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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Mr_No said:

No one can't say good games don't come early into a console generation, and this classic from the 6th is no exception.

"Hey, let's get this out of here. God knows what it is, but he seems to want it badly enough so it must be worth something."

"That scumbag, McAffrey. He took more bribes than anyone. He thinks he's gonna get an honorable discharge if he turns State evidence."

"Then take his car, respray it. I want compensation for this insult!"

"And here she is. The one and only Queen of Sheba."

Even another hint for the #16: Probably the most important game at the start of the generation, since it took sandbox gaming to a whole new level.

GTA 3.

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soulfly666 said:
Mr_No said:

No one can't say good games don't come early into a console generation, and this classic from the 6th is no exception.

"Hey, let's get this out of here. God knows what it is, but he seems to want it badly enough so it must be worth something."

"That scumbag, McAffrey. He took more bribes than anyone. He thinks he's gonna get an honorable discharge if he turns State evidence."

"Then take his car, respray it. I want compensation for this insult!"

"And here she is. The one and only Queen of Sheba."

Even another hint for the #16: Probably the most important game at the start of the generation, since it took sandbox gaming to a whole new level.

GTA 3.


#17 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

I've always had a distaste for handheld gaming ever since Metroid II always made me blind on the original GameBoy but when I heard there was a sequel to my beloved A Link to the Past coming on the 3DS I couldn't help but surrender (that and Smash sealed the deal).

I can safely say that this title alone could have been enough to justify my purchase. This game is fantastic, reusing the overwold from ALTP but filling it with brand new ideas from top to bottom. The turn into a painting mechanic is fun and clever, the dungeons are creative and well designed, the items rental mechanic works well, the side quests are actually useful (gotta love those upgraded items!). The only reason I haven't ranked it even higher is that it still hasn't passed the test of multiple playthroughs like other titles have.

Signature goes here!

#16 Hint: BETRAYAL, you traitorous swine.

Signature goes here!

#17 - The last ...... is in captivity

#16 - Difficult in single player, impossible in co-op

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KLXVER said:
#17 - The last ...... is in captivity

#16 - Difficult in single player, impossible in co-op

#17 - Badgenome.

#16 - Battletoads.

#16 - I'm not a shooter fan, and I never expected to love this game so much. I'm not a good shooter multiplayer competitor, but i found this game to be perfect for my skill-set. It helped that the multiplayer for this game is perfect, loved the maps, loved the classes and weapons. My wife also enjoyed this game so much, she was my spotter throughout almost 500 hours of Rush. We also enjoyed BF3, spent hundreds of hours on it.

That's why BF4 was such a huge disappointment, played that one for a few hours, I believe my rank is 7... BF4 Premium Pass was also the worst money ever spent, bought it automatically based on previous experience, which sealed my opinion on Season Passes (I will never buy another one ever again).

Player2 said:
KLXVER said:
#17 - The last ...... is in captivity

#16 - Difficult in single player, impossible in co-op

#17 - Badgenome.

#16 - Battletoads.

#16 is correct


KLXVER said:
Player2 said:
KLXVER said:
#17 - The last ...... is in captivity

#16 - Difficult in single player, impossible in co-op

#17 - Badgenome.

#16 - Battletoads.

#16 is correct


And #17 is Super Metroid.


#16 Hint: BETRAYAL, you traitorous swine. 

Extra hint: The sentence above is not from the game but from a popular meme that spawned from it which comments on how cruel a certain game mechanic is.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

#16 Hint: BETRAYAL, you traitorous swine. 

Extra hint: The sentence above is not from the game but from a popular meme that spawned from it which comments on how cruel a certain game mechanic is.

Super Mario World.