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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

#29 - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

One of my favourite games as a kid, Superstar Saga is not like other RPGs. You only control two characters, Mario and Luigi. The familar RPG tropes are there, "potions" and "magic",  turn based battles, item shops, item equips, stats and stat boosts. But what makes Superstar Saga different is the battle system. You could go through every battle in this game without taking any damage because with the right timing any attack can be dodged and enemies will show clear hints on which of the brothers they will attack. When you attack it's also required you have the right timing to do extra damage or pull off your Bros. Attacks which are bascially your magic. The Bros. moves can also be upgraded into Advanced Bros. Moves with enough use. Mario and Luigi also get more attacks as the game goes on including hammers and fire/thunder attacks. Superstar Saga also boosts a great soundtrack, great graphics for the GBA, well written and funny dialouge and a pretty decent plot. The different areas in the Beanbean Kingdom are all well detailed and colourful. Also the bosses, I love all of them, they're all unique (well ALMOST all of them) and they're always fun to fight. While it's not as high on my list now, Superstar Saga is still a very solid game.

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SoulCalibur (DC, 1999)

guessed by KLXVER & TruckOSaurus

Boasting incredible graphics, huge replay value, and a revolutionary "eight-way run" control scheme, SoulCalibur is one of the best fighting games ever made, a rare console port that outdoes the arcade original. Combat is strategic and intense, the characters are varied, and the action is silky smooth and beautiful to watch. One of the highlights of the game is  "Missions Mode," a story mode of sorts where players can complete missions to earn points, which can then be used to unlock concept art and costumes.

Top 3 games so far (by votes):

#1 has 31/50 votes
#2 has 29/50 votes
#3 has 24/50 votes

My lips are sealed.

Smeags said:

Top 3 games so far (by votes):

#1 has 31/50 votes
#2 has 29/50 votes
#3 has 24/50 votes

My lips are sealed.

Meh, we aaaaall know #1 is Ocarina of Time. So predictable...

#2 and 3 have changed somewhat over the last years, but they're probably Mario something

Hint for #27

Highest selling non-heavily bundled game ever

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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BraLoD said:
platformmaster918 said:
Hint for #27

Highest selling non-heavily bundled game ever

It was bundled now in the 8th gen, but it wasn't last gen and I think it topped everything else that also didn't have bundles.

yessir.  It did have a bundle on PS3 at launch I think but not heavily when weighted against 34m units or so.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

#29 was, infact, Pandora's Tower. Which was guessed after much prodding by Leadified, again. There's something strange about Pandora's Tower. It's a game with good gameplay mechanics and a solid concept, and it also manages to pull itself together into quite the complete package. Whilst it might be the "forgotten one" of the Operation Rainfall trio, it's still more than worth it.

#28, are you a boy, or a girl? The title of this game will decide that.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

#28 - The game I'm most glad I bought a Vita, and its sequel is the only reason I'm sad I sold it shortly thereafter, as i didn't get to play it....Who knows, maybe some day in 4-5 years when i get a used Vita for 5€... Needless to say, the best ranked Vita game out of 3 I actually liked on the system.

TruckOSaurus said:
Scoobes said:

29. Third game in a series but deviates heavily from the mechanics of the previous two games.

28. Full blown sequel to a very small game.

28. Portal 2


Conegamer said:
#29 was, infact, Pandora's Tower. Which was guessed after much prodding by Leadified, again. There's something strange about Pandora's Tower. It's a game with good gameplay mechanics and a solid concept, and it also manages to pull itself together into quite the complete package. Whilst it might be the "forgotten one" of the Operation Rainfall trio, it's still more than worth it.

#28, are you a boy, or a girl? The title of this game will decide that.

Pokemon x and y?