. I don't even trust NIntendo ips made by third parties (Metroid: Other M for example). 

Samus Aran said:
Ninsect said:
Samus Aran said:
Ninsect said:

In that case...Why is Sony a requirement? Plenty of good new IP from 3rd parties.

Because I've always enjoyed Nintendo and Sony's first party line-up a lot more than third party games. Plus I can buy those on my PC, most of them anyway. For me consoles only hold value if they have good exclusive games on it. Of course there are plenty of people out there who see it differently. To each their own. 

But now you call Sony's games crap so clearly something has changed. Maybe you should give 3rd parties a chance. Games like Shadow of Mordor, Far Cry 4 etc.

How good is your PC? Can it run the latest games in better quality than PS4 and as fluidly?

It's better than a PS4 yes (though it's definitely not a state of the art thing). Just because some of Sony's games are crap doesn't mean all of them will be crap. I'm sure Uncharted and the next GoW will be top quality. Shadow of Mordor is on my wish list because I like Lotr, but not a fan of Far Cry. 

There's a world of difference between being "better than a PS4" and running games as well as a PS4.

Then I will mention more games: LBP3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, GTAV (not on PC yet), Alien Isolation, CoD AW and I could go on

The One and Only

biglittlesps said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:
biglittlesps said:
Samus Aran said:
Ninsect said:
Samus Aran said:
Ninsect said:

He probably means that there is no Mario, Zelda or Smash on the systems and thus no games

More like no Nathan Drake, no Kratos, no new IP from Sony, etc.

Although I would love a Zelda like game on the PS4. Darksiders I & II is what comes closest on the 7th gen consoles sadly (or Okami HD, but that's a remake). You'd think this genre would be a lot more popular given how great such games can be. And sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not a big Smash fan. Though the PS4 could use a good Kart racer à la Mario Kart. I loved Crash Team Racing when I was younger. 

And yeah, the PS4 could use a decent 3D platformer instead of that Knack crap. And that game sold way too well, even if we ignore the fact that it came bundled in Japan. So there's definitely a market for it on the PS4. 

DriveClub is a new IP. Knack is a new IP. Nathan Drake is next year. Kratos will be there.

Driveclub doesn't work properly (5.5 user score on metacritic lol) and Knack is crap. 

I'll specify: good IP! 

DriveClub single completely player works and Multiplayer works (except challenges and with some issues most of the time now). User score on metacritic is stupid way to asses a game and if you are a racing fan then you will surely like DriveClub. Also Knack is not a crap and its just that game was made very simple gameplay controls with childrens mind as co-op instead of hardcore game. So every review complained only the gameplay is simple and boring for hardcore gamers but everything else is good with good content overall like an average game. That's why it sold reasonably even though half of them are bundled still people bought it and its not a crap game (Recent Sonic game from Wii U is what a crap means).

I think just the ip sonic is crap in general XD

If you think Sonic IP is a crap then why did Nintendo allowed this crap? Most claim Nintendo exclusives(I know this is not Nintendo IP but its a exclusive for their plaform with a deal from SEGA) as Nintendo seal of quality which is trustable but why this exclusive is crap? What happened to Nintendo seal?

I think Nintendo just signed the deal of 3 sonic games just to raise sales

since hey its sonic XD

but all of them are crappy

should have signed a deal with square to make mario rpg 2 :(


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

Around the Network
Kerotan said:

NO YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT. Because I clearly said "PS exclusive on Metacritic" and "Xbox exclusive".  AC is not an exclusive. Driveclub works online now and has worked perfectly offline since release. The score it go was fair but if you read some of the user critics it's obvious it's mainly fanboys. Half the game is online so the least it can lose for broken online is 5 points in a fair user review. It's a 4/5 game offline so now way can those zero scores be considered legit and a fair reflection on the game. 

And all those zeroes drag it's average down a lot. 

Those zeroes are people who were angry that half the game didn't work when they bought the game. Completely normal reaction, I'd be pissed too! I wouldn't give Rome Total War II a higher score than a 4 because of how bad it was at launch and I haven't played it since. 

Samus Aran said:
biglittlesps said:

If you think Sonic IP is a crap then why did Nintendo allowed this crap? Most claim Nintendo exclusives as Nintendo seal of quality which is trustable but why this exclusive is crap? What happened to Nintendo seal?

Nintendo has no control over what crappy games Sega makes. Only Nintendo exclusives made by Nintendo have that seal of quality. I don't even trust NIntendo ips made by third parties (Metroid: Other M for example). 

I know its not their IP and development studio but they have limited 3rd party suppport and Sonic is very old and popular IP for many so they should have some control on this as its exclusive instead they just let the SEGA to make crap game as exclusive.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

CGI-Quality said:
Samus Aran said:
CGI-Quality said:

No one can know who's actually voting in the userscore, but one thing's for sure - due to that, it can't be used as any realistic measure of player satisfaction. 

In a lot of cases this is true, but I think the user score for Nintendo games is pretty accurate. 

Could be, but I still wouldn't look to it if I was on the fence about a game, regardless of how they rate it.

Oh, I never do that! I don't even look at reviews to decide if I buy something or not. I just look at gameplay vids! Too often have I been deceived by good reviews. The only reason I watch reviews is for entertainment (and I mostly watch independent reviewers on youtube, they don't feature on metacritic). 

I see metacritic as a nice compliment to a game I liked (or an insult if the metacritic score is too low for me). 

The thread has been derailed.

For the sake of the scroll bar, fix your quote trees people!!!!

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz