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Gaaaaaaawd, so much fuss on this board for a game that was never going to do sh*t on a Nintendo platform.

Can some people stop acting like a jilted lover about Watch Dogs U? It was *never* going to sell great, not even if it released day and date with the other versions and had some awesomey touch-screen bonuses.

It would bomb in that scenario, it's bombed now. Who cares. Call of Duty sold like crap on the Wii U too, and those ports were decent, day and date, and even had cool Wiimote functionality. Why would Watch Dogs do any better when COD is a far bigger franchise?

Nintendo themselves can't sell M-rated content on the Wii U, Bayonetta flopped, Fatal Frame flopped in Japan and probably will inevitably flop in the West if Nintendo ever decides to localize.

I mean really nothing on the system sells unless Mario or Link are in it. Even things like DKC, Wonderful 101, Rayman, and Pikmin 3 haven't sold great.

The audience for games like Watch Dogs is 99.99% on either Playstation or XBox. Nintendo does not factor into the equation and haven't for years, just accept it and move on.