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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Visual hint for #49:

+ + = ?

Samus Kong New York City Rampage?

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Visual hint for #49:

+ + = ?

Samus Kong New York City Rampage?


No, but I'd like to play that game!

TruckOSaurus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Visual hint for #49:

+ + = ?

Samus Kong New York City Rampage?

Probably Retro City Rampage...

celador said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:


I think "best karting game that doesn't include Mario" hits the nail on the head. In fact, I'd argue DKR is superior to its N64 contemporary, Mario Kart 64.

Well, I have MK64 higher up on my list, just because it was the first racing game I ever played and I played so much of it.  But if I were to compare them now with nostalgia removed from the equation, I may agree

Fair enough. Both awesome games

Do you think we'll ever get a sequel to DKR?

KLXVER said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Samus Kong New York City Rampage?

Probably Retro City Rampage...


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Veknoid_Outcast said:
celador said:

Well, I have MK64 higher up on my list, just because it was the first racing game I ever played and I played so much of it.  But if I were to compare them now with nostalgia removed from the equation, I may agree

Fair enough. Both awesome games

Do you think we'll ever get a sequel to DKR?

I think it has been too long at this point, and I wouldn't think it would attract many sales honestly on the same console where you already have Mario Kart 8

Wright said:

Hint for #48:

Saying "Yes" is the same as Jumping.

Portal 2

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

AstroGamer said:
Wright said:

Hint for #48:

Saying "Yes" is the same as Jumping.

Portal 2


Veknoid_Outcast said:
S.Peelman said:

I don't know any of you guys' clues .
Except mtachi's Mario 64 clue, but that one's already guessed .

Anyway, for anyone that still dares to try to guess this extremely obscure game, here's an extra hint before I'll put it up in a couple hours.

Game #49

Original hint: This game, to my knowledge only playable on a platform not exactly known for gaming (unless you're talking about the mobile platform), is in fact mostly a clone of an older NES game. It involves making blocks as platforms, getting the key and exiting the level.

Extra hint: In that original NES puzzle/action game, the player character is a wizard. In the 'clone' game I'm talking about, the player character is a red humanoid robot instead.

I assume Solomon's Key is the original? I can't for the life of me figure out the clone :(

The NES game being Solomon's Key is correct, so credits for that. I myself didn't even figure out until a year or two ago that this game I mean was in fact mostly a clone of it. My aunt even had Solomon's Key!

Anyway, don't beat yourself for not knowing this game . It wasn't guessed last year either. In fact, I think the people that actually played the game could be counted on both hands. I mean, who has ever heard of 'Step On It!, released for the Mac in 1996 ?

S.Peelman said:

The NES game being Solomon's Key is correct, so credits for that. I myself didn't even figure out until a year or two ago that this game I mean was in fact mostly a clone of it. My aunt even had Solomon's Key!

Anyway, don't beat yourself for not knowing this game . It wasn't guessed last year either. In fact, I think the people that actually played the game could be counted on both hands. I mean, who has ever heard of 'Step On It!, released for the Mac in 1996 ?

Your games are too complicated! >:(