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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All The HIGHEST Rated Games of All Time (95+ Only) and Developers...

I'm happy it's such a broad mix of genres and visual styles. :)

There really is something for everyone in there.

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Ka-pi96 said:
haqqaton said:
Four Zelda's! This IP has a strong seal of quality. If it's Zelda, it just can't be a bad game. =)

Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon say hi

Psss.. do not mention... =)

GTAexpert said:
haqqaton said:
Four Zelda's! This IP has a strong seal of quality. If it's Zelda, it just can't be a bad game. =)

Same can be said for many other series like God Of War, Uncharted and BioShock.

Yeap^ i added only the 95+ but if i did 90+ all 3 uncharted, GoW, and Bioshock would join up. (also more Zelda :p

BraLoD said:
RenCutypoison said:
BraLoD said:

Gran Turismo 3 was double posted there.
Majora's Mask as well.

They both deserve it.

Haven't played MM yet, but GT3 was great :)

Dead @ the Zelda guy getting clocked multiple times.

Nintendo rightfully with the most games.

Around the Network
tbone51 said:
BraLoD said:

Gran Turismo 3 was double posted there.
Majora's Mask as well.


You're missing the portable games. Well, specifically the GBA games, as DS and PSP didn't have any. GBA had The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, and a Tony Hawk game.

BraLoD said:
tbone51 said:
BraLoD said:

Haven't played MM yet, but GT3 was great :)

I'm definitely going for the original version on the 64 when I give it a try.
I don't want to form my opinion over a remake

Just get the remake, its looking alot better and it'll have nice additional features, nintendo is one of the best when it comes to remakes, especially pokemon :0

shikamaru317 said:
Isn't Halo 3 95+? I don't see it on your list for Bungie.

It barely missed the cut

OOT 99?

I'm still waiting for the time when Nintendo hits the jackpot with 100!!!!! (possibly next year. You know, ZELDA!)

BraLoD said:
RenCutypoison said:

They both deserve it.

Haven't played MM yet, but GT3 was great :)

Well, since 3D was announced, you have now have an excuse