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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Wright said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Here's my hint for #50:

A console remake of the first game in this franchise, which is getting its fourth installment next week.

Geometry Wars?

Good guess! Far Cry Instincts is the answer.

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Mummelmann said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Here's a quick and easy hint for my game #50:

Second game of a series featuring a ninja named Ryu.

Ninja Gaiden!

I'm surprised I didn't go bald trying to finish the original on NES...

Got it. I never played the first game but the second has it's share of hair tearing moments too.

Signature goes here!

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Here's my hint for #50:

A console remake of the first game in this franchise, which is getting its fourth installment next week.

Far Cry?

Signature goes here!

Veknoid_Outcast said:
S.Peelman said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Your hints are diabolical, Peelman

Is it an Intellivision game?

Last year this game actually got guessed by someone. I think by Smeags, but I'm not sure. I was shocked myself. There isn't really any way to make it easier, because I don't think that there's more than a handful of people that know this game given it's age. In fact, the first 5 games of my list are probably extremely hard to guess, and I included them because of their meaning to me personally.

You are correct about the generation this game is in, though not the console it was on. The console I mean is the Atari 2600's biggest competitor in Europe, the Magnavox Odyssey2, called the Phillips G7000 in Europe (and a variety of combinations of those names in other regions of the world).

@ your hint:

Far Cry? After a bit of thinking .

Is it UFO?

@ your guess: correct :) it's Far Cry Instincts, for Xbox

Yay !

And nope, I'm afraid. Though indeed also not exactly the same in both regions, both at least still have the same main theme. The game I mean on the other hand, has the US version centuries apart from the European version .

I'll be honest I left out a few of my favorites in order to give each franchise a spot of its own. I probably would have put a couple more GoW games and R&C games in my list honestly lol

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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Wright said:
Scoobes said:
My no. 50 is one of the last classic style wRPGs, and sequel to a Bioware game.

Baldur's Gate 2?

No, the first was a Bioware game, but they didn't develop the sequel.

platformmaster918 said:
I'll be honest I left out a few of my favorites in order to give each franchise a spot of its own. I probably would have put a couple more GoW games and R&C games in my list honestly lol

I reduced a few franchises myself for the same reason.  Of course, within minutes of sending my finalized list to Smeags I remembered 4 great games that I didn't throw on there.  My official list may indeed look a bit different than my published list afterall...

KLXVER said:
Peggle. A game that makes heroin look like a casual hobby...

That's actually a pretty fun game, though I always played it on PC. It's by far my most played of 'those' kind of games .

S.Peelman said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Is it UFO?

@ your guess: correct :) it's Far Cry Instincts, for Xbox

Yay !

And nope, I'm afraid. Though indeed also not exactly the same in both regions, both at least still have the same main theme. The game I mean on the other hand, has the US version centuries apart from the European version .

Showdown in 2100 AD!

Scoobes said:

No, the first was a Bioware game, but they didn't develop the sequel.

KOTOR 2!!!


EDIT: though, if you're talking about classic wRPG, àla D&D, could it be Neverwinter Nights 2?