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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

padib said:

He thinks that the sales were bound to end up like shit but that Ubi made the right decision what is so hard to understand about that??

He wants Ubi to go for broke I thought that's what you wanted...

He contradicting himself, that's what's wrong with it. He's saying Ubi made the right business decision by delaying the game while implying that the right business decision would actually have been to cancel the game altogether. So which is it?

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padib said:

No he's right. They made the right decision because that way they can drive the company into the ground.

Well they're doing a bang-up job of it, in at least some manner if not financially.

You really can't blame Wii U owners for not buying this one.
1. The Delay. Most wii u owners (myself included) bought/borrowed the game and played it on another system.
2. Ubisoft unintentionally disrespecting what little wii u fanbase they had ("Mature Games just don't sell on the Wii U" or my favorite BS "We have a game already made and ready for launch on the Wii U. But we're not going to release it."
3. Other BS we've had to put up with from other third party devs (Remember the Arkham Origins Season Pass fiasco?)

Gaaaaaaawd, so much fuss on this board for a game that was never going to do sh*t on a Nintendo platform.

Can some people stop acting like a jilted lover about Watch Dogs U? It was *never* going to sell great, not even if it released day and date with the other versions and had some awesomey touch-screen bonuses.

It would bomb in that scenario, it's bombed now. Who cares. Call of Duty sold like crap on the Wii U too, and those ports were decent, day and date, and even had cool Wiimote functionality. Why would Watch Dogs do any better when COD is a far bigger franchise?

Nintendo themselves can't sell M-rated content on the Wii U, Bayonetta flopped, Fatal Frame flopped in Japan and probably will inevitably flop in the West if Nintendo ever decides to localize.

I mean really nothing on the system sells unless Mario or Link are in it. Even things like DKC, Wonderful 101, Rayman, and Pikmin 3 haven't sold great.

The audience for games like Watch Dogs is 99.99% on either Playstation or XBox. Nintendo does not factor into the equation and haven't for years, just accept it and move on. 

Edited title for clarity.

As for the content of the article... lol. I understand that it is indeed a less desirable product in its current state, but we've seen late ports before perform much better than this. We'll have to see if sales pick up when it reaches the £15-£20 mark but as it is, even with lowered expectations, this is poor.

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I would have bought it. and I did have it preorded.

Then than cancelled the vigilante edition on Wii U, so I switched to PS3 version.

Launching now is stupid also.

Pokemon released and smash released.

Then those who have other consoles, PS4 has burnt about $600 in my wallet in November haha



ZTxGhost said:
You really can't blame Wii U owners for not buying this one.
1. The Delay. Most wii u owners (myself included) bought/borrowed the game and played it on another system.
2. Ubisoft unintentionally disrespecting what little wii u fanbase they had ("Mature Games just don't sell on the Wii U" or my favorite BS "We have a game already made and ready for launch on the Wii U. But we're not going to release it."
3. Other BS we've had to put up with from other third party devs (Remember the Arkham Origins Season Pass fiasco?)

To be fair, Watch Dogs isn't worth buying or playing regardless of the platform.

mature games can't sell on WiiU unless they're exclusives, meta 90+ and pushed by the publisher, the press and the fans...

i think everyone can agree that if its not mario and friends, nobody will buy it.

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KLXVER said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Tachikoma said:
its as much the fact that nintendo fans rarely buy third party games as it is the delay / price.

If it launched alongside the ps4/xbo version it would have still bombed.

Exactly. It barely matters how late or early it launched.

Rayman Legends sold better on the WiiU...

It sold better on the PS3, the xbox one/ps4 were not out when it released, and despite being launched much later the PS4 version only 70k behind the WiiU version.