artur-fernand said:
Anyway, here's my next game:
#46: Burnout Paradise (Criterion Games, 2008) - PC (also available on PS3 and Xbox 360)

I've been familiar with the series ever since I laid my eyes on Burnout 3 via a trailer or something. I fell in love with the game, but didn't have a PS2 back then, but when I got one, I made sure to get Burnout Revenge (which was the latest Burnout). I'd later get Dominator as well, but it was Paradise that wowed me the most (even though Revenge and 3 gave me some amazing multiplayer sessions).
I believe it was two things: first of all, they got rid of boring modes from previous games: Crash, Traffic Attack from Revenge, etc. It was just Races, Road Rage, Stunt Run, Time Attacks and Marked Man. While I wasn't a fan of Stunt Runs, everything else was incredibly fun. Races and Road Rages don't need introduction and Marked Man had some intense shit by the time you got to the end, with five, six cars trying to take you down. And I usually despise Time Attacks, but thanks to the open-worlded nature of the game, I could make whatever route I wished, which was awesome.
Ah yes, the open-world... I thought it was MUCH better than the menus of previous games, and it really contributed to the WOW factor. Sadly, there was no split-screen multiplayer, which is pretty stupid for a racing game... oh well, it's still my favorite racing game ever (spoiler, there are no more racers on the list).
It's been SIX YEARS, and no sign of a brand new Burnout... Need for Speed Most Wanted was kinda similar, but it's not the same... for one thing, races have a determined route, which is lame.
...oh yeah, there were also motorcycles... who gives a fuck?