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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Convince Me To Buy Elite Beat Agents


I've heard nothing but good things about this game, but for whatever reason, I am still hesitant about picking it up.

I need to know what all the hub-bub is about.

What kind of game is this? I haven't a clue, and right now am too lazy to look up screenshots or reviews. I'm guessing it is some sort of music-based game. What would you compare it to?

Make me buy this game! 

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Dolla Dolla said:


I've heard nothing but good things about this game, but for whatever reason, I am still hesitant about picking it up.

I need to know what all the hub-bub is about.

What kind of game is this? I haven't a clue, and right now am too lazy to look up screenshots or reviews. I'm guessing it is some sort of music-based game. What would you compare it to?

Make me buy this game!

 You will never be able to play this style of game anywhere else... It's fun, if you can stand horrible music.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

Count me in!!!!

Convince me and Dolla Dolla to get this game :)

Heres a gameplayvideo, its a very addicting game

EBA is a "rhythm-action" game, which in this case requires you to tap circles and traces lines to the beat of the music with your stylus. It is from Inis, the makers of Gitaroo Man, which is one of the greatest console rhythm-action games around.

If you've played games such as Space Channel 5, Parappa the Rapper, Umjammer Lammy or the like, you'll understand the basic concept. EBA throws in some pretty amusing cut-scenes to go along with the gameplay, which is indeed a lot of fun. Opinions of the soundtrack may vary (I'm not a fan), but the game is still great.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Around the Network

>. It is from Inis, the makers of Gitaroo Man, which is one of the greatest console rhythm-action games around.

Of course, if you don't count Guitar Hero series or Rockband. ;)

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

Okay I read up on the game at and they gave this game a 9.5/10

Here is what the closing comments were:

Westerners who've played the original Osu! Tatake! Oendan! might end up a little disappointed that the Nintendo of America version might lack the kitschy Japanese flavor with its bandana-adorned personal cheerleaders and incomprehensible J-pop tunes accomodating the quirky, lost-in-translation stories. But even with new characters, popular Western tunes, and plots that actually make sense, Elite Beat Agents retains the awesome, addictive gameplay core.

And let's be honest: the Elite Beat Agents are too cool for school and could kick those pansy bathrobe-wearing cheerleaders' asses any day of the week.

The Ratings:

10 Presentation

Totally energetic and over the top, but it absolutely works to the game's style and theme.

9.0 Graphics

2D comic book artwork accompanies the dancing skills of 3D Elite Beat Agent models.

9.5 Sound

High quality, original covers of popular and classic Top 10 songs. The only complaint is that the occasional song might not have been the best choice for the game.

9.5 Gameplay

Apart from the "spin the wheel" mechanic that's been known to break screens, this is an original and clever "tap to the beat" design that's incredibly rewarding and addictive.

9.0 Lasting Appeal

The game's 18-plus song track list definitely limits Elite Beat Agent's length, but the addition of four player multiplayer and four difficulty levels keeps things hot 'n heavy for a while.

Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)

And it has IGN Editors Choice Award!!


pichu_pichu said:



Heres a gameplayvideo, its a very addicting game

Whoa ... that does look pretty fun.

I might have to check this out, for real.

kingofwale said:
>. It is from Inis, the makers of Gitaroo Man, which is one of the greatest console rhythm-action games around.

Of course, if you don't count Guitar Hero series or Rockband. ;)

I don't, in this case.  They're not of the same genre.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I'm so seriously going to freaking buy this game.

Like it is so suberrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Dolla Dolla I recommend and some other users that posted in this thread, you to get this game, bro :D